
Mon, 12 Nov 2018 16:34:43 +0100

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Mon, 12 Nov 2018 16:34:43 +0100
changeset 89
parent 70
child 368

Missing Water agent costs from Brouwhulp import are now added from the imported miscs database. The printed recipe report now calculates the beer color from the ingredients. Also set during recipes import. This will later allow to set the color method for each recipe individually.

/* eslint-disable */
 * Globalize Culture lt
 * http://github.com/jquery/globalize
 * Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
 * http://jquery.org/license
 * This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
 * Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator

(function( window, undefined ) {

var Globalize;

if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
	typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
	typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
	// Assume CommonJS
	Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
	// Global variable
	Globalize = window.Globalize;

Globalize.addCultureInfo( "lt", "default", {
	name: "lt",
	englishName: "Lithuanian",
	nativeName: "lietuvių",
	language: "lt",
	numberFormat: {
		",": ".",
		".": ",",
		negativeInfinity: "-begalybė",
		positiveInfinity: "begalybė",
		percent: {
			pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
			",": ".",
			".": ","
		currency: {
			pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
			",": ".",
			".": ",",
			symbol: "Lt"
	calendars: {
		standard: {
			"/": ".",
			firstDay: 1,
			days: {
				names: ["sekmadienis","pirmadienis","antradienis","trečiadienis","ketvirtadienis","penktadienis","šeštadienis"],
				namesAbbr: ["Sk","Pr","An","Tr","Kt","Pn","Št"],
				namesShort: ["S","P","A","T","K","Pn","Š"]
			months: {
				names: ["sausis","vasaris","kovas","balandis","gegužė","birželis","liepa","rugpjūtis","rugsėjis","spalis","lapkritis","gruodis",""],
				namesAbbr: ["Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir","Lie","Rgp","Rgs","Spl","Lap","Grd",""]
			monthsGenitive: {
				names: ["sausio","vasario","kovo","balandžio","gegužės","birželio","liepos","rugpjūčio","rugsėjo","spalio","lapkričio","gruodžio",""],
				namesAbbr: ["Sau","Vas","Kov","Bal","Geg","Bir","Lie","Rgp","Rgs","Spl","Lap","Grd",""]
			AM: null,
			PM: null,
			patterns: {
				d: "yyyy.MM.dd",
				D: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.'",
				t: "HH:mm",
				T: "HH:mm:ss",
				f: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.' HH:mm",
				F: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM d 'd.' HH:mm:ss",
				M: "MMMM d 'd.'",
				Y: "yyyy 'm.' MMMM"

}( this ));
