Switched to PID code from Arduino

Changed internal storage of temperatures to float. Added 2 prompts. Added editors for float and integer values. Added most of brewunit edit functions.

Better brew state field names.

Added programming display CGRAM. Added display of characters from CGRAM. Changed prompts to allow free prompt strings. More code for the brewsystem unit editor.

Split some sources

Added automate state file.

Added prompts for the LCD. Basic processing loop written.

Updated dependencies

Added simulator configuration.

Stop devices thread if the program ends.

Fixed compiling with wiringPi

More configuration items added.

Brewco first phase development configuration structure.

Bumped to version 0.5.1

The brewpanel can now run in daemon mode or debug mode.

Finished optional paneltype. Fixed all debug flags.

LCD backlight fixed to off state.

Dialog updates only

Fixed parameters pasing between different layers.

Initial part of LEDs and backlight implemented.

Moved global bit defines to config.h

Added LED objects to the SDL panel.

Updated design README

Fixed compiling for systems with wiringPi. Improved handling of udp sockets if there is no brewpanel running.

The brewpanel works, but still needs a lot more

Fixed compiling on a raspberry

The first ideas of the brewpanel simulation are in place.

Fixed compile

Reenabled code round LCD driver.

The server to panel socket protocol

(0) -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 tip
