
Mon, 24 Dec 2018 15:52:11 +0100

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Mon, 24 Dec 2018 15:52:11 +0100
changeset 150
parent 98
child 231

Better stage detection during product import from brouwhulp. Added tooltips for treated water.


if (! $link) {
	die('Connect Error (' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ') ' . mysqli_connect_error());
if (! mysqli_set_charset($link, "utf8" )) {
	echo "error";
	return 1;

setlocale ( LC_ALL, 'nl_NL.UTF-8');
$record = $_GET["record"];
$result = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM recipes WHERE record='".$record."'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);

$total_fermentables = 0.0;
$cost_fermentables = 0.0;
$total_hops = 0.0;
$cost_hops = 0.0;
$cost_yeasts = 0.0;
$cost_miscs = 0.0;
$pSugar = 0;
$pCara = 0;
$svg = 77;
$colorw = 0;
$total_ibus = 0;
$preboil_sg = 0;

class PDF_MySQL_Table extends FPDF
	protected $ProcessingTable=false;
	protected $aCols=array();
	protected $TableX;

	function Header() {
		// Print the table header if necessary
		if ($this->ProcessingTable)

	function TableHeader() {
		foreach($this->aCols as $col)

	function AddCol($width=-1, $caption='', $align='L') {

	function TableGlobal($row) {
		/* 2 Columns */
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 120;
		$this->Cell(0, 5, 'Recept overzicht',0,0,'C',true);


		$this->Cell(35,5,'Batch grootte',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,$row['batch_size'].' liter',0,0,'L',true);

		$this->Cell(25,5,$row['boil_time'].' minuten',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Brouwzaal rendement',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,$row['efficiency'].' %',0,0,'L',true);


	function TableFermentables($row) {
		global $cost_fermentables;
		global $total_fermentables;
		global $pSugar;
		global $pCara;
		global $colorw;
		global $preboil_sg;
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 132;


		$sugarsf = 0;
		$sugarsm = 0;
		$this->SetFillColor(250, 195, 65);
		$arr = json_decode($row['json_fermentables'], true);
		foreach($arr as $item) { //foreach element in $arr
			$name     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_name']);
			$supplier = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_supplier']);
			$added    = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_added']);
			$type     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_type']);
			$graintype     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['f_graintype']);
			$amount   = floatval($item['f_amount']);
			$costkg   = floatval($item['f_cost']);
			$yield    = floatval($item['f_yield']);
			$moisture = floatval($item['f_moisture']);
			$color    = floatval($item['f_color']);
			$percent  = floatval($item['f_percentage']);

			if ($type == "Sugar")
				$pSugar += $percent;
			if ($graintype == "Crystal")
				$pCara += $percent;

			$cost = $amount * $costkg;
			$cost_fermentables += $cost;
			$total_fermentables += $amount;
			/* Calculate the amount of sugars */
			$d = $amount * ($yield / 100) * (1 - $moisture / 100);
			if ($added == "Mash") {
				$d = floatval($row['efficiency']) / 100 * $d;
				$sugarsm += $d;
			$sugarsf += $d;
			$colorw += ($amount * ebc_to_srm($color) / $row['batch_size']) * 8.34436;


		$row['est_og'] = estimate_sg($sugarsf, floatval($row['batch_size']));
		$preboil_sg = estimate_sg($sugarsm, floatval($row['boil_size']));

	function TableHops($row) {
		global $total_hops;
		global $total_ibus;
		global $cost_hops;
		global $preboil_sg;
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 135;


		$this->SetFillColor(100, 250, 65);

		$arr = json_decode($row['json_hops'], true);
		foreach($arr as $item) { //foreach element in $arr
			$name     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['h_name']);
			$origin   = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['h_origin']);
			$useat    = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['h_useat']);
			$form     = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['h_form']);
			$amount   = floatval($item['h_amount']) * 1000;
			$mass     = $amount;
			$costkg   = floatval($item['h_cost']);
			$time     = floatval($item['h_time']);
			$alpha    = floatval($item['h_alpha']);

			$cost = ($amount * $costkg) / 1000;
			$cost_hops += $cost;
			$total_hops += $amount;

			$moment = hop_useat_names($useat);
			if ($useat == "Boil") {
				$moment   = "Kook@".$time;
			$ibu = calc_IBU($useat, $form, /*floatval($row['est_og'])*/ $preboil_sg, floatval($row['batch_size']), $mass, $time, $alpha, $row['ibu_method']);
			$total_ibus += $ibu;



	function TableYeasts($row) {
		global $cost_yeasts;
		global $svg;
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 140;


		$this->SetFillColor(175, 175, 255);

		$arr = json_decode($row['json_yeasts'], true);
		foreach($arr as $item) { //foreach element in $arr
			$name       = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_name']);
			$laboratory = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_laboratory']);
			$product_id = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_product_id']);
			$form       = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_form']);
			$use        = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['y_use']);
			$amount     = floatval($item['y_amount']) * 1000;
			$costg      = floatval($item['y_cost']);
			$attenuation = floatval($item['y_attenuation']);
			$cost        = $amount * $costg;
			$cost_yeasts += $cost;

			if ($use == "Primary")
				$svg = $attenuation;



	function TableMiscs($row) {
		global $cost_miscs;
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 95;


		$this->SetFillColor(175, 175, 255);

		$arr = json_decode($row['json_miscs'], true);
		foreach($arr as $item) {
			$name       = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['m_name']);
			$type       = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['m_type']);
			$use_use    = iconv('UTF-8','windows-1252',$item['m_use_use']);
			$amount     = floatval($item['m_amount']) * 1000;
			$costg      = floatval($item['m_cost']) / 1000;
			$time       = floatval($item['m_time']);
			$aiw        = $item['m_amount_is_weight'];
			$cost       = $amount * $costg;
			$cost_miscs += $cost;

			if ($type == "Water agent")
			else if ($type == "Fining")
			else if (($type == "Spice") || ($type == "Herb") || ($type == "Flavor") || ($type == "Yeast nutrient"))

			if ($use_use == "Boil")
				$gebruik = sprintf("%s %d min",misc_use_names($use_use),$time);
				$gebruik = misc_use_names($use_use);

			$hoeveel = sprintf("%.1f %s",$amount,$aiw ? "gr":"ml");



	// Watercolor $this->SetFillColor(120,255,250);

	function TableSummary($row) {
		global $pSugar;
		global $pCara;
		global $svg;
		global $colorw;
		global $cost_fermentables;
		global $cost_hops;
		global $cost_miscs;
		global $cost_yeasts;
		/* 2 Columns */
		$vul = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->lMargin - 170;
		$this->Cell(0, 5, 'Recept samenvatting',0,0,'C',true);


		$row['est_fg'] = estimate_fg($pSugar, $pCara, 0, 0, 0, $svg, $row['est_og']);

		$this->Cell(35,5,'Start SG',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.sprintf("%.3f",$row['st_og_min']).' - '.sprintf("%.3f",$row['st_og_max']).')',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Eind SG',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.sprintf("%.3f",$row['st_fg_min']).' - '.sprintf("%.3f",$row['st_fg_max']).')',0,0,'L',true);

		$row['est_abv'] = abvol($row['est_og'], $row['est_fg']);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Geschat alcohol',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.sprintf("%.1f",$row['st_abv_min']).' - '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['st_abv_max']).'%)',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.sprintf("%.1f",$row['st_carb_min']).' - '.sprintf("%.1f",$row['st_carb_max']).'%)',0,0,'L',true);

		$row['est_color'] = kw_to_ebc($row['color_method'], $colorw);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Kleur ('.$row['color_method'].')',0,0,'L',true);
		$beercolor = ebc_to_color($row['est_color']);
		if ($row['est_color'] > 30)
		$this->Cell(25,5,$row['est_color'].' EBC',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.$row['st_color_min'].' - '.$row['st_color_max'].' EBC)',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(35,5,'Bitterheid ('.$row['ibu_method'].')',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,sprintf("%.0f",$row['est_ibu']).' IBU',0,0,'L',true);
		$this->Cell(25,5,'('.$row['st_ibu_min'].' - '.$row['st_ibu_max'].' IBU)',0,0,'L',true);

		$cost_total = $cost_fermentables + $cost_hops + $cost_miscs + $cost_yeasts;
		$this->Cell(25,5,sprintf("%.2f",$cost_total/$row['batch_size']).EURO.' / liter',0,0,'L',true);

		// Kostprijs per liter, calorieren

class PDF extends PDF_MySQL_Table {
	function Header() {
		global $row;
		// Title
		// Ensure table header is printed

 * Generate PDF from recipe data
$pdf = new PDF();
if (strlen($row['notes'])) {
	$pdf->Cell(0, 5, 'Recept opmerkingen',0,0,'C',true);
// Disclaimer toevoegen dat dit alleen recept ontwikkeling is. Uitkomsten zoals IBU zijn een berekende schatting.
// Footer sectie met berekende/geschatte uitkomsten zoals ABV, kostprijs per liter enz. 
