Fri, 03 May 2024 14:14:01 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Fri, 03 May 2024 14:14:01 +0200
changeset 717
parent 553

Add new fermenter adds dummy yeast temperatures. Periodic thermferm unit logging adds the unit alias name. Added Green LED hide color. Moved getglobal.php to dbglobal.php. Adjusted several record types in global and fermenter javascript records so there is less guesswork. Only display control leds and switches for defined equipment.

	Debian Stretch.

All extra libraries and packages are since Debian Strech present in the
standard repository. There is no need for manual downloading and building
packages, only thermferm needs to be build manually.

Using sudo apt-get install the following packages:
    libjson-c-dev, libxml2-dev, mosquitto-clients, libmosquitto-dev, wiringpi,
    i2c-tools, nginx, php-fpm, uuid-dev.

If running over WiFi consider running a local mosquitto server that runs as a
bridge to the main mosquitto server. Install mosquitto.

	Compiling and install.

In the main mbsePi-apps directory run:
    make clean

After configure, see that wiringPi and MQTT are included. Then run:
    sudo make install
    systemctl enable thermferm
    systemctl start thermferm

	Configure nginx.

	Configure local mosquitto.
