Added default load yeastpacks. Added yeast_package_changed signal.

Expanded Yeast edit popup with a Yeast Pack dropdown list. Prepared database product read and write with values for yeast package. They will be stored as json object in the yeast records.

Added valid flag to the inventory_yeastpack table. Initial false and after record edit set to true. This should prevent the use possible wrong values.

Added yeastpack editor. Expanded the database upgrade. On startup, recount the yeastpack used fields.

Version 0.4.0. Added database upgrade procedure on startup. Make sure inventory_yeastpack database is created and has default entries. This will become a table with data for different yeast packs.

Add dry primary yeasts weights to get a mixed total. Use the parameters from the first and mmost used yeast. Changed in products and recipes. Recalculated WLP purepitch viability and planned next generation purepitch. We need a better way to set these parameters like a packages table. Fixed several yeast edit values due to adding a STA1 column. Removed several unneeded refresh_all() calls as they screwed the sorting of the yeasts during edit. Added STA1 display to recipes. Changed products database starter_viability from integer to float.

Version 0.3.6. Updated translations and bumped version.

Fixed replace a yeast field offsets.

Some extra debug info en some removed for the product images. Clear picmap area if no pixmaps are left. Block pictype_changed and piccomment_changed if there are no pictures, prevents segfault.

Only try to save images on existing paths

Delete images from a producti first[C when a product is deleted.

If a new image for a product is loaded, check if the path is available. If not, use the home directory.

Implemented file save

Version 0.3.5

Some final changes for now.

The images tab now looks complete. Made the left side (thumbnails) a bit smaller. The right side of the screen now shows the current image and all data that belongs to that. After a new image is added, reload the images. Implemented delete image.

Added more buttons to the images tab. Load images from the database and display thumbnails added. Added support for jpeg files. Rename pictures in the database to .png. Added temporary images_list, images_count and images_current variables to the product record.

Added fields for filename and timestamp.

In EditProduct added tab number 13. When entered, a signal is generated to init this tab so that we can defer loading. Added a AddImage button, we can select an image, give it a type and comment and store it is a separate table. The global settings file now has storage for paths (images, download and beerxml).

Show 0 if afterboil volume is invalid instead of the chiller volume. Added product tab 13. Here the images (beerlabels, brew pictures) for a product will be shown. Resized all product tabs. Added STA1 tickmark in the yeasts table.

Version 0.3.4

Removed the last bits of equipent calc_volume setting. Changed to the equipment setup screen using suffixes in the fields. Updated the translations.

On the brewday tab, show the afterboil volume inclusive the volume of the immersion chiller in the wort. Added refractometer buttons on the brewday tab. The brew volume cm edit popup shows a message if a immersion chiller is in the wort.

Added a refractometer icon

In print checklist show volume after boil inclusive immersion chiller volume. Improved some prompts in equipment edit.

Renamed trub_chiller_loss fields to trub_loss

Changed pitchrate field for liquid yeasts to read/write. Added pitchrate select using a QComboBox and added a popup window for that.

Added a button to automatic recreate the yeast starter steps. Some code cleanup

Fixed dangling old starter data. Added conditional yeast debug logging.

Version 0.3.3. Removed several obsolete debug messages. IBU and Fermentation calculation debug messages are now controlled by conditional defines in global.h. In the brewday tab update the preboil and afterboil reference volumes. In the brewday tab the chiller type is a read only field directy linked to the selected equipment.

Calculate mash attenuation time using log base 5 instead of a linear function.

Limit mash steptime to 240 minutes. Limit mash steps to 82 degrees celsius. In estimate_fg limit total mash time to 240 minutes and increased the water/grain ration from 5.5 to 6 l/kg.

Backported mash calculation from EditProduct to EditRecipe.

In estimate_fg decrease attenuation for mash temperatures below 66.11 degrees.

With estimate_fg added a boolean parameter sta1 to correct the outcome if a primary yeast with sta1 gen is used. Fixed a spelling error in EditProduct yeast tab for dry yeast.

Make sure the package abv is final when the tertiary fermentation data is filled in.

Added show package color and ibu and take dillution in account

Brewing salts can now set in hundreds instead on tents decimals.

Reset mash measurement fields when a recipe is copied to a product.

Toon ook de gewenste en verwachte hergisting druk.

Details CO2 monitor shows the style limits for the specific beer. Adjust the scale of the pressure widget to the beer limits. Moved more functions to the global Utils. Fix expected pressure in the package screen for other priming sugars. Disabled some debug log messages.

Moved GetPressureBar function to the Utils.

Version 0.3.2

Implemented IBU calculation for chilling.

Finally found the right way to calculate the bottle pressure in bar after refermentation.

Small changes to the iSpindel graph. Translated the dutch product edit window title.

Disable manipulating mash steps when brewday is over.

Show product code and name in edit product window title if not a new product.

block_misc updated for MISC_USES_SPARGE

Charts downsize the pen from 3 to 2. Some nicer looking graphs.

Forgot to save the new eq_chiller_* fields in products.

Removed several debug logmessages in tab 3 and database load.

Use hop absorption factors from the global setup.

Added five hop absorption fields to the profile_setup record to set the hop absorption rates. Added edit fields in the global setup. Load global these new variables during application startup.

In the product equipment tab show the volume to the fermenter. Changed some prompts and suffixes in that tab. Updated translations.

Restored translations again

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