
changeset 805
parent 804
child 806
--- a/www/js/rec_edit.js	Wed Aug 03 15:16:07 2022 +0200
+++ b/www/js/rec_edit.js	Wed Aug 03 16:01:30 2022 +0200
@@ -103,10 +103,6 @@
   w100 = 90;
   w80 = 60;
- $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid({ editable: rw });
- $('#faddrowbutton').jqxDropDownList({ disabled: ro });
- $('#finstockbutton').jqxCheckBox({ disabled: ro });
- $('#fdeleterowbutton').jqxButton({ disabled: ro });
  $('#hopGrid').jqxGrid({ editable: rw });
  $('#haddrowbutton').jqxDropDownList({ disabled: ro });
  $('#hinstockbutton').jqxCheckBox({ disabled: ro });
@@ -249,11 +245,6 @@
  $('#ferm_lintner').val(Math.round(parseFloat(lintner / mashkg)));
  to_100 = my_100;
- if (to_100) {
-  $('#wf_amount').jqxNumberInput({ width: 90, readOnly: true, spinButtons: false });
- } else {
-  $('#wf_amount').jqxNumberInput({ width: 110, readOnly: false, spinButtons: true });
- }
  // Estimate total recipe OG.
  dataRecord.est_og = estimate_sg(sugarsf + addedS, parseFloat(dataRecord.batch_size));
@@ -933,121 +924,17 @@
    height: 470,
    source: fermentableAdapter,
    theme: theme,
-   selectionmode: 'singlerow',
-   showtoolbar: true,
-   rendertoolbar: function(toolbar) {
-    //var me = this;
-    var container = $('<div style="overflow: hidden; position: relative; margin: 5px;"></div>');
-    toolbar.append(container);
-    container.append('<div style="float: left; margin-left: 165px;" id="faddrowbutton"></div>');
-    container.append('<div style="float: left; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 5px;">In voorraad:</div>');
-    container.append('<div style="float: left; margin-left: 10px;" id="finstockbutton"></div>');
-    container.append('<input style="float: left; margin-left: 400px;" id="fdeleterowbutton" type="button" value="Verwijder mout" />');
-    // add fermentable from dropdownlist.
-    $('#faddrowbutton').jqxDropDownList({
-     placeHolder: 'Kies mout:',
-     theme: theme,
-     template: 'primary',
-     source: fermentablelist,
-     displayMember: 'name',
-     width: 150,
-     height: 27,
-     dropDownWidth: 500,
-     dropDownHeight: 500,
-     renderer: function(index, label, value) {
-      var datarecord = fermentablelist.records[index];
-      return datarecord.supplier + ' / ' + datarecord.name + ' (' + datarecord.color + ' EBC)';
-     }
-    });
-    $('#faddrowbutton').on('select', function(event) {
-     if (event.args) {
-      var index, datarecord, row = {}, rowscount = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getdatainformation').rowscount;
-      index = event.args.index;
-      datarecord = fermentablelist.records[index];
-      row['f_name'] = datarecord.name;
-      row['f_origin'] = datarecord.origin;
-      row['f_supplier'] = datarecord.supplier;
-      row['f_amount'] = 0;
-      row['f_cost'] = datarecord.cost;
-      row['f_type'] = datarecord.type;
-      row['f_yield'] = datarecord.yield;
-      row['f_color'] = datarecord.color;
-      row['f_coarse_fine_diff'] = datarecord.coarse_fine_diff;
-      row['f_moisture'] = datarecord.moisture;
-      row['f_diastatic_power'] = datarecord.diastatic_power;
-      row['f_protein'] = datarecord.protein;
-      row['f_max_in_batch'] = datarecord.max_in_batch;
-      row['f_graintype'] = datarecord.graintype;
-      if (datarecord.add_after_boil) {
-       row['f_added'] = 2;     // Fermentation
-      } else if ((datarecord.type == 1) || (datarecord.type == 4)) {  // Sugar or Adjunct
-       row['f_added'] = 1;     // Boil
-      } else {
-       row['f_added'] = 0;     // Mash
-      }
-      row['f_dissolved_protein'] = datarecord.dissolved_protein;
-      row['f_recommend_mash'] = datarecord.recommend_mash;
-      row['f_add_after_boil'] = datarecord.add_after_boil;
-      if (rowscount == 0) {
-       // The first fermentable
-       row['f_adjust_to_total_100'] = 1;
-       row['f_percentage'] = 100;
-      } else {
-       row['f_adjust_to_total_100'] = 0;
-       row['f_percentage'] = 0;
-      }
-      row['f_di_ph'] = datarecord.di_ph;
-      row['f_acid_to_ph_57'] = datarecord.acid_to_ph_57;
-      row['f_inventory'] = datarecord.inventory;
-      $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('addrow', null, row);
-     }
-    });
-    $('#finstockbutton').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, height: 27 });
-    $('#finstockbutton').on('change', function(event) {
-     fermentableinstock = event.args.checked;
-     fermentablelist.dataBind();
-    });
-    // delete selected fermentable.
-    $('#fdeleterowbutton').jqxButton({ template: 'danger', theme: theme, height: 27, width: 150 });
-    $('#fdeleterowbutton').on('click', function() {
-     var id, percent, amount, i, rowdata, rowscount, selectedrowindex = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getselectedrowindex');
-     rowscount = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getdatainformation').rowscount;
-     if (selectedrowindex >= 0 && selectedrowindex < rowscount) {
-      id = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', selectedrowindex);
-      percent = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getcellvalue', id, 'f_percentage');
-      amount = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getcellvalue', id, 'f_amount');
-      $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('deleterow', id);
-     }
-     rowscount = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getdatainformation').rowscount;
-     if (rowscount > 1) {
-      if (to_100) {
-       for (i = 0; i < rowscount; i++) {
-        rowdata = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', i);
-        if (rowdata.f_adjust_to_total_100) {
-         rowdata.f_percentage += percent;
-         rowdata.f_amount += amount;
-        }
-       }
-      } else {
-       calcPercentages();
-      }
-     } else {
-      $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', 0, 'f_percentage', 100);
-     }
-     calcFermentables();
-     calcIBUs();
-    });
-   },
+   editable: false,
    ready: function() {
    columns: [
-    { text: 'Vergistbaar ingredi&euml;nt', datafield: 'f_name',
-     cellsrenderer: function(index, datafield, value, defaulvalue, column, rowdata) {
-      return '<span style="margin: 3px; margin-top: 6px; float: left;">' +
-      rowdata.f_supplier + ' / ' + rowdata.f_name + ' (' + rowdata.f_color + ' EBC)</span>';
+    { text: 'Vergistbaar ingredi&euml;nt', datafield: 'f_name' },
+    { text: 'Leverancier', datafield: 'f_supplier', width: 180 },
+    { text: 'Kleur', datafield: 'f_color', width: 90, align: 'right',
+     cellsrenderer: function(index, datafield, value, defaultvalue, column, rowdata) {
+      return '<span style="margin: 4px; margin-top: 6px; float: right;">' + dataAdapter.formatNumber(value, 'f0') + ' EBC</span>';
     { text: 'Type', width: 100, datafield: 'f_type',
@@ -1063,15 +950,6 @@
     { text: 'Maxinbatch', datafield: 'f_max_in_batch', hidden: true },
     { text: 'Opbrengst', editable: false, datafield: 'f_yield', width: 90, align: 'right', cellsalign: 'right', cellsformat: 'p1' },
     { text: 'Gewicht Kg', datafield: 'f_amount', width: 120, align: 'right', cellsalign: 'right', cellsformat: 'f3' },
-    { text: 'Voorr. Kg', datafield: 'f_inventory', width: 120, align: 'right',
-     cellsrenderer: function(row, columnfield, value, defaulthtml, columnproperties, rowdata) {
-      var color = '#ffffff';
-      if (value < rowdata.f_amount)
-       color = '#ff4040';
-      return '<span style="margin: 4px; margin-top: 6px; float: right; color: ' +
-             color + ';">' + fermentableAdapter.formatNumber(value, 'f3') + '</span>';
-     }
-    },
     { text: 'Procent', datafield: 'f_percentage', width: 90, align: 'right',
      cellsrenderer: function(row, columnfield, value, defaulthtml, columnproperties, rowdata) {
       var color = '#ffffff';
@@ -1081,22 +959,7 @@
              color + ';">' + fermentableAdapter.formatNumber(value, 'p1') + '</span>';
-    { text: '100%', align: 'center', datafield: 'f_adjust_to_total_100', columntype: 'checkbox', width: 70 },
-    { text: '', datafield: 'Edit', columntype: 'button', width: 100, align: 'center', cellsrenderer: function() {
-     return 'Wijzig';
-     }, buttonclick: function(row) {
-      fermentableRow = row;
-      fermentableData = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', fermentableRow);
-      $('#wf_name').val(fermentableData.f_name);
-      $('#wf_amount').val(fermentableData.f_amount);
-      $('#wf_percentage').val(fermentableData.f_percentage);
-      $('#wf_max_in_batch').val(fermentableData.f_max_in_batch);
-      $('#wf_adjust_to_total_100').val(fermentableData.f_adjust_to_total_100);
-      $('#wf_added').val(fermentableData.f_added);
-      // show the popup window.
-      $('#popupFermentable').jqxWindow('open');
-     }
-    }
+    { text: '100%', align: 'center', datafield: 'f_adjust_to_total_100', columntype: 'checkbox', width: 70 }
@@ -2774,219 +2637,6 @@
    return (parseInt(text) * 2) + ' lintner';
- $('#popupFermentable').jqxWindow({
-  width: 800,
-  height: 300,
-  position: { x: 230, y: 100 },
-  resizable: false,
-  theme: theme,
-  isModal: true,
-  autoOpen: false,
-  cancelButton: $('#FermentableReady'),
-  modalOpacity: 0.40
- });
- $('#FermentableReady').jqxButton({ template: 'success', width: '90px', theme: theme });
- $('#FermentableReady').click(function() {
-  var row, rowID = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowid', fermentableRow);
-  console.log('FermentableReady row:' + fermentableRow + ' ID:' + rowID);
-  row = {
-   f_name: fermentableData.f_name,
-   f_origin: fermentableData.f_origin,
-   f_supplier: fermentableData.f_supplier,
-   f_amount: fermentableData.f_amount,
-   f_cost: fermentableData.f_cost,
-   f_type: fermentableData.f_type,
-   f_yield: fermentableData.f_yield,
-   f_color: fermentableData.f_color,
-   f_coarse_fine_diff: fermentableData.f_coarse_fine_diff,
-   f_moisture: fermentableData.f_moisture,
-   f_diastatic_power: fermentableData.f_diastatic_power,
-   f_protein: fermentableData.f_protein,
-   f_max_in_batch: fermentableData.f_max_in_batch,
-   f_graintype: fermentableData.f_graintype,
-   f_added: fermentableData.f_added,
-   f_dissolved_protein: fermentableData.f_dissolved_protein,
-   f_recommend_mash: fermentableData.f_recommend_mash,
-   f_add_after_boil: fermentableData.f_add_after_boil,
-   f_adjust_to_total_100: fermentableData.f_adjust_to_total_100,
-   f_percentage: fermentableData.f_percentage,
-   f_di_ph: fermentableData.f_di_ph,
-   f_acid_to_ph_57: fermentableData.f_acid_to_ph_57,
-   f_inventory: fermentableData.f_inventory,
-   f_avail: fermentableData.f_avail
-  };
-  $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('updaterow', rowID, row);
-  calcPercentages();
-  calcFermentables();
-  calcIBUs();
-  calcMash();
-  // Waters: yes there is impact.
- });
- $('#wf_name').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 320, height: 23 });
- $('#wf_instock').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, height: 23 });
- $('#wf_instock').on('change', function(event) {
-  fermentableinstock = event.args.checked;
-  fermentablelist.dataBind();
- });
- $('#wf_select').jqxDropDownList({
-  placeHolder: 'Kies mout:',
-  theme: theme,
-  source: fermentablelist,
-  displayMember: 'name',
-  width: 150,
-  height: 23,
-  dropDownWidth: 500,
-  dropDownHeight: 500,
-  renderer: function(index, label, value) {
-   var datarecord = fermentablelist.records[index];
-   return datarecord.supplier + ' / ' + datarecord.name + ' (' + datarecord.color + ' EBC)';
-  }
- });
- $('#wf_select').on('select', function(event) {
-  if (event.args) {
-   var datarecord, index = event.args.index;
-   datarecord = fermentablelist.records[index];
-   $('#wf_name').val(datarecord.name);
-   fermentableData.f_name = datarecord.name;
-   fermentableData.f_origin = datarecord.origin;
-   fermentableData.f_supplier = datarecord.supplier;
-   fermentableData.f_type = datarecord.type;
-   fermentableData.f_cost = datarecord.cost;
-   fermentableData.f_yield = datarecord.yield;
-   fermentableData.f_color = datarecord.color;
-   fermentableData.f_coarse_fine_diff = datarecord.coarse_fine_diff;
-   fermentableData.f_moisture = datarecord.moisture;
-   fermentableData.f_diastatic_power = datarecord.diastatic_power;
-   fermentableData.f_protein = datarecord.protein;
-   fermentableData.f_max_in_batch = datarecord.max_in_batch;
-   fermentableData.f_graintype = datarecord.graintype;
-   fermentableData.f_dissolved_protein = datarecord.dissolved_protein;
-   fermentableData.f_recommend_mash = datarecord.recommend_mash;
-   fermentableData.f_add_after_boil = datarecord.add_after_boil;
-   fermentableData.f_di_ph = datarecord.di_ph;
-   fermentableData.f_acid_to_ph_57 = datarecord.acid_to_ph_57;
-   fermentableData.f_inventory = datarecord.inventory;
-  }
- });
- $('#wf_amount').jqxNumberInput(Spin3dec);
- $('#wf_amount').on('change', function(event) {
-  console.log('amount changed: ' + event.args.value);
-  $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', fermentableRow, 'f_amount', event.args.value);
-  fermentableData.f_amount = event.args.value;
-  if (! to_100) {
-   calcPercentages();
-   calcFermentables();
-   calcMash();
-  }
- });
- $('#wf_percentage').jqxNumberInput(Perc1dec);
- $('#wf_percentage').on('change', function(event) {
-  var newperc, nw, damount, namount, rowscount, rowdata, diff, tw, i, newvalue,
-  oldvalue = Round(fermentableData.f_percentage, 1);
-  newvalue = event.args.value;
-  console.log('percentage changed: ' + newvalue + ' old: ' + oldvalue);
-  fermentableData.f_percent = newvalue;
-  rowscount = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getdatainformation').rowscount;
-  if ((oldvalue != newvalue) && (rowscount > 1)) {
-   rowdata = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', fermentableRow);
-   if (rowdata.f_adjust_to_total_100) {
-    $('#wf_percentage').val(oldvalue);
-   } else {
-    diff = newvalue - oldvalue;
-    tw = 0; // total weight
-    for (i = 0; i < rowscount; i++) {
-     rowdata = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', i);
-     if (rowdata.f_added < 4)
-      tw += Round(rowdata.f_amount, 3);
-    }
-    tw = Round(tw, 3);
-    if (to_100) {
-     // Adjust this row and the 100% row.
-     damount = Math.round(tw * diff * 10) / 1000;
-     rowdata = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', fermentableRow);
-     namount = Round((rowdata.f_amount + damount), 3);
-     $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', fermentableRow, 'f_amount', namount);
-     $('#wf_amount').val(namount);
-     $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', fermentableRow, 'f_percentage', rowdata.f_percentage + diff);
-     for (i = 0; i < rowscount; i++) {
-      rowdata = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', i);
-      if (rowdata.f_adjust_to_total_100) {
-       namount = rowdata.f_amount - damount;
-       $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', i, 'f_percentage', rowdata.f_percentage - diff);
-       $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', i, 'f_amount', namount);
-      }
-     }
-     calcFermentables();
-     calcMash();
-    } else {
-     // Adjust all the rows.
-     nw = tw * diff / 100;
-     for (i = 0; i < rowscount; i++) {
-      rowdata = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getrowdata', i);
-      if (rowdata.f_added < 4) {
-       if (i == fermentableRow) {
-        namount = Math.round((rowdata.f_amount + nw) * 1000) / 1000;
-        $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', i, 'f_amount', namount);
-  //    $('#wf_amount').val(namount); // Will crash the script.
-        $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', i, 'f_percentage', newvalue);
-       } else {
-        namount = Round((rowdata.f_amount - (nw / (rowscount - 1))), 3);
-        newperc = Round((namount / tw) * 100, 1);
-        $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', i, 'f_amount', namount);
-        $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', i, 'f_percentage', newperc);
-       }
-      } else {
-       $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', i, 'f_percentage', 0);
-      }
-     }
-     calcFermentables();
-     calcMash();
-    }
-   }
-  }
- });
- $('#wf_max_in_batch').jqxNumberInput(Show1dec);
- $('#wf_adjust_to_total_100').jqxCheckBox({ theme: theme, width: 120, height: 23 });
- $('#wf_adjust_to_total_100').on('checked', function(event) {
-  if (fermentableData.f_adjust_to_total_100 == 0) {
-   if (to_100) {
-    // Reset other flag first.
-    rowscount = $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('getdatainformation').rowscount;
-    for (i = 0; i < rowscount; i++) {
-     if (i != fermentableRow) {
-      $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', i, 'f_adjust_to_total_100', 0);
-     }
-    }
-   }
-   $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', fermentableRow, 'f_adjust_to_total_100', 1);
-   calcFermentables();
-  }
- });
- $('#wf_adjust_to_total_100').on('unchecked', function(event) {
-  if (fermentableData.f_adjust_to_total_100 != 0) {
-   $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', fermentableRow, 'f_adjust_to_total_100', 0);
-   calcFermentables();
-  }
- });
- $('#wf_added').jqxDropDownList({
-  theme: theme,
-  source: AddedAdapter,
-  valueMember: 'id',
-  displayMember: 'nl',
-  width: 180,
-  height: 23,
-  autoDropDownHeight: true,
-  dropDownVerticalAlignment: 'top'
- });
- $('#wf_added').on('select', function(event) {
-  if (event.args) {
-   var index = event.args.index;
-   $('#fermentableGrid').jqxGrid('setcellvalue', fermentableRow, 'f_added', index);
-   calcFermentables();
-   calcIBUs();
-   calcMash();
-  }
- });
  // Tab 3, Hoppen
  $('#est_ibu2').jqxTooltip({ content: 'De bitterheid in IBU. Dit wordt automatisch berekend.' });
