Show product code and name in edit product window title if not a new product.

block_misc updated for MISC_USES_SPARGE

Charts downsize the pen from 3 to 2. Some nicer looking graphs.

Forgot to save the new eq_chiller_* fields in products.

Removed several debug logmessages in tab 3 and database load.

Use hop absorption factors from the global setup.

Added five hop absorption fields to the profile_setup record to set the hop absorption rates. Added edit fields in the global setup. Load global these new variables during application startup.

In the product equipment tab show the volume to the fermenter. Changed some prompts and suffixes in that tab. Updated translations.

Restored translations again

Fix false adjust_to_total_100 setting in priming fermentables.

Added, tested and removed build in help. The Qt help system is not my thing, I think doxygen will be better.

Always update translations during make.

Finished dutch transltions

Adjusted chiller_loss default value to 0.4. Disabled product fields eq_calc_boil_volume, eq_hop_utilization, eq_lauter_volume and eq_lauter_height. Added eq_chiller_type, eq_chiller_to79, eq_chiller_volume, eq_chiller_lpm, eq_chiller_loss with default values for immersion chilling. Load these values from new selected equipment. Changed edit product tab 2 to show new the new fields and removed the obsolete fields.

Try to prevent zapping translations

(0) -300 -100 -15 +15 +100 tip
