
Sat, 26 Jan 2019 19:24:36 +0100

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 26 Jan 2019 19:24:36 +0100
changeset 211
parent 194
child 299

Water profile uses POST instead of GET. Added tooltips to the editor screen. Updated the editor screen. Total alkalinity and Bicarbonate update each other. More and smaller columns in the listing screen. Rearranged the editor screen.

 * @file bms.h

#ifndef	_BMS_H
#define	_BMS_H

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

#include "../config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/encoding.h>
#include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
#include <mosquitto.h>
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
#include <json-c/json.h>

#define MBSE_SS(x) (x)?(x):"(null)"

#define MQTT_NODE_CONTROL	0x0001			///< Show node control

 * @brief Configuration structure. Stored in a flat ascii file ~/.bms/bms.config
typedef struct _sys_config {
    char			*bms_name;		///< Brewery name
    char			*bms_uuid;		///< Brewery uuid
    char			*mysql_host;		///< MySQL host
    int				mysql_port;		///< MySQL port
    char			*mysql_user;		///< MySQL user name
    char			*mysql_pass;		///< MySQL password
    char			*mysql_database;	///< MySQL database
    char			*mqtt_host;		///< MQTT host
    int				mqtt_port;		///< MQTT port
    char			*mqtt_user;		///< MQTT username of NULL
    char			*mqtt_pass;		///< MQTT password of NULL
    char			*web_root;		///< WWW root directory
} sys_config;

 * @brief Structure for the nodes. Database table 'nodes'.
typedef struct _sys_node_list {
    struct _sys_node_list	*next;
    char			*uuid;			///< uuid string
    char			*node;			///< nodename
    bool			online;			///< on-line state
    char			*group_id;		///< group type
    char			*hardwaremake;		///< hardware make
    char			*hardwaremodel;		///< hardware model
    char			*os;			///< os type
    char			*os_version;		///< os version
    char			*firmware;		///< application version
    time_t			firstseen;		///< First seen this session
    time_t			lastseen;		///< Last seen this session
    float			temperature;		///< environment temperature
    float			humidity;		///< environment humidity
    float			barometer;		///< environment barometer pressure
    float			gps_latitude;		///< GPS latitude
    float			gps_longitude;		///< GPS longitude
    float			gps_altitude;		///< GPS altitude
    char			*net_address;		///< IPv4 or IPv6 address
    char			*net_ifname;		///< Interface name
    int				net_rssi;		///< RSSI value if wireless.
} sys_node_list;

 * @brief Fermenting profile steps
typedef struct _prof_step {
    struct _prof_step   	*next;
    int                 	steptime;               ///< Step time to target in hours
    int                 	resttime;               ///< Rest time on target in hours
    float               	target_lo;              ///< Low Target temperature
    float               	target_hi;              ///< High target temperature
    int                 	fridge_mode;            ///< Fridge or beer mode
} prof_step;

typedef enum
    FERMENTER_MODE_OFF = 0,		///< Fermenter is off.
    FERMENTER_MODE_NONE,		///< Fermenter on but does nothing.
    FERMENTER_MODE_FRIDGE,		///< Fermenter acts as a fridge.
    FERMENTER_MODE_BEER,		///< Fermenter acts as beer cooler.
    FERMENTER_MODE_PROFILE,		///< Fermenter runs in profile mode.

typedef enum
    FERMENTER_STAGE_PRIMARY = 0,	///< Fermentation primage stage.
    FERMENTER_STAGE_SECONDARY,		///< Fermenter secondary stage.
    FERMENTER_STAGE_TERTIARY,		///< Fermenter tertiary stage.
    FERMENTER_STAGE_CARBONATION,	///< Fermenter carbonation stage.

typedef enum
    DEVPRESENT_UNDEF = 0,		///< Precence not detectable.
    DEVPRESENT_NO,			///< Device is missing.
    DEVPRESENT_YES,			///< Device is present and Ok.
    DEVPRESENT_ERROR,			///< Device is present but in error state.

typedef enum
    ALARM_FLAG_DOOR	= 0x0001,	///< Door open
    ALARM_FLAG_PSU	= 0x0002,	///< PSU problem
    ALARM_FLAG_CHILLER	= 0x0100,	///< Chiller too warm

 * @brief Structure for the fermenters. Stored in database table 'fermenters'.
typedef struct _fermenter_list {
    struct _fermenter_list	*next;
    char			*uuid;			///< Fixed uuid string
    char			*alias;			///< Fixed short name
    char			*node;			///< Fixed node name
    bool			online;			///< Online status
    char			*beercode;		///< Beer unique code
    char			*beername;		///< Beer name in fermenter
    char			*beeruuid;		///< Beer uuid in fermenter
    char			*air_address;		///< Air sensor address
    char			*air_state;		///< Air sensor state
    float			air_temperature;	///< Air temperature
    char			*beer_address;		///< Beer sensor address
    char			*beer_state;		///< Beer sensor state
    float			beer_temperature;	///< Beer temperature
    char			*chiller_address;	///< Chiller sensor address
    char			*chiller_state;		///< Chiller sensor state
    float			chiller_temperature;	///< Chiller temperature
    char			*heater_address;	///< Heater address
    int				heater_state;		///< Heater state
    uint64_t			heater_usage;		///< Heater usage
    char			*cooler_address;	///< Cooler address
    int				cooler_state;		///< Cooler state
    uint64_t			cooler_usage;		///> Cooler usage
    char			*fan_address;		///< Fan address
    int				fan_state;		///< Fan state
    uint64_t			fan_usage;		///< Fan usage
    char			*light_address;		///< Light address
    int				light_state;		///< Light state
    uint64_t			light_usage;		///< Light usage
    char			*door_address;		///< Door address
    int				door_state;		///< Door state
    char 			*psu_address;		///< PSU address
    int				psu_state;		///< PSU state
    char			*mode;			///< Fermenter mode
    char			*stage;			///< Fermentation stage
    uint32_t			alarm;			///< Alarm flag
    float			setpoint_high;		///< Setpoint high
    float			setpoint_low;		///< Setpoint low
    char			*profile_uuid;		///< Profile uuid
    char			*profile_name;		///< Profile name
    char			*profile_state;		///< Profile state
    int				profile_percent;	///< Profile percent done
    float			profile_inittemp_high;	///< Profile init temp high
    float			profile_inittemp_low;	///< Profile init temp low
    char			*profile_steps;		///< Profile steps in JSON
} sys_fermenter_list;

typedef enum
    PROFILE_OFF = 0,			///< Profile not active
    PROFILE_PAUSE,               	///< Profile pause
    PROFILE_RUN,               		///< Profile is running
    PROFILE_DONE,               	///< Profile is finished
    PROFILE_ABORT,               	///< Profile abort

 * @brief Strcuture holding a fermentation log entry.
typedef struct fermenting_log {
    char	*datetime;		///< Date/time stamp
    char	*product_uuid;		///< Product uuid
    char	*product_code;		///< Product code
    char	*product_name;		///< Product name
    float	temperature_air;	///< Temperature air
    float	temperature_beer;	///< Temperature beer
    float	temperature_chiller;	///< Temperature chiller (if pressent)
    float	temperature_room;	///< Temperature room
    int		heater_power;		///< Heater power 0..100
    uint64_t	heater_usage;		///< Heater usage counter in seconds.
    int		cooler_power;		///< Cooler power 0..100
    uint64_t	cooler_usage;		///< Cooler usage counter in seconds.
    int		fan_power;		///< Fan power 0 or 100
    uint64_t	fan_usage;		///< Fan usage counter in seconds
    float	setpoint_low;		///< Target temperature low
    float	setpoint_high;		///< Tarhet temperature high
    char	*mode;			///< Working mode.
    char	*stage;			///< Fermentation stage
    char	*event;			///< Optional event
    char	*fermenter_uuid;	///< Fermenter in use
    char	*fermenter_node;	///< Fermenter node
    char	*fermenter_alias;	///< Fermenter_alias
} fermentation_log;

 * @brief Brew computer controllers. Must have hardware + installation + recipe data.
typedef struct _brewer_list {
    struct _brewer_list		*next;
    char			*uuid;
} brewer_list;

// Make it universal and make it connectable with a fermenter.
typedef struct _ispindel_list {
    struct _ispindel_list	*next;
    char			*uuid;			///< Fixed uuid string
    char			*name;			///< Name or description (Red iSpindle).
    char			*beercode;		///< Beer code if in use.
    float			temperature;		///< Temperature of the beer.
    float			gravity;		///< Measured gravity
    							// What nore, battery?
} ispindel_list;

// Hergisting meters.

 * @brief Standalone temperature loggers. (Freezers, refrigerators, chambers).
typedef struct _thb_list {
    struct _thb_list		*next;
    char			*uuit;			///< Fixed uuid string
    char			*name;			///< Name or description
    char			*beercode;		///< Beer code if needed.
    float			temperature;		///< Temperature in Celcius
    float			humidity;		///< Humidity in %
    float			barometer;		///< Air pressure.
    float			gps_latitude;		///< GPS latitude
    float			gps_longitude;		///< GPS longitide
    float			gps_altitude;		///< GPS altitude
} thb_list;

