
Fri, 30 Nov 2018 17:40:39 +0100

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Fri, 30 Nov 2018 17:40:39 +0100
changeset 116
parent 40
child 180

Removed all calculations from the equipemnts database script and added missing fields. Added missing fields to the inventory equipemnts edit screen. Added conditional batch size calculation to the equipments editor. Added specific heat settings to the equipments editor.

page_header('Hoofdmenu', NULL);
$uuid = $_GET["uuid"];
  $(document).ready(function () {

    var gaugeoptions = {
	  min: -5, max: 35, width: 275, height: 275,
	  ranges: [{ startValue: -5, endValue:  0, style: { fill: '#3399FF', stroke: '#3399FF' }, endWidth: 10, startWidth: 10 },
	           { startValue:  0, endValue: 16, style: { fill: '#00CC33', stroke: '#00CC33' }, endWidth: 10, startWidth: 10 },
	           { startValue: 16, endValue: 24, style: { fill: '#FCA76A', stroke: '#FCA76A' }, endWidth: 10, startWidth: 10 },
	           { startValue: 24, endValue: 35, style: { fill: '#FC6A6A', stroke: '#FC6A6A' }, endWidth: 10, startWidth: 10 }],
	  ticksMinor: { interval: 1, size: '5%' },
	  ticksMajor: { interval: 5, size: '9%' },
	  labels: { interval: 5 },
	  style: { fill: '#eeeeee', stroke: '#666666' },
	  value: 0,
	  colorScheme: 'scheme05',
	  animationDuration: 1200
    var gaugeSmalloptions = {
	  min: -20, max: 25, width: 150, height: 150,
	  ranges: [{ startValue: -20, endValue:  0, startWidth: 5, endWidth: 5, style: { fill: '#3399FF', stroke: '#3399FF' }},
	           { startValue:   0, endValue: 25, startWidth: 5, endWidth: 5, style: { fill: '#FC6A6A', stroke: '#FC6A6A' }}],
	  ticksMinor: { interval: 1, size: '5%' },
	  ticksMajor: { interval: 5, size: '9%' },
	  labels: { interval: 5 },
	  style: { fill: '#eeeeee', stroke: '#666666' },
	  value: 0,
	  colorScheme: 'scheme05',
	  animationDuration: 1200,
	  caption: { value: 'Chiller', position: 'bottom', offset: [0, 10] }

    $("#gaugeContainer_air").jqxGauge( gaugeoptions );
    $("#gaugeContainer_air").jqxGauge( { caption: { value: 'Air', position: 'bottom', offset: [0, 10] }} );
    $("#gaugeContainer_beer").jqxGauge( gaugeoptions );
    $("#gaugeContainer_beer").jqxGauge( { caption: { value: 'Beer', position: 'bottom', offset: [0, 10] }} );
    $("#gaugeContainer_chiller").jqxGauge( gaugeSmalloptions );

    var uuid = "<?php echo $uuid; ?>";
    var url = "getfermenter.php?uuid='" + uuid + "'";
    var source = {
	  datatype: "json",
	  datafields: [
	    { name: 'record', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'uuid', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'alias', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'node', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'online', type: 'bool' },
	    { name: 'beercode', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'beername', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'air_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'air_state', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'air_temperature', type: 'float' },
	    { name: 'beer_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'beer_state', type: 'string' },
 	    { name: 'beer_temperature', type: 'float' },
	    { name: 'chiller_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'chiller_state', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'chiller_temperature', type: 'float' },
	    { name: 'heater_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'heater_state', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'heater_usage', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'cooler_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'cooler_state', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'cooler_usage', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'fan_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'fan_state', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'fan_usage', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'light_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'light_state', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'light_usage', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'door_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'door_state', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'psu_address', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'psu_state', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'mode', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'alarm', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'setpoint_high', type: 'float' },
	    { name: 'setpoint_low', type: 'float' },
	    { name: 'profile_uuid', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'profile_name', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'profile_state', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'profile_precent', type: 'int' },
	    { name: 'profile_inittemp_high', type: 'float' },
	    { name: 'profile_inittemp_low', type: 'float' },
	    { name: 'profile_steps', type: 'string' },
	    { name: 'stage', type: 'string' }
    	  id: 'record',
          url: url
    var dataAdapter = new $.jqx.dataAdapter(source, {
      loadComplete: function (records) {
	var record = dataAdapter.records[0];
	var oline = (record.online) ? "On-line" : "Off-line";
	var html  = "<div id='fermenter_table'>";
	    html += "<table style='width: 100%; padding: 10px;'>";
	    html += "<tr><th colspan=2>Klimaatkast overzicht</th></tr>";
	    html += "<tr><td>Uuid</td><td>" + record.uuid + "</td></tr>";
	    html += "<tr><td>Systeem</td><td>" + record.node +  "/" + record.alias + " " + oline + "</td></tr>";
	    html += "<tr><td>Bier</td><td>" + record.beercode + " - " + record.beername + "</td></tr>";
	    html += "<tr><td>Werking</td><td>" + record.mode + "</td></tr>";
	    html += "<tr><td>Fase</td><td>" + record.stage + "</td></tr>"
	    html += "</<table>";
	    html += "</div>";

	$('#gaugeContainer_air').jqxGauge({ value: record.air_temperature });
	if (record.online && (record.air_state == "OK")) {
	      $("#gaugeContainer_air").jqxGauge({ disabled: false });
	} else {
	      $("#gaugeContainer_air").jqxGauge({ disabled: true });
	$('#gaugeContainer_beer').jqxGauge({ value: record.beer_temperature });
	if (record.online && (record.beer_state == "OK")) {
	  $("#gaugeContainer_beer").jqxGauge({ disabled: false });
	} else {
	  $("#gaugeContainer_beer").jqxGauge({ disabled: true });
	$("#gaugeContainer_chiller").jqxGauge({ value: record.chiller_temperature });
	if (record.online && (record.chiller_state == "OK")) {
	  $("#gaugeContainer_chiller").jqxGauge({ disabled: false });
	} else {
	  $("#gaugeContainer_chiller").jqxGauge({ disabled: true });

	html  = "<div>SpH <span class='temperature NUM'>" + record.setpoint_high.toFixed(1) + "</span></div>";
	html += "<div>SpL <span class='temperature NUM'>" + record.setpoint_low.toFixed(1) + "</span></div>";
	html += "<div>Air <span class='temperature NUM'>" + record.air_temperature.toFixed(3) + "</span></div>";
	html += "<div>Beer <span class='temperature NUM'>" + record.beer_temperature.toFixed(3) + "</span></div>";

    // Get the data immediatly and then at regular intervals to refresh.
    }, 10000);

   <div id="MainPanel">
    <div id="ContentPanel"></div>
    <div id='fermenter_thermometers'>
      <div id="gaugeContainer_air" style='float: left; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px;'></div>
      <div id="gaugeContainer_beer" style="float: right; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 10px;"></div>
      <div id="gaugeContainer_chiller" style="float: left; margin-top: 15px;"></div>
      <div id="fermenter_tempdigits"></div>

