
Sat, 11 May 2019 23:13:40 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 11 May 2019 23:13:40 +0200
changeset 358
parent 0
child 384

Added flags for each ingredient group for the supplies state. On the main screen show the state of the supplies if the product stage is not yet packaged. Calculate the state of the supplies for fermentables, hops, yeasts and miscs. In the grids don't show the inventory values after they are used and reduced. On the fermentables tab show the weight of the grains to mash.

 * @file nodes.h

#ifndef _NODES_H
#define _NODES_H

void node_dump(sys_node_list *node);

 * @brief Birth of a node or data update. Create it in the database if 
 *        never seen before, else just update the database entry.
 * @param topic The MQTT topic string, contains the node type and name.
 * @param payload The JSON formatted payload with the node details.
void node_birth_data(char *topic, char *payload);

 * @brief Death of a node. Mark it offline in the database.
 * @param topic The MQTT topic string, contains the node type and name.
void node_death(char *topic);

