Hops inventory disable filter menu on some fields. Friendy display of stock inventory.

Yeast import Imperial Yeast packs are 200 billion cells/pack. Inventory fermentables the origin country column first. Disable filter menu on some fields. Friendy display of stock inventory.

Fixed yeast database import differences between grams, ml and packs. Added cells field filled with defaults. Some edit screen improvements. Dynamic prompts depending on the yeast type. Disable men and filter of most columns in the yeasts list. Friendlier display of inverntory.

Miscs from bool to ints. Miscs database uses POST instead of GET. Dropdowns are unsing indexes. Dynamic edit screen adjust for weight and liter. Edit screen redesigned. Friendly show duration of ingredients.

Added total cost values to the fermenter and hop editor screens.

Switches yeasts inventory to indexed names and translations. Database save is using POST instead of GET. Redesigned the web page. Added total cost display which updates on inventory changes.

Failed attempt to get the filterbox right. Saved as a reference.

Hops database bool to int types. Dropdown lists are using tables with indexes. Dropdown lists display in Dutch. Save and delete in the database now use POST instead of GET. Removed the useat field. Redesigned the web page. Code cleanup.

Fermentables database bool to int types. Dropdown lists are using tables with indexes. Dropdown lists display in Dutch. Save and delete in the database now use POST instead of GET. Added the added and dissolved_protein fields. Removed the ibu_gal_per_lb field. Redesigned the web page. Code cleanup.

Added design notes for the csv log format from fermenters. In bmsd configuration added the web_root entry. Switched fermenter DLOG messages to store the log in flat csv files instead of the database. This is much faster and the graphs look better.

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