Improved conditional styling


Added nextgen webcam scripts.

Upgraded jqwidgets

Always send network information, our IP may be changed.

Fixed init problems.

Version 0.9.11. Removed lcd debug message after 7 years. Added setup for alternative beer sensor. If the main sensor is gone, the alternative will be used.

Added kicad drawings

Make sure the hostname doesn't contain the domain name. Added Slackare init and setup scripts.

Improved logging if wiringpi failed.

Implemented MQTT user/password auth.

Version 0.9.10.

Changed pub_domoticz mqtt publishing.

Better logging for locking the daemon and fixed stale lock recovery.

Version 0.9.9 Don't flag fermenter death if the unit is turned off. Fix a wrong log message. Send unit data even if the unit is turned off.

Version 0.9.8. Added extra path to the fonts for Debian buster. Changed the PID to work on Proportional on Measurement. Added loops so that it looks like the PID is running at 100 mSec intervals.

Version 0.9.7. Increased the maximum fermentation temperature to 45 degrees to allow Kveik fermentations.

Merged fix from default stable

Fix for non Pi hardware and virtual Pi's.

Merged with default stable

Version 0.9.6

Fix one byte too large buffer copy

Added wiringPi hardware detection code.

Less debug messages on stdout

Revoved old temperature sensors read errors workaround.

Removed simulator debug support

Code cleanup and removed a debug message

Removed Graph button from the status screen.

Removed ARCHIVER commands and web pages.

Removed writing local unit data logs

Created stable branch stable

Final device thermometer error detection.

Added sensor precision initialize. Changed PID logging.

Experimental 12 bits resolution init

Changed 1-wire DS18B20 sensor error check.

More relaxed DHT11 readings

Removed not working extra check

Attempt to better check the temperature sensors and lower the cpu load.

Version 0.9.5, interior lights are now only controlled by the open door or a 5 minutes timer. The timer is started via an MQTT command. The BMS web application sends this command just before a webcam page is requested.

Added webcam files.

Version 0.9.4 Handle yeast temperature limits per fermenter.

Concept for yeast limits settings.

Version 0.9.3. Splitted the temperature low and high settings in fridge and beer mode.

DLOG messages are no longer retained.

Events are in the flat file log too

Version 0.9.2 DLOG messages every minute unless a unit is off. More event messages added. The target temperatur is now taken from the PIDs.

Removed some debug code

Fix for compiling with wiringPi

Send MQTT messages with temperature values also when the fermenter is off.

Version 0.9.1. Added fermentation profiles via MQTT. Added uuid field for loaded product. Removed some debug messages in the simulator. Removed dead code and debug messages from the lcd driver.

Removed useless version marks from the xml configuration. Added DCMD profile configuration to install and delete profiles in a fermenter. Removed the old profiles configuration. Removed useless xml configuration error check because none has been triggered in five years, Removed several obsolete upgrade functions. Updated the web liveview.

Version 0.9.0. Implemented DCMD via mqtt to set stage, mode, setpoint low and high. Implemeted DCMD via mqtt to set heater, cooler, fan and light state. Implemented DCMD via mqtt to set product code and name. Set the PID's in fridge mode without idle range offset, that was an old leftover setting that was obsolete.

Switched export server to https

Versie 0.8.9

Added Carbonation stage.

Fix not generating a valid system uuid

Versie 0.8.8 Fermentation stage implemented in units.

On Raspberry with WiringPi better hardware info is sent with NBIRTH

Fix for deprecated warnings

Versie 0.8.7. Fixed a lot of memory leaks with the aid of valgrind.

Forced mosquitto before thermferm

Improved Debian installation

Update init script and installation

Versie 0.8.6 De mosquitto library is geen optie meer maar verplicht.

Fixed compile for LCD display

Add fermenter uuid to the DLOG message

Versie 0.8.5. Implementatie product code en product naam. Implementatie DLOG MQTT berichten. Verminderde server rotocol debug berichten.

Updated simulator with more simulated devices.

Add INSTALL file. Less simulator logging.

Versie 0.8.4. Init script toegevoegd inclusief make install.

Versie 0.8.3. Enkele debug console berichten verwijderd. De MQTT NCMD reboot en rebirth commando's geimplementeerd.

Versie 0.8.2. Node NBIRTH payload heeft nu netwerk informatie.

Versie 0.8.1. Geen DDATA als fermenter uit staat. Profile JSON formaat is nu werkend.

Versie 0.8.0. Fixed eerste DBIRTH fout geinitialiseerde waardes.

Changed alarm message and mqtt message order

Fixed compiling whithout mqtt support.

Versie 0.6.8. Code cleanup. Publish NDATA MQTT bericht iedere 5 minuten of als er een THB wijziging is.

Removed NBIRTH/NDATA nodecontrol message.

Code cleanup

Fixed spelling error

Versie 0.6.7. Globale uuid toegevoegd voor de NBIRTH payload.

Changed opacity of heater and cooler lines

Versie 0.6.6. Subprojecten mash, rc433 en dht11 verwijderd.

Style fixes for the log chart. Removed png export button that doesn't work anymore.

Versie 0.6.5. LIST LOG <unit> commando verwijderd, alleen ARCHIVE LOG <unit> is nog in gebruik. De chiller temperatuur zit nu ook in de log en grafiek.

Een kleine correctie

Versie 0.6.4. Aan de global setup de MQTT instellingen toegevoegd. Die zijn er ook als MQTT niet op het systeem aanwezig is. Indien het de global setup wijzigd, wordt de MQTT verbinding opnieuw gemaakt.

Versie 0.6.3. MQTT device berichten alleen als een fermenter ingeschakeld is. MQTT fermenter birth en death berichhten als een fementer in of uitgeschakeld wordt. MQTT node death bericht bij normaal afsluiten van de daemon. Alle MQTT persistent berichten worden nu goed opgeruikmd.

Lights always on

Fan off during cooling

Serious alarms are above 255

Added alarm LED

Changed 1-wire logic a little bit

Debug CRC error messages

Chiller alarm and cutoff now against the air temperature.

Added unit alarm flag

Changed extreme PID control from 5to 8 degrees.

Thermometers styling

Liveview completed the chiller thermometer.

Design live view page

Fix storing beer_idx value

Version 0.6.2 released.

Added chiller configuration items

Changed livescreen, now displays thermometers. The chart is loaded on request. This speeds up loading the application.

Don't continuous send data to domoticz

Only send domoticz changed values

Changed state messages to domoticz

Version 0.6.1 added support for domoticz mqtt sensors.

Small web page changes

Upgraded jqwidgets to version 4.5.2

Version 0.6.0. The MQTT data messages are now allways the same length so that openhab will function with the message updates.

Turn off MQTT debug

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