
changeset 812
parent 811
child 813
--- a/www/js/rec_new.js	Thu Aug 04 20:13:41 2022 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2018-2020
- *
- * Michiel Broek <mbroek at mbse dot eu>
- *
- * This file is part of BMS
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
- * later version.
- *
- * BrewCloud is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with ThermFerm; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *****************************************************************************/
-$(document).ready(function() {
- var recipe_type = 2,
- style_type = 0,
- //Creating wizard module
- wizard = (function() {
-  //Adding event listeners
-  var _addHandlers = function() {
-   $('#name').on('change', function(event) { wizard.validate(true); });
-   $('#type').on('change', function(event) { wizard.validate(true); });
-   $('#boil_time').on('change', function(event) { wizard.validate(true); });
-   $('#est_og').on('change', function(event) { wizard.validate(true); });
-   $('#efficiency').on('change', function(event) { wizard.validate(true); });
-   $('#styleSelect').on('change', function(event) { wizard.validate(true); });
-   $('#nextButtonCompleted').click(function() {
-    console.log('insert start');
-    var newrow = {
-     record: -1,
-     locked: 0,
-     name: $('#name').val(),
-     notes: $('#notes').val(),
-     st_name: $('#st_name').val(),
-     st_letter: $('#st_style_letter').val(),
-     st_guide: $('#st_style_guide').val(),
-     st_category: $('#st_category').val(),
-     st_category_number: $('#st_category_number').val(),
-     st_type: style_type,
-     st_og_min: parseFloat($('#st_og_min').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_og_max: parseFloat($('#st_og_max').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_fg_min: parseFloat($('#st_fg_min').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_fg_max: parseFloat($('#st_fg_max').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_ibu_min: parseFloat($('#st_ibu_min').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_ibu_max: parseFloat($('#st_ibu_max').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_color_min: parseFloat($('#st_color_min').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_color_max: parseFloat($('#st_color_max').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_carb_min: parseFloat($('#st_carb_min').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_carb_max: parseFloat($('#st_carb_max').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_abv_min: parseFloat($('#st_abv_min').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     st_abv_max: parseFloat($('#st_abv_max').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     type: recipe_type,
-     batch_size: 20.0,
-     boil_size: 22.0,
-     boil_time: parseFloat($('#boil_time').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     efficiency: parseFloat($('#efficiency').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     est_og: parseFloat($('#est_og').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-     est_fg: 1.000,
-     est_color: 0,
-     est_abv: 0.0,
-     est_carb: 0.0,
-     color_method: 0, // Morey
-     est_ibu: 0,
-     ibu_method: 0,  // Tinseth
-     mash_name: '',
-     mash_ph: 5.4,
-     sparge_temp: 85.0,
-     sparge_volume: 12.0,
-     sparge_ph: 5.8,
-     sparge_source: 0, // Source 1
-     sparge_acid_type: 0, // Lactic acid
-     sparge_acid_perc: 80,
-     sparge_acid_amount: 0,
-     calc_acid: 1,
-     w1_name: 'Tap water',
-     w1_amount: 15,
-     w1_calcium: 0,
-     w1_sulfate: 0,
-     w1_chloride: 0,
-     w1_sodium: 0,
-     w1_magnesium: 0,
-     w1_total_alkalinity: 0,
-     w1_ph: 7.0,
-     w1_cost: 0.0,
-     wg_amount: 15,
-     wg_calcium: 0,
-     wg_sulfate: 0,
-     wg_chloride: 0,
-     wg_sodium: 0,
-     wg_magnesium: 0,
-     wg_total_alkalinity: 0,
-     wg_ph: 7.0,
-     wb_calcium: 0,
-     wb_sulfate: 0,
-     wb_sodium: 0,
-     wb_chloride: 0,
-     wb_magnesium: 0,
-     wb_total_alkalinity: 0,
-     wb_ph: 0,
-     wa_acid_name: 0, // Lactic acid
-     wa_acid_perc: 80,
-     wa_base_name: 0
-    },
-    data = 'insert=true&return=' + my_return + '&' + $.param(newrow);
-    $.ajax({
-     dataType: 'json',
-     url: 'includes/db_recipes.php',
-     cache: false,
-     data: data,
-     type: 'POST',
-     success: function(data, status, xhr) {
-      // update command is executed.
-      window.location.href = my_return;
-     },
-     error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
-     }
-    });
-   });
-   $('.nextButton').click(function() {
-    wizard.validate(true);
-    $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('next');
-   });
-   $('.backButton').click(function() {
-    wizard.validate(true);
-    $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('previous');
-   });
-  };
-  return {
-   //Initializing the wizzard - creating all elements, adding event handlers and starting the validation
-   init: function() {
-    $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs({
-     theme: theme,
-     height: 630,
-     width: 1280,
-     autoHeight: false,
-     position: 'top',
-     keyboardNavigation: false
-    });
-    $('#nextButtonBase').jqxButton({ theme: theme, width: 150 });
-    $('#nextButtonStyle').jqxButton({ theme: theme, width: 150});
-    $('#backButtonStyle').jqxButton({ theme: theme, template: 'success', width: 150});
-    $('#nextButtonCompleted').jqxButton({ theme: theme, template: 'success', width: 150});
-    $('#backButtonCompleted').jqxButton({ theme: theme, template: 'success', width: 150});
-    _addHandlers();
-    this.validate();
-    this.showHint('Vul de nodige gegevens in.');
-   },
-   //Validating all wizard tabs
-   validate: function(notify) {
-    if (!this.firstTab(notify)) {
-     $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('disableAt', 1);
-     $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('disableAt', 2);
-     return;
-    } else {
-     $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('enableAt', 1);
-    }
-    if (!this.secondTab(notify)) {
-     $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('disableAt', 2);
-     return;
-    } else {
-     $('#jqxTabs').jqxTabs('enableAt', 2);
-    }
-   },
-   //Displaying message to the user
-   showHint: function(message, selector) {
-    if (typeof selector === 'undefined') {
-     selector = '.hint';
-    }
-    if (message === '') {
-     message = 'Ok, je mag doorgaan.';
-    }
-    $(selector).html('<strong>' + message + '</strong>');
-   },
-   //Validating the first tab
-   firstTab: function(notify) {
-    var name = $('#name').val(),
-        type = $('#type').val(),
-        boil_time = parseFloat($('#boil_time').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-        est_og = parseFloat($('#est_og').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-        efficiency = parseFloat($('#efficiency').jqxNumberInput('decimal')),
-        message = '';
-    if (name.length < 3) {
-     message += 'Je moet een recept naam invullen. <br />';
-    }
-    // Check if name already exists.
-    if (type.length < 1) {
-     message += 'Je moet een brouw type kiezen. <br />';
-    }
-    if ((boil_time < 4) || (boil_time > 360)) {
-     message += 'De kooktijd moet tussen 4 en 360 minuten zijn. <br />';
-    }
-    if ((est_og < 1.010) || (est_og > 1.200)) {
-     message += 'Het OG moet tussen 1.010 en 1.200 zijn. <br />';
-    }
-    if ((efficiency < 35) || (efficiency > 95)) {
-     message += 'Het brouwzaal rendement moet tussen 35 en 95 zijn. <br />';
-    }
-    if (message !== '') {
-     if (notify) {
-      this.showHint(message, '#hintBase');
-     }
-     return false;
-    }
-    this.showHint('Ok, je mag doorgaan.', '#hintBase');
-    $('#nextButtonBase').jqxButton({ template: 'success' });
-    return true;
-   },
-   //Validating the second tab
-   secondTab: function(notify) {
-    var stylesel = $('#styleSelect').val(),
-        message = '';
-    if (stylesel.length < 3) {
-     message += 'Je moet een bierstijl kiezen. <br />';
-    }
-    if (message !== '') {
-     if (notify) {
-      this.showHint(message, '#hintStyle');
-     }
-     return false;
-    }
-    this.showHint('Ok, je mag doorgaan.', '#hintStyle');
-    $('#nextButtonStyle').jqxButton({ template: 'success' });
-    return true;
-   }
-  };
- } ());
- // Tab 1, Base
- $('#name').jqxTooltip({ content: 'De naam voor dit recept.' });
- $('#name').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 640, height: 23 });
- $('#notes').jqxTooltip({ content: 'De uitgebreide opmerkingen over dit recept.' });
- $('#notes').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 960, height: 200 });
- $('#type').jqxDropDownList({
-  theme: theme,
-  source: RecipeTypeAdapter,
-  valueMember: 'id',
-  displayMember: 'nl',
-  width: 180,
-  height: 23,
-  autoDropDownHeight: true
- });
- $('#type').jqxDropDownList('selectItem', 2);
- $('#type').on('select', function(event) {
-  if (event.args) {
-   recipe_type = event.args.index;
-  }
- });
- $('#boil_time').jqxNumberInput(PosInt);
- $('#boil_time').jqxNumberInput({ min: 4, max: 360 });
- $('#efficiency').jqxNumberInput(Perc0);
- $('#est_og').jqxNumberInput(SGopts);
- // Default values.
- $('#boil_time').val(90);
- $('#efficiency').val(75);
- $('#est_og').val(1.052);
- // Tab 2, Style
- $('#st_name').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 250, height: 23 });
- $('#st_category').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 250, height: 23 });
- $('#st_category_number').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 70, height: 23 });
- $('#st_style_letter').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 250, height: 23 });
- $('#st_style_guide').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 250, height: 23 });
- $('#st_notes').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 800, height: 100 });
- $('#st_type').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 250, height: 23 });
- $('#st_og_min').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 3, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_og_max').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 3, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_fg_min').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 3, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_fg_max').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 3, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_ibu_min').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 0, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_ibu_max').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 0, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_color_min').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 0, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_color_max').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 0, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_carb_min').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 1, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_carb_max').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 1, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_abv_min').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 1, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_abv_max').jqxNumberInput({ inputMode: 'simple', theme: theme, width: 50, height: 23, decimalDigits: 1, readOnly: true });
- $('#st_profile').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 800, height: 48 });
- $('#st_ingredients').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 800, height: 23 });
- $('#st_examples').jqxInput({ theme: theme, width: 800, height: 48 });
- $('#styleSelect').jqxDropDownList({
-  placeHolder: 'Kies bierstijl:',
-  theme: theme,
-  source: styleslist,
-  displayMember: 'name',
-  width: 250,
-  height: 27,
-  dropDownWidth: 500,
-  dropDownHeight: 500,
-  renderer: function(index, label, value) {
-   var datarecord = styleslist.records[index];
-   return datarecord.style_guide + ' ' + datarecord.style_letter + ' ' + datarecord.name;
-  }
- });
- $('#styleSelect').on('select', function(event) {
-  if (event.args) {
-   var datarecord, index = event.args.index;
-   datarecord = styleslist.records[index];
-   $('#st_name').val(datarecord.name);
-   $('#st_category').val(datarecord.category);
-   $('#st_category_number').val(datarecord.category_number);
-   $('#st_style_letter').val(datarecord.style_letter);
-   $('#st_style_guide').val(datarecord.style_guide);
-   style_type = datarecord.type;
-   $('#st_type').val(StyleTypeData[datarecord.type].nl);
-   $('#st_og_min').val(datarecord.og_min);
-   $('#st_og_max').val(datarecord.og_max);
-   $('#st_fg_min').val(datarecord.fg_min);
-   $('#st_fg_max').val(datarecord.fg_max);
-   $('#st_ibu_min').val(datarecord.ibu_min);
-   $('#st_ibu_max').val(datarecord.ibu_max);
-   $('#st_color_min').val(datarecord.color_min);
-   $('#st_color_max').val(datarecord.color_max);
-   $('#st_carb_min').val(datarecord.carb_min);
-   $('#st_carb_max').val(datarecord.carb_max);
-   $('#st_abv_min').val(datarecord.abv_min);
-   $('#st_abv_max').val(datarecord.abv_max);
-   $('#st_notes').val(datarecord.notes);
-   $('#st_profile').val(datarecord.profile);
-   $('#st_ingredients').val(datarecord.ingredients);
-   $('#st_examples').val(datarecord.examples);
-  }
- });
- //Initializing the wizard
- wizard.init();
