
changeset 0
child 34
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bmsd/bms.h	Sat Aug 04 21:19:15 2018 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ * @file bms.h
+ */
+#ifndef	_BMS_H
+#define	_BMS_H
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#include "../config.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <syslog.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <uuid/uuid.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <libgen.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+#include <libxml/parser.h>
+#include <libxml/encoding.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
+#include <mosquitto.h>
+#include <libwebsockets.h>
+#include <mysql/mysql.h>
+#include <json-c/json.h>
+#define MBSE_SS(x) (x)?(x):"(null)"
+#define MQTT_NODE_CONTROL	0x0001			///< Show node control
+ * @brief Configuration structure. Stored in a flat ascii file ~/.bms/bms.config
+ */
+typedef struct _sys_config {
+    char			*bms_name;		///< Brewery name
+    char			*bms_uuid;		///< Brewery uuid
+    char			*mysql_host;		///< MySQL host
+    int				mysql_port;		///< MySQL port
+    char			*mysql_user;		///< MySQL user name
+    char			*mysql_pass;		///< MySQL password
+    char			*mysql_database;	///< MySQL database
+    char			*mqtt_host;		///< MQTT host
+    int				mqtt_port;		///< MQTT port
+    char			*mqtt_user;		///< MQTT username of NULL
+    char			*mqtt_pass;		///< MQTT password of NULL
+} sys_config;
+ * @brief Structure for the nodes. Database table 'nodes'.
+ */
+typedef struct _sys_node_list {
+    struct _sys_node_list	*next;
+    char			*uuid;			///< uuid string
+    char			*node;			///< nodename
+    bool			online;			///< on-line state
+    char			*group_id;		///< group type
+    char			*hardwaremake;		///< hardware make
+    char			*hardwaremodel;		///< hardware model
+    char			*os;			///< os type
+    char			*os_version;		///< os version
+    char			*firmware;		///< application version
+    time_t			firstseen;		///< First seen this session
+    time_t			lastseen;		///< Last seen this session
+    float			temperature;		///< environment temperature
+    float			humidity;		///< environment humidity
+    float			barometer;		///< environment barometer pressure
+    float			gps_latitude;		///< GPS latitude
+    float			gps_longitude;		///< GPS longitude
+    float			gps_altitude;		///< GPS altitude
+    char			*net_address;		///< IPv4 or IPv6 address
+    char			*net_ifname;		///< Interface name
+    int				net_rssi;		///< RSSI value if wireless.
+} sys_node_list;
+ * @brief Fermenting profile steps
+ */
+typedef struct _prof_step {
+    struct _prof_step   	*next;
+    int                 	steptime;               ///< Step time to target in hours
+    int                 	resttime;               ///< Rest time on target in hours
+    float               	target_lo;              ///< Low Target temperature
+    float               	target_hi;              ///< High target temperature
+    int                 	fridge_mode;            ///< Fridge or beer mode
+} prof_step;
+typedef enum
+    FERMENTER_MODE_OFF = 0,		///< Fermenter is off.
+    FERMENTER_MODE_NONE,		///< Fermenter on but does nothing.
+    FERMENTER_MODE_FRIDGE,		///< Fermenter acts as a fridge.
+    FERMENTER_MODE_BEER,		///< Fermenter acts as beer cooler.
+    FERMENTER_MODE_PROFILE,		///< Fermenter runs in profile mode.
+typedef enum
+    FERMENTER_STAGE_PRIMARY = 0,	///< Fermentation primage stage.
+    FERMENTER_STAGE_SECONDARY,		///< Fermenter secondary stage.
+    FERMENTER_STAGE_TERTIARY,		///< Fermenter tertiary stage.
+typedef enum
+    DEVPRESENT_UNDEF = 0,		///< Precence not detectable.
+    DEVPRESENT_NO,			///< Device is missing.
+    DEVPRESENT_YES,			///< Device is present and Ok.
+    DEVPRESENT_ERROR,			///< Device is present but in error state.
+typedef enum
+    ALARM_FLAG_DOOR	= 0x0001,	///< Door open
+    ALARM_FLAG_PSU	= 0x0002,	///< PSU problem
+    ALARM_FLAG_CHILLER	= 0x0100,	///< Chiller too warm
+ * @brief Structure for the fermenters. Stored in database table 'fermenters'.
+ */
+typedef struct _fermenter_list {
+    struct _fermenter_list	*next;
+    char			*uuid;			///< Fixed uuid string
+    char			*alias;			///< Fixed short name
+    char			*node;			///< Fixed node name
+    bool			online;			///< Online status
+    char			*beercode;		///< Beer unique code
+    char			*beername;		///< Beer name in fermenter
+    char			*air_address;		///< Air sensor address
+    char			*air_state;		///< Air sensor state
+    float			air_temperature;	///< Air temperature
+    char			*beer_address;		///< Beer sensor address
+    char			*beer_state;		///< Beer sensor state
+    float			beer_temperature;	///< Beer temperature
+    char			*chiller_address;	///< Chiller sensor address
+    char			*chiller_state;		///< Chiller sensor state
+    float			chiller_temperature;	///< Chiller temperature
+    char			*heater_address;	///< Heater address
+    int				heater_state;		///< Heater state
+    uint64_t			heater_usage;		///< Heater usage
+    char			*cooler_address;	///< Cooler address
+    int				cooler_state;		///< Cooler state
+    uint64_t			cooler_usage;		///> Cooler usage
+    char			*fan_address;		///< Fan address
+    int				fan_state;		///< Fan state
+    uint64_t			fan_usage;		///< Fan usage
+    char			*light_address;		///< Light address
+    int				light_state;		///< Light state
+    uint64_t			light_usage;		///< Light usage
+    char			*door_address;		///< Door address
+    int				door_state;		///< Door state
+    char 			*psu_address;		///< PSU address
+    int				psu_state;		///< PSU state
+    char			*mode;			///< Fermenter mode
+    char			*stage;			///< Fermentation stage
+    uint32_t			alarm;			///< Alarm flag
+    float			setpoint_high;		///< Setpoint high
+    float			setpoint_low;		///< Setpoint low
+    char			*profile_uuid;		///< Profile uuid
+    char			*profile_name;		///< Profile name
+    char			*profile_state;		///< Profile state
+    int				profile_percent;	///< Profile percent done
+    float			profile_inittemp_high;	///< Profile init temp high
+    float			profile_inittemp_low;	///< Profile init temp low
+    char			*profile_steps;		///< Profile steps in JSON
+} sys_fermenter_list;
+typedef enum
+    PROFILE_OFF = 0,			///< Profile not active
+    PROFILE_PAUSE,               	///< Profile pause
+    PROFILE_RUN,               		///< Profile is running
+    PROFILE_DONE,               	///< Profile is finished
+    PROFILE_ABORT,               	///< Profile abort
+ * @brief Strcuture holding a fermentation log entry.
+ */
+typedef struct fermenting_log {
+    char	*datetime;		///< Date/time stamp
+    char	*product_uuid;		///< Product uuid
+    char	*product_code;		///< Product code
+    char	*product_name;		///< Product name
+    float	temperature_air;	///< Temperature air
+    float	temperature_beer;	///< Temperature beer
+    float	temperature_chiller;	///< Temperature chiller (if pressent)
+    float	temperature_room;	///< Temperature room
+    int		heater_power;		///< Heater power 0..100
+    uint64_t	heater_usage;		///< Heater usage counter in seconds.
+    int		cooler_power;		///< Cooler power 0..100
+    uint64_t	cooler_usage;		///< Cooler usage counter in seconds.
+    int		fan_power;		///< Fan power 0 or 100
+    uint64_t	fan_usage;		///< Fan usage counter in seconds
+    float	setpoint_low;		///< Target temperature low
+    float	setpoint_high;		///< Tarhet temperature high
+    char	*mode;			///< Working mode.
+    char	*stage;			///< Fermentation stage
+    char	*event;			///< Optional event
+    char	*fermenter_uuid;	///< Fermenter in use
+    char	*fermenter_node;	///< Fermenter node
+    char	*fermenter_alias;	///< Fermenter_alias
+} fermentation_log;
+ * @brief Brew computer controllers. Must have hardware + installation + recipe data.
+ */
+typedef struct _brewer_list {
+    struct _brewer_list		*next;
+    char			*uuid;
+} brewer_list;
+// Make it universal and make it connectable with a fermenter.
+typedef struct _ispindel_list {
+    struct _ispindel_list	*next;
+    char			*uuid;			///< Fixed uuid string
+    char			*name;			///< Name or description (Red iSpindle).
+    char			*beercode;		///< Beer code if in use.
+    float			temperature;		///< Temperature of the beer.
+    float			gravity;		///< Measured gravity
+    							// What nore, battery?
+} ispindel_list;
+// Hergisting meters.
+ * @brief Standalone temperature loggers. (Freezers, refrigerators, chambers).
+ */
+typedef struct _thb_list {
+    struct _thb_list		*next;
+    char			*uuit;			///< Fixed uuid string
+    char			*name;			///< Name or description
+    char			*beercode;		///< Beer code if needed.
+    float			temperature;		///< Temperature in Celcius
+    float			humidity;		///< Humidity in %
+    float			barometer;		///< Air pressure.
+    float			gps_latitude;		///< GPS latitude
+    float			gps_longitude;		///< GPS longitide
+    float			gps_altitude;		///< GPS altitude
+} thb_list;
