
Mon, 18 May 2020 11:00:59 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Mon, 18 May 2020 11:00:59 +0200
changeset 679
parent 579
child 680

Added reconnecting-websocket.js to automatic reconnect the websocket if the connection is lost. Usefull for mobile devices that go to sleep after a while. Changed mon_fermenters to use websockets instead of polling. Fixed wrong temperature color ranges on the fermenter monior. Increased the websocket receive buffer to 2048. In cannot overflow, but larger messages are chunked and the application does not handle these split messages. Needs termferm 0.9.9 or newer.

 * @file mysql.h
#ifndef _MYSQL_H
#define _MYSQL_H

 * @brief Connect to the MySQL server and select the database. All parameters must be
 *        set in the $HOME/.bms/bms.conf file.
 * @return 0 if success, any other value if the connection failed.
int  bms_mysql_init(void);

 * @brief Close MySQL connection and free resources.
void bms_mysql_end(void);

 * @brief Send query to the MySQL server with one reconnect attempt.
 * @param query The SQL query to send.
 * @return Return 0 if no error, else the error code.
int bms_mysql_query(const char *query);

 * @brief Ping MySQL connection and try to reconnect if the connection is broken.
void bms_mysql_ping(void);

void node_mysql_insert(sys_node_list *node);
void node_mysql_update(sys_node_list *node);
void node_mysql_death(char *node);

void fermenter_mysql_insert(sys_fermenter_list *fermenter);
void fermenter_mysql_update(sys_fermenter_list *fermenter);
void fermenter_mysql_death(char *node, char *alias);

void co2meter_mysql_insert(sys_co2meter_list *co2meter);
void co2meter_mysql_update(sys_co2meter_list *co2meter);
void co2meter_mysql_death(char *node, char *alias);

void ispindel_mysql_insert(sys_ispindel_list *ispindel);
void ispindel_mysql_update(sys_ispindel_list *ispindel);
void ispindel_mysql_death(char *alias);

 * @brief Check state changes in the database for all iSpindels and
 *        update the internal memory array. Called every 5 seconds from
 *        the main server thread.
void ispindel_mysql_check(void);

