
changeset 528
parent 515
child 563
--- a/www/js/inv_yeasts.js	Sat Oct 19 13:54:38 2019 +0200
+++ b/www/js/inv_yeasts.js	Sat Oct 19 21:23:06 2019 +0200
@@ -22,462 +22,464 @@
 function createDelElements() {
-	$('#eventWindow').jqxWindow({
-		theme: theme,
-		position: { x: 490, y: 210 },
-		width: 300,
-		height: 175,
-		resizable: false,
-		isModal: true,
-		modalOpacity: 0.4,
-		okButton: $('#delOk'),
-		cancelButton: $('#delCancel'),
-		initContent: function () {
-			$('#delOk').jqxButton({ template: 'danger', width: '65px', theme: theme });
-			$('#delCancel').jqxButton({ template: 'success', width: '65px', theme: theme });
-			$('#delCancel').focus();
-		}
-	});
-	$('#eventWindow').jqxWindow('hide');
+ $('#eventWindow').jqxWindow({
+  theme: theme,
+  position: { x: 490, y: 210 },
+  width: 300,
+  height: 175,
+  resizable: false,
+  isModal: true,
+  modalOpacity: 0.4,
+  okButton: $('#delOk'),
+  cancelButton: $('#delCancel'),
+  initContent: function() {
+   $('#delOk').jqxButton({ template: 'danger', width: '65px', theme: theme });
+   $('#delCancel').jqxButton({ template: 'success', width: '65px', theme: theme });
+   $('#delCancel').focus();
+  }
+ });
+ $('#eventWindow').jqxWindow('hide');
 $(document).ready(function() {
-	function calcTotal() {
+ function calcTotal() {
-		$('#totval').val(dataRecord.cost * dataRecord.inventory);
-		if (dataRecord.form == 'Vloeibaar') { // Liquid
-			$("#pmpt_cost").html('Prijs per pak:');
-			$("#pmpt_inventory").html('Voorraad pak(ken):');
-			$("#pmpt_cells").html('Miljard cellen per pak:');
-			$("#inventory").jqxNumberInput({ decimalDigits: 0 });
-		} else if (dataRecord.form == 'Droog' || dataRecord.form == 'Gedroogd') { // Dry
-			$("#pmpt_cost").html('Prijs per kg:');
-			$("#pmpt_inventory").html('Voorraad gram:');
-			$("#pmpt_cells").html('Miljard cellen per gram:');
-			$("#inventory").jqxNumberInput({ decimalDigits: 1 });
-		} else {
-			$("#pmpt_cost").html('Prijs per liter:');
-			$("#pmpt_inventory").html('Voorraad ml:');
-			$("#pmpt_cells").html('Miljard cellen per ml:');
-			$("#inventory").jqxNumberInput({ decimalDigits: 1 });
-		}
-	}
+  $('#totval').val(dataRecord.cost * dataRecord.inventory);
+  if (dataRecord.form == 'Vloeibaar') { // Liquid
+   $('#pmpt_cost').html('Prijs per pak:');
+   $('#pmpt_inventory').html('Voorraad pak(ken):');
+   $('#pmpt_cells').html('Miljard cellen per pak:');
+   $('#inventory').jqxNumberInput({ decimalDigits: 0 });
+  } else if (dataRecord.form == 'Droog' || dataRecord.form == 'Gedroogd') { // Dry
+   $('#pmpt_cost').html('Prijs per kg:');
+   $('#pmpt_inventory').html('Voorraad gram:');
+   $('#pmpt_cells').html('Miljard cellen per gram:');
+   $('#inventory').jqxNumberInput({ decimalDigits: 1 });
+  } else {
+   $('#pmpt_cost').html('Prijs per liter:');
+   $('#pmpt_inventory').html('Voorraad ml:');
+   $('#pmpt_cells').html('Miljard cellen per ml:');
+   $('#inventory').jqxNumberInput({ decimalDigits: 1 });
+  }
+ }
-	var dataRecord = {},
-	url = 'includes/db_inventory_yeasts.php',
-	source = {
-		datatype: 'json',
-		cache: false,
-		datafields: [
-			{ name: 'record', type: 'number' },
-			{ name: 'name', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'type', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'form', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'laboratory', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'product_id', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'min_temperature', type: 'float' },
-			{ name: 'max_temperature', type: 'float' },
-			{ name: 'flocculation', type: 'int' },
-			{ name: 'attenuation', type: 'float' },
-			{ name: 'notes', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'best_for', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'max_reuse', type: 'int' },
-			{ name: 'inventory', type: 'float' },
-			{ name: 'cost', type: 'float' },
-			{ name: 'production_date', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'tht_date', type: 'string' },
-			{ name: 'cells', type: 'float' },
-			{ name: 'tolerance', type: 'float' },
-			{ name: 'sta1', type: 'int' },
-			{ name: 'bacteria', type: 'int' },
-			{ name: 'harvest_top', type: 'int' },
-			{ name: 'harvest_time', type: 'int' },
-			{ name: 'pitch_temperature', type: 'float' },
-			{ name: 'pofpos', type: 'int' },
-			{ name: 'zymocide', type: 'int' }
-		],
-		id: 'record',
-		url: url,
-		deleterow: function (rowid, commit) {
-			// synchronize with the server - send delete command
-			var data = "delete=true&" + $.param({ record: rowid });
-			$.ajax({
-				dataType: 'json',
-				url: url,
-				cache: false,
-				data: data,
-				type: "POST",
-				success: function (data, status, xhr) {
-					commit(true);
-					location.reload( true );
-				},
-				error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-					commit(false);
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		addrow: function (rowid, rowdata, position, commit) {
-			var data = "insert=true&" + $.param(rowdata);
-			$.ajax({
-				dataType: 'json',
-				url: url,
-				cache: false,
-				data: data,
-				type: "POST",
-				success: function (data, status, xhr) {
-					commit(true);
-					location.reload( true );
-				},
-				error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-					commit(false);
-				}
-			});
-		},
-		updaterow: function (rowid, rowdata, commit) {
-			var data = "update=true&" + $.param(rowdata);
-			$.ajax({
-				dataType: 'json',
-				url: url,
-				cache: false,
-				data: data,
-				type: "POST",
-				success: function (data, status, xhr) {
-					commit(true);
-					location.reload( true );
-				},
-				error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-					commit(false);
-				}
-			});
-		}
-	},
-	dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source),
-        editrow = -1;
+ var dataRecord = {},
+ url = 'includes/db_inventory_yeasts.php',
+ source = {
+  datatype: 'json',
+  cache: false,
+  datafields: [
+   { name: 'record', type: 'number' },
+   { name: 'name', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'type', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'form', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'laboratory', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'product_id', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'min_temperature', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'max_temperature', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'flocculation', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'attenuation', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'notes', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'best_for', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'max_reuse', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'inventory', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'cost', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'production_date', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'tht_date', type: 'string' },
+   { name: 'cells', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'tolerance', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'sta1', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'bacteria', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'harvest_top', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'harvest_time', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'pitch_temperature', type: 'float' },
+   { name: 'pofpos', type: 'int' },
+   { name: 'zymocide', type: 'int' }
+  ],
+  id: 'record',
+  url: url,
+  deleterow: function(rowid, commit) {
+   // synchronize with the server - send delete command
+   var data = 'delete=true&' + $.param({ record: rowid });
+   $.ajax({
+    dataType: 'json',
+    url: url,
+    cache: false,
+    data: data,
+    type: 'POST',
+    success: function(data, status, xhr) {
+     commit(true);
+     location.reload(true);
+    },
+    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+     commit(false);
+    }
+   });
+  },
+  addrow: function(rowid, rowdata, position, commit) {
+   var data = 'insert=true&' + $.param(rowdata);
+   $.ajax({
+    dataType: 'json',
+    url: url,
+    cache: false,
+    data: data,
+    type: 'POST',
+    success: function(data, status, xhr) {
+     commit(true);
+     location.reload(true);
+    },
+    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+     commit(false);
+    }
+   });
+  },
+  updaterow: function(rowid, rowdata, commit) {
+   var data = 'update=true&' + $.param(rowdata);
+   $.ajax({
+    dataType: 'json',
+    url: url,
+    cache: false,
+    data: data,
+    type: 'POST',
+    success: function(data, status, xhr) {
+     commit(true);
+     location.reload(true);
+    },
+    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+     commit(false);
+    }
+   });
+  }
+ },
+ dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source),
+ editrow = -1;
-	// initialize the input fields.
-	$("#name").jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 640, height: 23 });
-	$("#laboratory").jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 320, height: 23 });
-	$("#product_id").jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 320, height: 23 });
-	$("#type").jqxDropDownList({
-		theme: theme,
-		source: YeastTypeAdapter,
-		valueMember: 'nl',
-		displayMember: 'nl',
-		width: 180,
-		height: 23,
-		autoDropDownHeight: true
-	});
-	$("#form").jqxDropDownList({
-		theme: theme,
-		source: YeastFormAdapter,
-		valueMember: 'nl',
-		displayMember: 'nl',
-		width: 180,
-		height: 23,
-		autoDropDownHeight: true
-	});
-	$("#notes").jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 800, height: 120 });
-	$("#best_for").jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 320, height: 100 });
-	$("#inventory").jqxNumberInput( Spin1dec );
-	$("#production_date").jqxDateTimeInput( Dateopts );
-	$("#min_temperature").jqxNumberInput( YeastT );
-	$("#max_temperature").jqxNumberInput( YeastT );
-	$("#flocculation").jqxDropDownList({
-		theme: theme,
-		source: FlocculationAdapter,
-		valueMember: 'id',
-		displayMember: 'nl',
-		width: 180,
-		height: 23,
-		autoDropDownHeight: true
-	});
-	$("#attenuation").jqxNumberInput( Perc1dec );
-	$("#max_reuse").jqxNumberInput( PosInt );
-	$("#max_reuse").jqxNumberInput({ max: 10 });
-	$("#cost").jqxNumberInput( Spin2dec );
-	$("#tht_date").jqxDateTimeInput( Dateopts );
-	$("#totval").jqxNumberInput( Show2dec );
-	$("#cells").jqxNumberInput( Spin1dec );
-	$("#tolerance").jqxNumberInput( Perc1dec );
-	$("#tolerance").jqxNumberInput({ max: 25 });
-	$('#sta1').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
-	$('#sta1').on('checked', function(event) { dataRecord.sta1 = 1; });
-	$('#sta1').on('unchecked', function(event) { dataRecord.sta1 = 0; });
-        $('#bacteria').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
-        $('#bacteria').on('checked', function(event) { dataRecord.bacteria = 1; });
-        $('#bacteria').on('unchecked', function(event) { dataRecord.bacteria = 0; });
-        $('#harvest_top').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
-        $('#harvest_top').on('checked', function(event) { dataRecord.harvest_top = 1; });
-        $('#harvest_top').on('unchecked', function(event) { dataRecord.harvest_top = 0; });
-	$('#harvest_time').jqxNumberInput( PosInt );
-	$("#pitch_temperature").jqxNumberInput( YeastT );
-        $('#pofpos').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
-        $('#pofpos').on('checked', function(event) { dataRecord.pofpos = 1; });
-        $('#pofpos').on('unchecked', function(event) { dataRecord.pofpos = 0; });
-	$("#zymocide").jqxDropDownList({
-                theme: theme,
-                source: ZymocideAdapter,
-                valueMember: 'id',
-                displayMember: 'nl',
-                width: 80,
-                height: 23,
-                autoDropDownHeight: true
-        });
+ // initialize the input fields.
+ $('#name').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 640, height: 23 });
+ $('#laboratory').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 320, height: 23 });
+ $('#product_id').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 320, height: 23 });
+ $('#type').jqxDropDownList({
+  theme: theme,
+  source: YeastTypeAdapter,
+  valueMember: 'nl',
+  displayMember: 'nl',
+  width: 180,
+  height: 23,
+  autoDropDownHeight: true
+ });
+ $('#form').jqxDropDownList({
+  theme: theme,
+  source: YeastFormAdapter,
+  valueMember: 'nl',
+  displayMember: 'nl',
+  width: 180,
+  height: 23,
+  autoDropDownHeight: true
+ });
+ $('#notes').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 800, height: 120 });
+ $('#best_for').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 320, height: 100 });
+ $('#inventory').jqxNumberInput(Spin1dec);
+ $('#production_date').jqxDateTimeInput(Dateopts);
+ $('#min_temperature').jqxNumberInput(YeastT);
+ $('#max_temperature').jqxNumberInput(YeastT);
+ $('#flocculation').jqxDropDownList({
+  theme: theme,
+  source: FlocculationAdapter,
+  valueMember: 'id',
+  displayMember: 'nl',
+  width: 180,
+  height: 23,
+  autoDropDownHeight: true
+ });
+ $('#attenuation').jqxNumberInput(Perc1dec);
+ $('#max_reuse').jqxNumberInput(PosInt);
+ $('#max_reuse').jqxNumberInput({ max: 10 });
+ $('#cost').jqxNumberInput(Spin2dec);
+ $('#tht_date').jqxDateTimeInput(Dateopts);
+ $('#totval').jqxNumberInput(Show2dec);
+ $('#cells').jqxNumberInput(Spin1dec);
+ $('#tolerance').jqxNumberInput(Perc1dec);
+ $('#tolerance').jqxNumberInput({ max: 25 });
+ $('#sta1').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
+ $('#sta1').on('checked', function(event) { dataRecord.sta1 = 1; });
+ $('#sta1').on('unchecked', function(event) { dataRecord.sta1 = 0; });
+ $('#bacteria').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
+ $('#bacteria').on('checked', function(event) { dataRecord.bacteria = 1; });
+ $('#bacteria').on('unchecked', function(event) { dataRecord.bacteria = 0; });
+ $('#harvest_top').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
+ $('#harvest_top').on('checked', function(event) { dataRecord.harvest_top = 1; });
+ $('#harvest_top').on('unchecked', function(event) { dataRecord.harvest_top = 0; });
+ $('#harvest_time').jqxNumberInput(PosInt);
+ $('#pitch_temperature').jqxNumberInput(YeastT);
+ $('#pofpos').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
+ $('#pofpos').on('checked', function(event) { dataRecord.pofpos = 1; });
+ $('#pofpos').on('unchecked', function(event) { dataRecord.pofpos = 0; });
+ $('#zymocide').jqxDropDownList({
+  theme: theme,
+  source: ZymocideAdapter,
+  valueMember: 'id',
+  displayMember: 'nl',
+  width: 80,
+  height: 23,
+  autoDropDownHeight: true
+ });
-	// initialize jqxGrid
-	$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid({
-		width: 1280,
-		height: 630,
-		source: dataAdapter,
-		theme: theme,
-		showstatusbar: true,
-		renderstatusbar: function(statusbar) {
-			var container, addButton, impButton;
-			container = $("<div style='overflow: hidden; position: relative; margin: 5px;'></div>");
-			addButton = $("<div style='float: right; margin-right: 15px;'><img style='position: relative; margin-top: 2px;' src='images/add.png'/><span style='margin-left: 4px; position: relative; top: -3px;'>Nieuw</span></div>");
-			impButton = $("<div style='float: right; margin-right: 50px;'><img style='position: relative; margin-top: 2px;' src='images/add.png'/><span style='margin-left: 4px; position: relative; top: -3px;'>Import</span></div>");
-			container.append(addButton);
-			container.append(impButton);
-			statusbar.append(container);
-			addButton.jqxButton({ theme: theme, width: 90, height: 20 });
-			impButton.jqxButton({ theme: theme, width: 90, height: 20 });
-			// add new row.
-			addButton.click(function (event) {
-				editrow = -1;
-				$("#popupWindow").jqxWindow({ position: { x: 110, y: 30 } });
-				$("#name").val('');
-				$("#laboratory").val('');
-				$("#product_id").val('');
-				$("#type").val('Bovengist');
-				$("#form").val('Vloeibaar');
-				$("#min_temperature").val(18);
-				$("#max_temperature").val(22);
-				$("#flocculation").val(0);
-				$("#attenuation").val(77);
-				$("#notes").val('');
-				$("#best_for").val('');
-				$("#max_reuse").val(10);
-				$("#inventory").val(0);
-				$("#cost").val(0);
-				$("#production_date").val('');
-				$("#tht_date").val('');
-				$("#cells").val(1);
-				$("#tolerance").val(0);
-				$("#sta1").val(0);
-				$("#bacteria").val(0);
-				$("#harvest_top").val(0);
-				$("#harvest_time").val(0);
-				$("#pitch_temperature").val(0);
-				$("#pofpos").val(0);
-				$("#zymocide").val(0);
-				$("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('open');
-			});
-			impButton.click(function (event) {
-				window.location.href = 'import_ingredients.php?select=yeasts';
-			});
-		},
-		filterable: true,
-		filtermode: 'excel',
-		columns: [
-			{ text: 'Laboratorium', datafield: 'laboratory', width: 150 },
-			{ text: 'Product ID', datafield: 'product_id', width: 120, menu: false },
-			{ text: 'Gist naam', datafield: 'name', menu: false },
-			{ text: 'Type', datafield: 'type', align: 'center', cellsalign: 'center', width: 110 },
-			{ text: 'Vorm', datafield: 'form', align: 'center', cellsalign: 'center', width: 110 },
-			{ text: 'SVG', datafield: 'attenuation', width: 70, align: 'right', cellsalign: 'right', menu: false, cellsformat: 'p1' },
-			{ text: 'Tol%', datafield: 'tolerance', width: 60, align: 'right', cellsalign: 'right', menu: false,
-			  cellsrenderer: function (index, datafield, value, defaultvalue, column, rowdata) {
-				var amount = "";
-				if (value > 0)
-					amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value, "p0");
-				return  '<span style="margin: 4px; margin-top: 6px; float: right;">' + amount + '</span>';
-			  }
-			},
-			{ text: 'Voorraad', datafield: 'inventory', width: 100, align: 'right', menu: false,
-			  cellsrenderer: function (index, datafield, value, defaultvalue, column, rowdata) {
-				var amount = "";
-				if (value > 0) {
-					if ((rowdata.form == 'Vloeibaar') && (value > 1))
-						amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value,"f0")+" pakken";
-					else if (rowdata.form == 'Vloeibaar')
-						amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value,"f0")+" pak";
-					else if (rowdata.form == 'Droog' || rowdata.form == 'Gedroogd')
-						amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value * 1000,"f1")+" gram";
-					else
-						amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value * 1000,"f1")+" ml";
-				}
-				return "<span style='margin: 3px; margin-top: 6px; float: right;'>" + amount + "</span>";
-			  }
-			},
-			{ text: '', datafield: 'Edit', columntype: 'button', width: 100, align: 'center', menu: false, cellsrenderer: function () {
-				return "Wijzig";
-				}, buttonclick: function (row) {
-					// open the popup window when the user clicks a button.
-					editrow = row;
-					$("#popupWindow").jqxWindow({ position: { x: 110, y: 15 } });
-					// get the clicked row's data and initialize the input fields.
-					dataRecord = $("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('getrowdata', editrow);
-					$("#name").val(dataRecord.name);
-					$("#laboratory").val(dataRecord.laboratory);
-					$("#product_id").val(dataRecord.product_id);
-					$("#type").val(dataRecord.type);
-					$("#form").val(dataRecord.form);
-					$("#min_temperature").val(parseFloat(dataRecord.min_temperature));
-					$("#max_temperature").val(parseFloat(dataRecord.max_temperature));
-					$("#flocculation").val(dataRecord.flocculation);
-					$("#attenuation").val(dataRecord.attenuation);
-					$("#notes").val(dataRecord.notes);
-					$("#best_for").val(dataRecord.best_for);
-					$("#max_reuse").val(dataRecord.max_reuse);
-					if (dataRecord.form == 'Vloeibaar')
-						$("#inventory").val(dataRecord.inventory);
-					else
-						$("#inventory").val(dataRecord.inventory * 1000);
-					$("#cost").val(dataRecord.cost);
-					$("#production_date").val(dataRecord.production_date);
-					$("#tht_date").val(dataRecord.tht_date);
-					$("#cells").val(dataRecord.cells);
-					$("#tolerance").val(dataRecord.tolerance);
-					$("#sta1").val(dataRecord.sta1);
-					$("#bacteria").val(dataRecord.bacteria);
-					$("#harvest_top").val(dataRecord.harvest_top);
-					$("#harvest_time").val(dataRecord.harvest_time);
-					$("#pitch_temperature").val(parseFloat(dataRecord.pitch_temperature));
-					$("#pofpos").val(dataRecord.pofpos);
-					$("#zymocide").val(dataRecord.zymocide);
-					calcTotal();
-					// show the popup window.
-					$("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('open');
-				}
-			}
-		]
-	});
+ // initialize jqxGrid
+ $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid({
+  width: 1280,
+  height: 630,
+  source: dataAdapter,
+  theme: theme,
+  showstatusbar: true,
+  renderstatusbar: function(statusbar) {
+   var container, addButton, impButton;
+   container = $('<div style="overflow: hidden; position: relative; margin: 5px;"></div>');
+   addButton = $('<div style="float: right; margin-right: 15px;"><img style="position: relative; margin-top: 2px;" ' +
+     'src="images/add.png"/><span style="margin-left: 4px; position: relative; top: -3px;">Nieuw</span></div>');
+   impButton = $('<div style="float: right; margin-right: 50px;"><img style="position: relative; margin-top: 2px;" ' +
+     'src="images/add.png"/><span style="margin-left: 4px; position: relative; top: -3px;">Import</span></div>');
+   container.append(addButton);
+   container.append(impButton);
+   statusbar.append(container);
+   addButton.jqxButton({ theme: theme, width: 90, height: 20 });
+   impButton.jqxButton({ theme: theme, width: 90, height: 20 });
+   // add new row.
+   addButton.click(function(event) {
+    editrow = -1;
+    $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow({ position: { x: 110, y: 30 } });
+    $('#name').val('');
+    $('#laboratory').val('');
+    $('#product_id').val('');
+    $('#type').val('Bovengist');
+    $('#form').val('Vloeibaar');
+    $('#min_temperature').val(18);
+    $('#max_temperature').val(22);
+    $('#flocculation').val(0);
+    $('#attenuation').val(77);
+    $('#notes').val('');
+    $('#best_for').val('');
+    $('#max_reuse').val(10);
+    $('#inventory').val(0);
+    $('#cost').val(0);
+    $('#production_date').val('');
+    $('#tht_date').val('');
+    $('#cells').val(1);
+    $('#tolerance').val(0);
+    $('#sta1').val(0);
+    $('#bacteria').val(0);
+    $('#harvest_top').val(0);
+    $('#harvest_time').val(0);
+    $('#pitch_temperature').val(0);
+    $('#pofpos').val(0);
+    $('#zymocide').val(0);
+    $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow('open');
+   });
+   impButton.click(function(event) {
+    window.location.href = 'import_ingredients.php?select=yeasts';
+   });
+  },
+  filterable: true,
+  filtermode: 'excel',
+  columns: [
+   { text: 'Laboratorium', datafield: 'laboratory', width: 150 },
+   { text: 'Product ID', datafield: 'product_id', width: 120, menu: false },
+   { text: 'Gist naam', datafield: 'name', menu: false },
+   { text: 'Type', datafield: 'type', align: 'center', cellsalign: 'center', width: 110 },
+   { text: 'Vorm', datafield: 'form', align: 'center', cellsalign: 'center', width: 110 },
+   { text: 'SVG', datafield: 'attenuation', width: 70, align: 'right', cellsalign: 'right', menu: false, cellsformat: 'p1' },
+   { text: 'Tol%', datafield: 'tolerance', width: 60, align: 'right', cellsalign: 'right', menu: false,
+    cellsrenderer: function(index, datafield, value, defaultvalue, column, rowdata) {
+     var amount = '';
+     if (value > 0)
+      amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value, 'p0');
+     return '<span style="margin: 4px; margin-top: 6px; float: right;">' + amount + '</span>';
+    }
+   },
+   { text: 'Voorraad', datafield: 'inventory', width: 100, align: 'right', menu: false,
+    cellsrenderer: function(index, datafield, value, defaultvalue, column, rowdata) {
+     var amount = '';
+     if (value > 0) {
+      if ((rowdata.form == 'Vloeibaar') && (value > 1))
+       amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value, 'f0') + ' pakken';
+      else if (rowdata.form == 'Vloeibaar')
+       amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value, 'f0') + ' pak';
+      else if (rowdata.form == 'Droog' || rowdata.form == 'Gedroogd')
+       amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value * 1000, 'f1') + ' gram';
+      else
+       amount = dataAdapter.formatNumber(value * 1000, 'f1') + ' ml';
+     }
+     return '<span style="margin: 3px; margin-top: 6px; float: right;">' + amount + '</span>';
+    }
+   },
+   { text: '', datafield: 'Edit', columntype: 'button', width: 100, align: 'center', menu: false, cellsrenderer: function() {
+    return 'Wijzig';
+    }, buttonclick: function(row) {
+     // open the popup window when the user clicks a button.
+     editrow = row;
+     $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow({ position: { x: 110, y: 15 } });
+     // get the clicked row's data and initialize the input fields.
+     dataRecord = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', editrow);
+     $('#name').val(dataRecord.name);
+     $('#laboratory').val(dataRecord.laboratory);
+     $('#product_id').val(dataRecord.product_id);
+     $('#type').val(dataRecord.type);
+     $('#form').val(dataRecord.form);
+     $('#min_temperature').val(parseFloat(dataRecord.min_temperature));
+     $('#max_temperature').val(parseFloat(dataRecord.max_temperature));
+     $('#flocculation').val(dataRecord.flocculation);
+     $('#attenuation').val(dataRecord.attenuation);
+     $('#notes').val(dataRecord.notes);
+     $('#best_for').val(dataRecord.best_for);
+     $('#max_reuse').val(dataRecord.max_reuse);
+     if (dataRecord.form == 'Vloeibaar')
+      $('#inventory').val(dataRecord.inventory);
+     else
+      $('#inventory').val(dataRecord.inventory * 1000);
+     $('#cost').val(dataRecord.cost);
+     $('#production_date').val(dataRecord.production_date);
+     $('#tht_date').val(dataRecord.tht_date);
+     $('#cells').val(dataRecord.cells);
+     $('#tolerance').val(dataRecord.tolerance);
+     $('#sta1').val(dataRecord.sta1);
+     $('#bacteria').val(dataRecord.bacteria);
+     $('#harvest_top').val(dataRecord.harvest_top);
+     $('#harvest_time').val(dataRecord.harvest_time);
+     $('#pitch_temperature').val(parseFloat(dataRecord.pitch_temperature));
+     $('#pofpos').val(dataRecord.pofpos);
+     $('#zymocide').val(dataRecord.zymocide);
+     calcTotal();
+     // show the popup window.
+     $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow('open');
+    }
+   }
+  ]
+ });
-	$('#popupWindow').on('open', function (event) { calcTotal(); });
-	$("#cost").on('change', function (event) {
-		dataRecord.cost = parseFloat(event.args.value);
-		calcTotal();
-	});
-	$("#inventory").on('change', function (event) {
-		if (dataRecord.form == 'Vloeibaar')
-			dataRecord.inventory = parseFloat(event.args.value);
-		else
-			dataRecord.inventory = parseFloat(event.args.value) / 1000.0;
-		calcTotal();
-	});
-	$("#form").on('select', function (event) {
-		dataRecord.form = $("#form").val();
-		calcTotal();
-	});
+ $('#popupWindow').on('open', function(event) { calcTotal(); });
+ $('#cost').on('change', function(event) {
+  dataRecord.cost = parseFloat(event.args.value);
+  calcTotal();
+ });
+ $('#inventory').on('change', function(event) {
+  if (dataRecord.form == 'Vloeibaar')
+   dataRecord.inventory = parseFloat(event.args.value);
+  else
+   dataRecord.inventory = parseFloat(event.args.value) / 1000.0;
+  calcTotal();
+ });
+ $('#form').on('select', function(event) {
+  dataRecord.form = $('#form').val();
+  calcTotal();
+ });
-	// initialize the popup window and buttons.
-	$("#popupWindow").jqxWindow({
-		width: 1050,
-		height: 625,
-		resizable: false,
-		theme: theme,
-		isModal: true,
-		autoOpen: false,
-		cancelButton: $("#Cancel"),
-		modalOpacity: 0.40
-	});
-	$("#popupWindow").on('open', function () {
-		$("#name").jqxInput('selectAll');
-	});
-	$("#Delete").jqxButton({ template: "danger", width: '90px', theme: theme });
-	$("#Delete").click(function() {
-		if (editrow >= 0) {
-			// Open a popup to confirm this action.
-			$('#eventWindow').jqxWindow('open');
-			$("#delOk").click(function () {
-				var rowID = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', editrow);
-				$("#jqxgrid").jqxGrid('deleterow', rowID);
-			});
-		}
-		$("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('hide');
-	});
-	$("#Cancel").jqxButton({ template: "primary", width: '90px', theme: theme });
-	$("#Clone").jqxButton({ template: "warning", width: '90px', theme: theme });
-	$("#Clone").click(function() {
-		var row = {
-			record: -1,
-			name: $("#name").val()+" kopie",
-			type: $("#type").val(),
-			form: $("#form").val(),
-			laboratory: $("#laboratory").val(),
-			product_id: $("#product_id").val(),
-			min_temperature: parseFloat($("#min_temperature").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			max_temperature: parseFloat($("#max_temperature").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			flocculation: $("#flocculation").val(),
-			attenuation: parseFloat($("#attenuation").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			notes: $("#notes").val(),
-			best_for: $("#best_for").val(),
-			max_reuse: parseInt($("#max_reuse").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			inventory: 0,
-			cost: parseFloat($("#cost").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			production_date: '',
-			tht_date: '',
-			cells: parseFloat($("#cells").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			tolerance: parseFloat($("#tolerance").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			sta1: $("#sta1").val(),
-			bacteria: $("#bacteria").val(),
-			harvest_top: $("#harvest_top").val(),
-			harvest_time: $("#harvest_time").val(),
-			pitch_temperature: parseFloat($("#pitch_temperature").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			pofpos: $("#pofpos").val(),
-			zymocide: $("#zymocide").val()
-		};
-		$('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('addrow', null, row);
-		$("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('hide');
-	});
-	$("#Save").jqxButton({ template: "success", width: '90px', theme: theme });
-	// update the edited row when the user clicks the 'Save' button.
-	$("#Save").click(function() {
-		var n_inventory, row, rowID = -1;
-		if (editrow >= 0) {
-			rowID = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', editrow);
-		}
-		if (dataRecord.form == 'Vloeibaar')
-			n_inventory = parseFloat($("#inventory").jqxNumberInput('decimal'));
-		else
-			n_inventory = parseFloat($("#inventory").jqxNumberInput('decimal')) / 1000.0;
-		row = {
-			record: rowID,
-			name: $("#name").val(),
-			type: $("#type").val(),
-			form: $("#form").val(),
-			laboratory: $("#laboratory").val(),
-			product_id: $("#product_id").val(),
-			min_temperature: parseFloat($("#min_temperature").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			max_temperature: parseFloat($("#max_temperature").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			flocculation: $("#flocculation").val(),
-			attenuation: parseFloat($("#attenuation").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			notes: $("#notes").val(),
-			best_for: $("#best_for").val(),
-			max_reuse: parseInt($("#max_reuse").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			inventory: n_inventory,
-			cost: parseFloat($("#cost").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			production_date: $("#production_date").val(),
-			tht_date: $("#tht_date").val(),
-			cells: parseFloat($("#cells").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			tolerance: parseFloat($("#tolerance").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-			sta1: $("#sta1").val(),
-                        bacteria: $("#bacteria").val(),
-                        harvest_top: $("#harvest_top").val(),
-                        harvest_time: $("#harvest_time").val(),
-                        pitch_temperature: parseFloat($("#pitch_temperature").jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-                        pofpos: $("#pofpos").val(),
-                        zymocide: $("#zymocide").val()
-		};
-		if (editrow >= 0) {
-			$('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('updaterow', rowID, row);
-		} else {
-			$('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('addrow', null, row);
-		}
-		$("#popupWindow").jqxWindow('hide');
-	});
-	createDelElements();
+ // initialize the popup window and buttons.
+ $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow({
+  width: 1050,
+  height: 625,
+  resizable: false,
+  theme: theme,
+  isModal: true,
+  autoOpen: false,
+  cancelButton: $('#Cancel'),
+  modalOpacity: 0.40
+ });
+ $('#popupWindow').on('open', function() {
+  $('#name').jqxInput('selectAll');
+ });
+ $('#Delete').jqxButton({ template: 'danger', width: '90px', theme: theme });
+ $('#Delete').click(function() {
+  if (editrow >= 0) {
+   // Open a popup to confirm this action.
+   $('#eventWindow').jqxWindow('open');
+   $('#delOk').click(function() {
+    var rowID = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', editrow);
+    $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('deleterow', rowID);
+   });
+  }
+  $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow('hide');
+ });
+ $('#Cancel').jqxButton({ template: 'primary', width: '90px', theme: theme });
+ $('#Clone').jqxButton({ template: 'warning', width: '90px', theme: theme });
+ $('#Clone').click(function() {
+  var row = {
+   record: -1,
+   name: $('#name').val() + ' kopie',
+   type: $('#type').val(),
+   form: $('#form').val(),
+   laboratory: $('#laboratory').val(),
+   product_id: $('#product_id').val(),
+   min_temperature: parseFloat($('#min_temperature').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   max_temperature: parseFloat($('#max_temperature').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   flocculation: $('#flocculation').val(),
+   attenuation: parseFloat($('#attenuation').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   notes: $('#notes').val(),
+   best_for: $('#best_for').val(),
+   max_reuse: parseInt($('#max_reuse').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   inventory: 0,
+   cost: parseFloat($('#cost').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   production_date: '',
+   tht_date: '',
+   cells: parseFloat($('#cells').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   tolerance: parseFloat($('#tolerance').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   sta1: $('#sta1').val(),
+   bacteria: $('#bacteria').val(),
+   harvest_top: $('#harvest_top').val(),
+   harvest_time: $('#harvest_time').val(),
+   pitch_temperature: parseFloat($('#pitch_temperature').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   pofpos: $('#pofpos').val(),
+   zymocide: $('#zymocide').val()
+  };
+  $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('addrow', null, row);
+  $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow('hide');
+ });
+ $('#Save').jqxButton({ template: 'success', width: '90px', theme: theme });
+ // update the edited row when the user clicks the 'Save' button.
+ $('#Save').click(function() {
+  var n_inventory, row, rowID = -1;
+  if (editrow >= 0) {
+   rowID = $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', editrow);
+  }
+  if (dataRecord.form == 'Vloeibaar')
+   n_inventory = parseFloat($('#inventory').jqxNumberInput('decimal'));
+  else
+   n_inventory = parseFloat($('#inventory').jqxNumberInput('decimal')) / 1000.0;
+  row = {
+   record: rowID,
+   name: $('#name').val(),
+   type: $('#type').val(),
+   form: $('#form').val(),
+   laboratory: $('#laboratory').val(),
+   product_id: $('#product_id').val(),
+   min_temperature: parseFloat($('#min_temperature').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   max_temperature: parseFloat($('#max_temperature').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   flocculation: $('#flocculation').val(),
+   attenuation: parseFloat($('#attenuation').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   notes: $('#notes').val(),
+   best_for: $('#best_for').val(),
+   max_reuse: parseInt($('#max_reuse').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   inventory: n_inventory,
+   cost: parseFloat($('#cost').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   production_date: $('#production_date').val(),
+   tht_date: $('#tht_date').val(),
+   cells: parseFloat($('#cells').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   tolerance: parseFloat($('#tolerance').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   sta1: $('#sta1').val(),
+   bacteria: $('#bacteria').val(),
+   harvest_top: $('#harvest_top').val(),
+   harvest_time: $('#harvest_time').val(),
+   pitch_temperature: parseFloat($('#pitch_temperature').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
+   pofpos: $('#pofpos').val(),
+   zymocide: $('#zymocide').val()
+  };
+  if (editrow >= 0) {
+   $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('updaterow', rowID, row);
+  } else {
+   $('#jqxgrid').jqxGrid('addrow', null, row);
+  }
+  $('#popupWindow').jqxWindow('hide');
+ });
+ createDelElements();
