
Sat, 15 Dec 2018 23:22:11 +0100

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Sat, 15 Dec 2018 23:22:11 +0100
changeset 143
parent 98
child 231

During recipes import of miscs ingredients, convert time in Secondary to days. The hop grid also display the country of origin. Misc ingredients now use a temporary weight table just like the hops.


if (! $link) {
	die('Connect Error (' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ') ' . mysqli_connect_error());
if (! mysqli_set_charset($link, "utf8" )) {
	echo "error";
	return 1;

setlocale ( LC_ALL, 'nl_NL.UTF-8');
$record = $_GET["record"];
$result = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM recipes WHERE record='".$record."'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

$total_fermentables = 0.0;
$cost_fermentables = 0.0;
$total_hops = 0.0;
$cost_hops = 0.0;
$cost_yeasts = 0.0;
$cost_miscs = 0.0;
$pSugar = 0;
$pCara = 0;
$svg = 77;
$colorw = 0;
$total_ibus = 0;
$preboil_sg = 0;

class PDF_MySQL_Table extends FPDF
	protected $ProcessingTable=false;
	protected $aCols=array();
	protected $TableX;

	function Header() {
		// Print the table header if necessary
		if ($this->ProcessingTable)

	function TableHeader() {
		foreach($this->aCols as $col)

	function AddCol($width=-1, $caption='', $align='L') {

	function TableGlobal($row) {
		/* 2 Columns */
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 120;
		$this->Cell(0, 5, 'Recept overzicht',0,0,'C',true);


		$this->Cell(35,5,'Batch grootte',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,$row['batch_size'].' liter',0,0,'L',true);

		$this->Cell(25,5,$row['boil_time'].' minuten',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Brouwzaal rendement',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,$row['efficiency'].' %',0,0,'L',true);


	function TableFermentables($row) {
		global $cost_fermentables;
		global $total_fermentables;
		global $pSugar;
		global $pCara;
		global $colorw;
		global $preboil_sg;
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 132;


		$sugarsf = 0;
		$sugarsm = 0;
		$this->SetFillColor(250, 195, 65);
		$arr = json_decode($row['json_fermentables'], true);
		foreach($arr as $item) { //foreach element in $arr
			$name     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_name']);
			$supplier = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_supplier']);
			$added    = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_added']);
			$type     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_type']);
			$graintype     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_graintype']);
			$amount   = floatval($item['f_amount']);
			$costkg   = floatval($item['f_cost']);
			$yield    = floatval($item['f_yield']);
			$moisture = floatval($item['f_moisture']);
			$color    = floatval($item['f_color']);
			$percent  = floatval($item['f_percentage']);

			if ($type == "Sugar")
				$pSugar += $percent;
			if ($graintype == "Crystal")
				$pCara += $percent;

			$cost = $amount * $costkg;
			$cost_fermentables += $cost;
			$total_fermentables += $amount;
			/* Calculate the amount of sugars */
			$d = $amount * ($yield / 100) * (1 - $moisture / 100);
			if ($added == "Mash") {
				$d = floatval($row['efficiency']) / 100 * $d;
				$sugarsm += $d;
			$sugarsf += $d;
			$colorw += ($amount * ebc_to_srm($color) / $row['batch_size']) * 8.34436;


		$row['est_og'] = estimate_sg($sugarsf, floatval($row['batch_size']));
		$preboil_sg = estimate_sg($sugarsm, floatval($row['boil_size']));

	function TableHops($row) {
		global $total_hops;
		global $total_ibus;
		global $cost_hops;
		global $preboil_sg;
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 135;


		$this->SetFillColor(100, 250, 65);

		$arr = json_decode($row['json_hops'], true);
		foreach($arr as $item) { //foreach element in $arr
			$name     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['h_name']);
			$origin   = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['h_origin']);
			$useat    = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['h_useat']);
			$form     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['h_form']);
			$amount   = floatval($item['h_amount']) * 1000;
			$mass     = $amount;
			$costkg   = floatval($item['h_cost']);
			$time     = floatval($item['h_time']);
			$alpha    = floatval($item['h_alpha']);

			$cost = ($amount * $costkg) / 1000;
			$cost_hops += $cost;
			$total_hops += $amount;

			$moment = hop_useat_names($useat);
			if ($useat == "Boil") {
				$moment   = "Kook@".$time;
			$ibu = calc_IBU($useat, $form, /*floatval($row['est_og'])*/ $preboil_sg, floatval($row['batch_size']), $mass, $time, $alpha, $row['ibu_method']);
			$total_ibus += $ibu;



	function TableYeasts($row) {
		global $cost_yeasts;
		global $svg;
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 140;


		$this->SetFillColor(175, 175, 255);

		$arr = json_decode($row['json_yeasts'], true);
		foreach($arr as $item) { //foreach element in $arr
			$name       = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_name']);
			$laboratory = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_laboratory']);
			$product_id = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_product_id']);
			$form       = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_form']);
			$use        = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_use']);
			$amount     = floatval($item['y_amount']) * 1000;
			$costg      = floatval($item['y_cost']);
			$attenuation = floatval($item['y_attenuation']);
			$cost        = $amount * $costg;
			$cost_yeasts += $cost;

			if ($use == "Primary")
				$svg = $attenuation;



	function TableMiscs($row) {
		global $cost_miscs;
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 95;


		$this->SetFillColor(175, 175, 255);

		$arr = json_decode($row['json_miscs'], true);
		foreach($arr as $item) {
			$name       = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['m_name']);
			$type       = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['m_type']);
			$use_use    = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['m_use_use']);
			$amount     = floatval($item['m_amount']) * 1000;
			$costg      = floatval($item['m_cost']) / 1000;
			$time       = floatval($item['m_time']);
			$aiw        = $item['m_amount_is_weight'];
			$cost       = $amount * $costg;
			$cost_miscs += $cost;

			if ($type == "Water agent")
			else if ($type == "Fining")
			else if (($type == "Spice") || ($type == "Herb") || ($type == "Flavor") || ($type == "Yeast nutrient"))

			if ($use_use == "Boil")
				$gebruik = sprintf("%s %d min",misc_use_names($use_use),$time);
				$gebruik = misc_use_names($use_use);

			$hoeveel = sprintf("%.1f %s",$amount,$aiw ? "gr":"ml");



	// Watercolor $this->SetFillColor(120,255,250);

	function TableSummary($row) {
		global $pSugar;
		global $pCara;
		global $svg;
		global $colorw;
		global $cost_fermentables;
		global $cost_hops;
		global $cost_miscs;
		global $cost_yeasts;
		/* 2 Columns */
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 170;
		$this->Cell(0, 5, 'Recept samenvatting',0,0,'C',true);


		$row['est_fg'] = estimate_fg($pSugar, $pCara, 0, 0, 0, $svg, $row['est_og']);

		$this->Cell(35,5,'Start SG',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.sprintf("%.3f",$row['st_og_min']).' - '.sprintf("%.3f",$row['st_og_max']).')',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Eind SG',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.sprintf("%.3f",$row['st_fg_min']).' - '.sprintf("%.3f",$row['st_fg_max']).')',0,0,'L',true);

		$row['est_abv'] = abvol($row['est_og'], $row['est_fg']);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Geschat alcohol',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.sprintf("%.1f",$row['st_abv_min']).' - '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['st_abv_max']).'%)',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.sprintf("%.1f",$row['st_carb_min']).' - '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['st_carb_max']).'%)',0,0,'L',true);

		$row['est_color'] = kw_to_ebc($row['color_method'], $colorw);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Kleur ('.$row['color_method'].')',0,0,'L',true);
		$beercolor = ebc_to_color($row['est_color']);
		if ($row['est_color'] > 30)
		$this->Cell(25,5,$row['est_color'].' EBC',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.$row['st_color_min'].' - '.$row['st_color_max'].' EBC)',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Bitterheid ('.$row['ibu_method'].')',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,sprintf("%.0f",$row['est_ibu']).' IBU',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.$row['st_ibu_min'].' - '.$row['st_ibu_max'].' IBU)',0,0,'L',true);

		$cost_total = $cost_fermentables + $cost_hops + $cost_miscs + $cost_yeasts;
		$this->Cell(25,5,sprintf("%.2f",$cost_total/$row['batch_size']).EURO.' / liter',0,0,'L',true);

		// Kostprijs per liter, calorieren

class PDF extends PDF_MySQL_Table {
	function Header() {
		global $row;
		// Title
		// Ensure table header is printed

 * Generate PDF from recipe data
$pdf = new PDF();
if (strlen($row['notes'])) {
	$pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Recept opmerkingen',0,0,'C',true);
// Disclaimer toevoegen dat dit alleen recept ontwikkeling is. Uitkomsten zoals IBU zijn een berekende schatting.
// Footer sectie met berekende/geschatte uitkomsten zoals ABV, kostprijs per liter enz. 
