
Wed, 18 Mar 2020 19:46:15 +0100

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Wed, 18 Mar 2020 19:46:15 +0100
changeset 642
parent 626
child 667

Limit debug ProtoDeficit error messages. If the need for a yeast starter changes, make sure the screen is updated. Another set of extra debug logs. Fixed try yeast starter. Several dropdown lists changed the action from change to select. This should fix te too early calculations while the data was not yet loaded.

# Makefile for the bms webserver
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 by M. Broek.

include ../Makefile.global

SRC		= cmd_fermenter.php cmd_co2meter.php cmd_ispindel.php config.php.dist crontasks.php \
		  export_equipments.php export_fermentables.php export_hops.php export_mashs.php \
		  export_miscs.php export_styles.php export_suppliers.php export_waters.php \
		  export_yeasts.php favicon.ico gen_about.php \
		  getbrewlog.php getco2meter.php getco2pressurelog.php getfermentablesources.php \
		  getfermenter.php getfermentlog.php gethopsources.php getmiscsources.php getnode.php \
		  getwatersources.php getyeastsources.php getispindel.php getispindellog.php \
		  import_ingredients.php index.php \
		  inv_equipments.php inv_fermentables.php inv_hops.php inv_instock.php \
		  inv_miscs.php inv_suppliers.php inv_waters.php inv_yeasts.php inv_yeastlab.php \
		  log_brew.php log_co2pressure.php log_fermentation.php log_ispindel.php \
		  mon_brewer.php mon_co2meter.php mon_fermenter.php mon_ispindel.php mon_node.php \
		  prod_archive_code.php prod_archive_date.php prod_archive_name.php prod_beerxml.php \
		  prod_checklist.php prod_divide.php prod_duplicate.php prod_edit.php prod_export.php prod_forum.php \
		  prod_impbrew.php prod_inprod.php prod_new.php prod_print.php prod_torecipe.php \
		  prod_r_efficiency.php prod_r_yeast.php prod_r_totals.php \
		  profile_fermentation.php profile_mash.php profile_setup.php profile_styles.php \
		  profile_water.php \
		  rec_beerxml.php rec_duplicate.php rec_edit.php rec_export.php rec_forum.php \
		  rec_import.php rec_main.php rec_new.php rec_print.php rec_toproduct.php \
		  upl_brew.php upl_fermentables.php upl_hops.php upl_miscs.php upl_recipe.php \
		  upl_styles.php upl_yeasts.php version.php
SUB		= version.php.in images/* css/* jqwidgets/* jqwidgets/styles/* \
		  jqwidgets/styles/images/* jqwidgets/globalization/* js/* \
		  includes/* fpdf/* import/*
OTHER		= Makefile
CSS_FILES	= $(filter-out %-min.css,$(wildcard css/*.css css/**/*.css ))
YUI_COMPRESSOR	= yui-compressor
YUI_COMPRESSOR_FLAGS	= --charset utf-8 --verbose

CSS_MINIFIED = $(CSS_FILES:.css=-min.css)


		${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${INCLUDES} ${DEFINES} -c $<

all:		minify-css

		rm -f version.php ${CSS_MINIFIED}

minify-css:	$(CSS_FILES) $(CSS_MINIFIED)

%-min.css:	%.css
		@echo '==> Minifying $<'

		${INSTALL} -d -g 314 -o 314 ${PREFIX} ${WWWDIR} ${WWWDIR}/css ${WWWDIR}/fpdf \
			${WWWDIR}/fpdf/font ${WWWDIR}/ispindel \
			${WWWDIR}/jqwidgets ${WWWDIR}/js ${WWWDIR}/images/ ${WWWDIR}/includes/
		${INSTALL} -d -g 314 -o 314 -m 0777 ${WWWDIR}/run
		${INSTALL} -d -g 314 -o 314 ${WWWDIR}/log
		${INSTALL} -d -g 314 -o 314 ${WWWDIR}/log/brews
		${INSTALL} -d -g 314 -o 314 ${WWWDIR}/log/fermentation
		${INSTALL} -d -g 314 -o 314 ${WWWDIR}/log/co2pressure
		${INSTALL} -d -g 314 -o 314 ${WWWDIR}/log/ispindel
		${INSTALL} -g 314 -o 314 -m 0644 ${SRC} ${WWWDIR}/
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		${INSTALL} -g 314 -o 314 -m 0644 includes/* ${WWWDIR}/includes/
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		cp -r jqwidgets/* ${WWWDIR}/jqwidgets/
		chown -R 314:314 ${WWWDIR}/jqwidgets
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filelist:	Makefile
		BASE=`pwd`; \
		BASE=`basename $${BASE}`; \
		(for f in ${SRC} ${SUB} ${OTHER} ;do echo ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}/$${BASE}/$$f; done) >filelist

