Manual mode works with heat percentages.

Added program locking.

Added file copy. Move home directory detection to the main program function. During opening of the main configuration file, backups are made, 10 revisions in total.

Completed the recipe editor.

Added recipe setup display menu.

Changed some prompt numbers. Added name editor.

Removed some development traces.

Added the beginning of the recipes editor. Added load and save of recipes file.

Fixes for compiling on Raspberry.

Updated configuration to allow hopstands.

Build a simulated immersion chiller. It will start on SIGUSR1 signal and stop on a SIGUSR2 signal. Hardcoded is te coolwater temperature at 14 degrees celcius.

Most parts of the simulator are working, needs some tuning.

Beginning of the main program loop

Moved manual menu to it's own function.

Changed device outputs and status leds.

Manual mode added.

Added selecting output relays.

Added selecting sensors.

Added PID editor.

Read/Write PID parameters from configuration.

Switched to PID code from Arduino

Changed internal storage of temperatures to float. Added 2 prompts. Added editors for float and integer values. Added most of brewunit edit functions.

Better brew state field names.

Added programming display CGRAM. Added display of characters from CGRAM. Changed prompts to allow free prompt strings. More code for the brewsystem unit editor.

Split some sources

Added automate state file.

Added prompts for the LCD. Basic processing loop written.

Updated dependencies

Added simulator configuration.

Stop devices thread if the program ends.

(0) -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 tip
