Some code cleanup

Version 0.3.24

A bit of code optimization in calcWater()

Added the new Kveik yeast fields to the product editor. Added auto update when a product is loaded. Added extra lines to the checklist about harvest yeast and pitch temperature.

Updated the

In calcWater() the optimum SO4:Cl ratio is taken from the target profile if set, else it's calculated from the BUGU value. Swapped Cl:SO4 to SO4:Cl ratio presentation. Added remark text next to the Optimal SO4:Cl ratio.

Compile fix for Debian Buster.

Updated design notes.

Fixed fatal bug in recipe fermentables.

Version 0.3.23. Maximum fermentation temperature changed to 45 degrees.

(0) -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 tip
