Fixed compiling with wiringPi

More configuration items added.

Brewco first phase development configuration structure.

Bumped to version 0.5.1

The brewpanel can now run in daemon mode or debug mode.

Finished optional paneltype. Fixed all debug flags.

LCD backlight fixed to off state.

Dialog updates only

Fixed parameters pasing between different layers.

Initial part of LEDs and backlight implemented.

Moved global bit defines to config.h

Added LED objects to the SDL panel.

Updated design README

Fixed compiling for systems with wiringPi. Improved handling of udp sockets if there is no brewpanel running.

The brewpanel works, but still needs a lot more

Fixed compiling on a raspberry

The first ideas of the brewpanel simulation are in place.

Fixed compile

Reenabled code round LCD driver.

The server to panel socket protocol

Updated the panel layout.

Added cursor control, but no blinking yet.

The fontfile is now generated at the source site only to prevent the need for the imagemagic package on headless raspberries.

Updated dependencies.

Basic ideas to write to the simulated LCD display are in place.

Added configure message about SDL presence.

Fixed compiling on systems without SDL libraries, and they don't need tha brewpanel program.

Added a new brewpanel program that runs on an SDL/X screen. It will be an emulator for the hardware panels. Development version 0.5.0

Make sure that a DS2413 device used as input has the output latch turned off.

Removed thermometers program and directory. Version 0.4.3

(0) -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 tip
