
Sun, 12 May 2019 21:43:23 +0200

Michiel Broek <mbroek@mbse.eu>
Sun, 12 May 2019 21:43:23 +0200
changeset 369
parent 278
child 432

Allow screen scaling

 * Import inventory from brouwhulp


echo "Start adding data from brouwhulp\n";

if (! $db) {
	die('Connect Error (' . mysqli_connect_errno() . ') ' . mysqli_connect_error());
mysqli_set_charset($db, "utf8" );

$brouwhulp = '/home/mbroek/Documents/brouwhulp';
$pCara = 0;
$pSugar = 0;
$svg = 77;
$efficiency = 75;
$batch_size = 20;
$colorw = 0;
$f_sugars = 0;

function get_miscs_cost($miscname) {
	global $db;

	if ($result = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT cost FROM inventory_miscs WHERE name='$miscname'")) {
		if ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
			return floatval($row['cost']);
	return 0.0;

function do_fermentables()
	global $brouwhulp, $db;

	echo "  Start adding fermentables to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE inventory_fermentables;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));
	$myfermentables = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/fermentables.xml');

	foreach ($myfermentables->FERMENTABLE as $fermentable) {

		$sql  = "INSERT INTO inventory_fermentables SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $fermentable->NAME);
		if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Grain')
			$sql .= "', type='0";
		else if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Sugar')
			$sql .= "', type='1";
		else if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Extract')
			$sql .= "', type='2";
		else if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Dry extract')
			$sql .= "', type='3";
		else if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Adjunct')
			$sql .= "', type='4";
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $fermentable->TYPE . PHP_EOL;
		if ($fermentable->YIELD)
			$sql .= "', yield='" . floatval($fermentable->YIELD);
		if ($fermentable->COLOR) {
			$sql .= "', color='" . srm_to_ebc(floatval($fermentable->COLOR));
		($fermentable->ADD_AFTER_BOIL == "TRUE") ? $sql .= "', add_after_boil='1" : $sql .= "', add_after_boil='0";
		if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Mash')
			$sql .= "', added='0";
		else if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Boil')
			$sql .= "', added='1";
		else if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Fermentation')
			$sql .= "', added='2";
		else if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Lagering')
			$sql .= "', added='3";
		else if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Bottle')
			$sql .= "', added='4";
			echo "Unknown ADDED " . $fermentable->ADDED . PHP_EOL;

		$sql .= "', origin='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $fermentable->ORIGIN);
		$sql .= "', supplier='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $fermentable->SUPPLIER);
		$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $fermentable->NOTES);
		if ($fermentable->COARSE_FINE_DIFF)
			$sql .= "', coarse_fine_diff='" . floatval($fermentable->COARSE_FINE_DIFF);
		if ($fermentable->MOISTURE)
			$sql .= "', moisture='" . floatval($fermentable->MOISTURE);
		if ($fermentable->DIASTATIC_POWER)
			$sql .= "', diastatic_power='" . floatval($fermentable->DIASTATIC_POWER);
		if ($fermentable->PROTEIN)
			$sql .= "', protein='" . floatval($fermentable->PROTEIN);
		if ($fermentable->DISSOLVED_PROTEIN)
			$sql .= "', dissolved_protein='" . floatval($fermentable->DISSOLVED_PROTEIN);
		if ($fermentable->MAX_IN_BATCH)
			$sql .= "', max_in_batch='" . floatval($fermentable->MAX_IN_BATCH);
		($fermentable->RECOMMEND_MASH == "TRUE") ? $sql .= "', recommend_mash='1" : $sql .= "', recommend_mash='0";
		($fermentable->ALWAYS_ON_STOCK == "TRUE") ? $sql .= "', always_on_stock='1" : $sql .= "', always_on_stock='0";
		if ($fermentable->INVENTORY)
			$sql .= "', inventory='" . floatval($fermentable->INVENTORY);
		if ($fermentable->COST)
			$sql .= "', cost='" . floatval($fermentable->COST);
		 * These are not beerxml standard:
		if ($fermentable->DI_pH)
			$sql .= "', di_ph='" . floatval($fermentable->DI_pH);
		if ($fermentable->{'ACID_TO_pH_5.7'})
			$sql .= "', acid_to_ph_57='" . floatval($fermentable->{'ACID_TO_pH_5.7'});
		if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Base')
			$sql .= "', graintype='0";
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Roast')
			$sql .= "', graintype='1";
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Crystal')
			$sql .= "', graintype='2";
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Kilned')
			$sql .= "', graintype='3";
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Sour malt')
			$sql .= "', graintype='4";
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Special')
			$sql .= "', graintype='5";
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'No malt')
			$sql .= "', graintype='6";
			echo "Unknown GRAINTYPE " . $fermentable->GRAINTYPE . PHP_EOL;
		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

function do_hops()
	global $brouwhulp, $db;

	echo "  Start adding hops to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE inventory_hops;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

	$myhops = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/hops.xml');

	foreach ($myhops->HOP as $hop) {

		$sql  = "INSERT INTO inventory_hops SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $hop->NAME);
		if ($hop->ALPHA)
			$sql .= "', alpha='" . floatval($hop->ALPHA);
		if ($hop->BETA)
			$sql .= "', beta='" . floatval($hop->BETA);
		if ($hop->HUMULENE)
			$sql .= "', humulene='" . floatval($hop->HUMULENE);
		if ($hop->CAROPHYLLENE)
			$sql .= "', caryophyllene='" . floatval($hop->CAROPHYLLENE);
		if ($hop->COHUMULONE)
			$sql .= "', cohumulone='" . floatval($hop->COHUMULONE);
		if ($hop->MYRCENE)
			$sql .= "', myrcene='" . floatval($hop->MYRCENE);
		if ($hop->HSI)
			$sql .= "', hsi='" . floatval($hop->HSI);

		if ($hop->TYPE == 'Bittering')
			$sql .= "', type='0";
		else if ($hop->TYPE == 'Aroma')
			$sql .= "', type='1";
		else if ($hop->TYPE == 'Both')
			$sql .= "', type='2";
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $hop->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($hop->FORM == 'Pellet')
			$sql .= "', form='0";
		else if ($hop->FORM == 'Plug')
			$sql .= "', form='1";
		else if ($hop->FORM == 'Leaf')
			$sql .= "', form='2";
			echo "Unknown FORM " . $hop->FORM . PHP_EOL;

		$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $hop->NOTES);
		$sql .= "', origin='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $hop->ORIGIN);
		$sql .= "', substitutes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $hop->SUBSTITUTES);
		($hop->ALWAYS_ON_STOCK == 'TRUE') ? $sql .= "', always_on_stock='1" : $sql .= "', always_on_stock='0";
		if ($hop->INVENTORY)
			$sql .= "', inventory='" . floatval($hop->INVENTORY) / 1000.0;
		if ($hop->COST)
			$sql .= "', cost='" . floatval($hop->COST);
		if ($hop->TOTAL_OIL)
			$sql .= "', total_oil='" . floatval($hop->TOTAL_OIL);
		if ($hop->HARVEST_DATE) {
			$date = substr($hop->HARVEST_DATE, 6, 4).'-'.substr($hop->HARVEST_DATE, 3, 2).'-'.substr($hop->HARVEST_DATE, 0, 2);
			$sql .= "', production_date='" . $date;
		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));


function do_yeasts()
	global $brouwhulp, $db;

	echo "  Start adding yeasts to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE inventory_yeasts;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

	$yeasts = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/yeasts.xml');

	foreach ($yeasts->YEAST as $yeast) {

		$sql  = "INSERT INTO inventory_yeasts SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $yeast->NAME);

		if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Lager')
			$sql .= "', type='0";
		else if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Ale')
			$sql .= "', type='1";
		else if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Wheat')
			$sql .= "', type='2";
		else if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Wine')
			$sql .= "', type='3";
		else if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Champagne')
			$sql .= "', type='4";
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $yeast->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($yeast->FORM == 'Liquid')
			$sql .= "', form='0";
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Dry')
			$sql .= "', form='1";
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Slant')
			$sql .= "', form='2";
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Culture')
			$sql .= "', form='3";
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Frozen')
			$sql .= "', form='4";
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Bottle')
			$sql .= "', form='5";
			echo "Unknown FORM " . $yeast->FORM . PHP_EOL;

		$sql .= "', laboratory='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $yeast->LABORATORY);
		$sql .= "', product_id='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $yeast->PRODUCT_ID);
		if ($yeast->MIN_TEMPERATURE)
			$sql .= "', min_temperature='" . floatval($yeast->MIN_TEMPERATURE);
		if ($yeast->MAX_TEMPERATURE)
			$sql .= "', max_temperature='" . floatval($yeast->MAX_TEMPERATURE);

		if ($yeast->FLOCCULATION == 'Low')
			$sql .= "', flocculation='0";
		else if ($yeast->FLOCCULATION == 'Medium')
			$sql .= "', flocculation='1";
		else if ($yeast->FLOCCULATION == 'High')
			$sql .= "', flocculation='2";
		else if ($yeast->FLOCCULATION == 'Very high')
			$sql .= "', flocculation='3";
			echo "Unknown FLOCCULATION " . $yeast->FLOCCULATION . PHP_EOL;

		if ($yeast->ATTENUATION)
			$sql .= "', attenuation='" . floatval($yeast->ATTENUATION);
		$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $yeast->NOTES);
		$sql .= "', best_for='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $yeast->BEST_FOR);
		if ($yeast->MAX_REUSE)
			$sql .= "', max_reuse='" . $yeast->MAX_REUSE;

		if ($yeast->FORM == 'Liquid') {
			if ($yeast->LABORATORY == 'Imperial Yeast')
				$sql .= "', cells='200000000000";	// 200 billion cells per pack
				$sql .= "', cells='100000000000";	// 100 billion cells per pack
			if ($yeast->COST)
				$sql .= "', cost='" . floatval($yeast->COST);
			if ($yeast->INVENTORY)
				$sql .= "', inventory='" . floatval($yeast->INVENTORY);
		} else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Dry') {
			$sql .= "', cells='15000000000";	// 6..15 billion per gram
			if ($yeast->INVENTORY)
				$sql .= "', inventory='" . floatval($yeast->INVENTORY) / 1000.0; // To kg
			if ($yeast->COST)
				$sql .= "', cost='" . floatval($yeast->COST) * 1000.0;  // to Euro/kg
		} else {
			$sql .= "', cells='1700000000";		// 1.7 billion cells per ml.
			if ($yeast->INVENTORY)
				$sql .= "', inventory='" . floatval($yeast->INVENTORY) / 1000.0; // To liter
			if ($yeast->COST)
				$sql .= "', cost='" . floatval($yeast->COST) * 1000.0; 	// to Euro/liter
		if ($yeast->CULTURE_DATE) {
			$date = substr($yeast->CULTURE_DATE, 6, 4) . '-' . substr($yeast->CULTURE_DATE, 3, 2) . '-' . substr($yeast->CULTURE_DATE, 0, 2);
			$sql .= "', production_date='" . $date;
		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

function do_waters()
	global $brouwhulp, $db;

	echo "  Start adding waters to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE profile_water;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE inventory_waters;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

	$waters = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/waters.xml');

	foreach ($waters->WATER as $water) {

		if (($water->NAME == "Gedemineraliseerd water") || ($water->NAME == "Cristalline") || ($water->NAME == "Montille (Delhaize)") ||
		    ($water->NAME == "Spa Reine") || ($water->NAME == "Velsen") || ($water->NAME == "Zutphen") || 
		    ($water->NAME == "Aurele Bronwater (Colruyt)")) {
		    $sql  = "INSERT INTO inventory_waters SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $water->NAME);
		} else {
			$sql  = "INSERT INTO profile_water SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $water->NAME);

		if ($water->NOTES)
			$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $water->NOTES);
		$sql .= "', calcium='" . floatval($water->CALCIUM);
		$sql .= "', bicarbonate='" . floatval($water->BICARBONATE);
		$sql .= "', sulfate='" . floatval($water->SULFATE);
		$sql .= "', chloride='" . floatval($water->CHLORIDE);
		$sql .= "', sodium='" . floatval($water->SODIUM);
		$sql .= "', magnesium='" . floatval($water->MAGNESIUM);
		$sql .= "', ph='" . floatval($water->PH);
		if ($water->TOTAL_ALKALINITY)
			$sql .= "', total_alkalinity='" . floatval($water->TOTAL_ALKALINITY);
		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

function do_miscs()
	global $brouwhulp, $db;

	echo "  Start adding miscs to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE inventory_miscs;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

	$miscs = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/miscs.xml');

	foreach ($miscs->MISC as $misc) {

		$sql  = "INSERT INTO inventory_miscs SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $misc->NAME);
		if ($misc->NOTES)
			$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $misc->NOTES);

		if ($misc->TYPE == 'Spice')
			$sql .= "', type='0";
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Herb')
			$sql .= "', type='1";
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Flavor')
			$sql .= "', type='2";
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Fining')
			$sql .= "', type='3";
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Water agent')
			$sql .= "', type='4";
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Yeast nutrient')
			$sql .= "', type='5";
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Other')
			$sql .= "', type='6";
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $misc->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($misc->USE == 'Starter')
			$sql .= "', use_use='0";
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Mash')
			$sql .= "', use_use='1";
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Boil')
			$sql .= "', use_use='2";
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Primary')
			$sql .= "', use_use='3";
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Secondary')
			$sql .= "', use_use='4";
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Bottling')
			$sql .= "', use_use='5";
			echo "Unknown USE " . $misc->USE . PHP_EOL;

		$sql .= "', time='" . $misc->TIME;
		($misc->AMOUNT_IS_WEIGHT == 'TRUE') ? $sql .= "', amount_is_weight='1" : $sql .= "', amount_is_weight='0";
		if ($misc->USE_FOR)
			$sql .= "', use_for='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $misc->USE_FOR);
		if ($misc->ALWAYS_ON_STOCK)
			($misc->ALWAYS_ON_STOCK == 'TRUE') ? $sql .= "', always_on_stock='1" : $sql .= "', always_on_stock='0";
		if ($misc->INVENTORY)
			$sql .= "', inventory='" . floatval($misc->INVENTORY) / 1000.0;
		if ($misc->COST)
			$sql .= "', cost='" . floatval($misc->COST);
		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

function do_equipments()
	global $brouwhulp, $db;

	echo "  Start adding equipments to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE inventory_equipments;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

	$equipments = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/equipments.xml');

	foreach ($equipments->EQUIPMENT as $equipment) {

		$sql  = "INSERT INTO inventory_equipments SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $equipment->NAME);
		$sql .= "', boil_size='" . floatval($equipment->BOIL_SIZE);
		$sql .= "', batch_size='" . floatval($equipment->BATCH_SIZE);
		$sql .= "', tun_volume='" . floatval($equipment->TUN_VOLUME);
		$sql .= "', tun_weight='" . floatval($equipment->TUN_WEIGHT);
		$sql .= "', tun_specific_heat='" . floatval($equipment->TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT);
		if (floatval($equipment->TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT) == 0.11)
			$sql .= "', tun_material='0";
		else if (floatval($equipment->TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT) == 0.22)
			$sql .= "', tun_material='1";
		else if (floatval($equipment->TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT) == 0.46)
			$sql .= "', tun_material='2";
		else if (floatval($equipment->TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT) == 0.092)
			$sql .= "', tun_material='3";
			echo "Unknown TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT" . $equipment->TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT . PHP_EOL;
		$sql .= "', tun_height='" . floatval($equipment->TUN_HEIGHT);
		$sql .= "', top_up_water='" . floatval($equipment->TOP_UP_WATER);
		$sql .= "', trub_chiller_loss='" . floatval($equipment->TRUB_CHILLER_LOSS);
		 * Brouwhulp uses a percentage for the evaporation rate. This is wrong
		 * but was made so because the beerxml standard requires this. What we
		 * do is calculate the actual evaporation and store that.
		 * This is what we use. Brouwhulp calculates this on the fly.
		$sql .= "', evap_rate='" . (floatval($equipment->EVAP_RATE) * floatval($equipment->BOIL_SIZE)) / 100.0;
		$sql .= "', boil_time='" . floatval($equipment->BOIL_TIME);
		($equipment->CALC_BOIL_VOLUME == 'TRUE') ? $sql .= "', calc_boil_volume='1" : $sql .= "', calc_boil_volume='0";
		$sql .= "', top_up_kettle='" . floatval($equipment->TOP_UP_KETTLE);
		$sql .= "', hop_utilization='" . floatval($equipment->HOP_UTILIZATION);
		if ($equipment->NOTES)
			$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $equipment->NOTES);
		$sql .= "', lauter_volume='" . floatval($equipment->LAUTER_VOLUME);
		$sql .= "', lauter_height='" . floatval($equipment->LAUTER_HEIGHT);
		$sql .= "', lauter_deadspace='" . floatval($equipment->LAUTER_DEADSPACE);
		$sql .= "', kettle_volume='" . floatval($equipment->KETTLE_VOLUME);
		$sql .= "', kettle_height='" . floatval($equipment->KETTLE_HEIGHT);
		$sql .= "', mash_volume='" . floatval($equipment->MASH_VOLUME);
		$sql .= "', mash_max='" . round((floatval($equipment->MASH_VOLUME) / 3) * 10) / 10;	// Not in beerxml/brouwhulp. For RIMS systems.
		$sql .= "', efficiency='" . floatval($equipment->EFFICIENCY);
		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

function do_styles()
	global $brouwhulp, $db;

	echo "  Start adding styles to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE profile_styles;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

	$styles = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/styles.xml');

	foreach ($styles->STYLE as $style) {

		$sql  = "INSERT INTO profile_styles SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $style->NAME);
		if ($style->NOTES)
			$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $style->NOTES);
		if ($style->CATEGORY)
			$sql .= "', category='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $style->CATEGORY);
		if ($style->CATEGORY_NUMBER)
			$sql .= "', category_number='" . $style->CATEGORY_NUMBER;
		if ($style->STYLE_LETTER)
			$sql .= "', style_letter='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $style->STYLE_LETTER);
		if ($style->STYLE_GUIDE)
			$sql .= "', style_guide='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $style->STYLE_GUIDE);

		if ($style->TYPE == 'Lager')
			$sql .= "', type='0";
		else if ($style->TYPE == 'Ale')
			$sql .= "', type='1";
		else if ($style->TYPE == 'Mead')
			$sql .= "', type='2";
		else if ($style->TYPE == 'Wheat')
			$sql .= "', type='3";
		else if ($style->TYPE == 'Mixed')
			$sql .= "', type='4";
		else if ($style->TYPE == 'Cider')
			$sql .= "', type='5";
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $style->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		$sql .= "', og_min='" . floatval($style->OG_MIN);
		$sql .= "', og_max='" . floatval($style->OG_MAX);
		$sql .= "', fg_min='" . floatval($style->FG_MIN);
		$sql .= "', fg_max='" . floatval($style->FG_MAX);
		$sql .= "', ibu_min='" . floatval($style->IBU_MIN);
		$sql .= "', ibu_max='" . floatval($style->IBU_MAX);
		$sql .= "', color_min='" . srm_to_ebc(floatval($style->COLOR_MIN));
		$sql .= "', color_max='" . srm_to_ebc(floatval($style->COLOR_MAX));
		$sql .= "', carb_min='" . floatval($style->CARB_MIN);
		$sql .= "', carb_max='" . floatval($style->CARB_MAX);
		$sql .= "', abv_min='" . floatval($style->ABV_MIN);
		$sql .= "', abv_max='" . floatval($style->ABV_MAX);
		if ($style->PROFILE)
			$sql .= "', profile='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $style->PROFILE);
		if ($style->INGREDIENTS)
			$sql .= "', ingredients='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $style->INGREDIENTS);
		if ($style->EXAMPLES)
			$sql .= "', examples='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $style->EXAMPLES);

		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

function do_mash()
	global $brouwhulp, $db;

	echo "  Start adding mash profiles to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE profile_mash;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

	$mashes = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/mashs.xml');

	foreach ($mashes->MASH as $mash) {
		$sql  = "INSERT INTO profile_mash SET name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $mash->NAME);
		if ($mash->NOTES)
			$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $mash->NOTES);

		 * Put the steps in a json array
		if ($mash->MASH_STEPS) {
			$steps = "[";
			$comma = FALSE;
			foreach ($mash->MASH_STEPS->MASH_STEP as $step) {

				if ($comma)
					$steps .= ',';
				$comma = TRUE;
				$steps .= '{"step_name":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $step->NAME) . '"';
				if ($step->TYPE == 'Infusion')
					$steps .= ',"step_type":"0"';
				else if ($step->TYPE == 'Temperature')
					$steps .= ',"step_type":"1"';
				else if ($step->TYPE == 'Decoction')
					$steps .= ',"step_type":"2"';
					echo "Unknown step TYPE " . $step->TYPE . PHP_EOL;
				if ($step->STEP_TEMP) {
					$steps .= ',"step_temp":"' . floatval($step->STEP_TEMP) . '"';
				if ($step->STEP_TIME) {
					$steps .= ',"step_time":"' . floatval($step->STEP_TIME) . '"';
				if ($step->RAMP_TIME) {
					$steps .= ',"ramp_time":"' . floatval($step->RAMP_TIME) . '"';
				if ($step->END_TEMP) {
					$steps .= ',"end_temp":"' . floatval($step->END_TEMP) . '"';
				$steps .= "}";
			$steps .= ']';
			$sql .= "', steps='" . $steps;
		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

 * Return recipe ingredients as json functions.
function recipe_style($recipe)
	global	$db;

	if ($recipe->STYLE->NAME)
		$sql  = "', st_name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->STYLE->NAME);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->STYLE_LETTER)
		$sql .= "', st_letter='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->STYLE->STYLE_LETTER);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->STYLE_GUIDE) {
		if ($recipe->STYLE->STYLE_GUIDE == "Biertypengids Derek Walsh") {
			$sql .= "', st_guide='BKG 2015";
		} else if ($recipe->STYLE->STYLE_GUIDE == "BKG Biertypen") {
			$sql .= "', st_guide='BKG 2015";
		} else {
			$sql .= "', st_guide='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->STYLE->STYLE_GUIDE);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->CATEGORY)
		$sql .= "', st_category='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->STYLE->CATEGORY);
		$sql .= "', st_category_number='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->CATEGORY_NUMBER);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->TYPE == 'Lager')
		$sql .= "', st_type='0";
	else if ($recipe->STYLE->TYPE == 'Ale')
		$sql .= "', st_type='1";
	else if ($recipe->STYLE->TYPE == 'Mead')
		$sql .= "', st_type='2";
	else if ($recipe->STYLE->TYPE == 'Wheat')
		$sql .= "', st_type='3";
	else if ($recipe->STYLE->TYPE == 'Mixed')
		$sql .= "', st_type='4";
	else if ($recipe->STYLE->TYPE == 'Cider')
		$sql .= "', st_type='5";
		echo "Unknown TYPE " . $recipe->STYLE->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

	if ($recipe->STYLE->OG_MIN)
		$sql .= "', st_og_min='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->OG_MIN);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->OG_MAX)
		$sql .= "', st_og_max='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->OG_MAX);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->FG_MIN)
		$sql .= "', st_fg_min='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->FG_MIN);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->FG_MAX)
		$sql .= "', st_fg_max='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->FG_MAX);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->IBU_MIN)
		$sql .= "', st_ibu_min='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->IBU_MIN);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->IBU_MAX)
		$sql .= "', st_ibu_max='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->IBU_MAX);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->COLOR_MIN) {
		$srm = floatval($recipe->STYLE->COLOR_MIN);
		$sql .= "', st_color_min='" . srm_to_ebc($srm);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->COLOR_MAX) {
		$srm = floatval($recipe->STYLE->COLOR_MAX);
		$sql .= "', st_color_max='" . srm_to_ebc($srm);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->CARB_MIN)
		$sql .= "', st_carb_min='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->CARB_MIN);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->CARB_MAX)
		$sql .= "', st_carb_max='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->CARB_MAX);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->ABV_MIN)
		$sql .= "', st_abv_min='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->ABV_MIN);
	if ($recipe->STYLE->ABV_MAX)
		$sql .= "', st_abv_max='" . floatval($recipe->STYLE->ABV_MAX);
	return $sql;

function recipe_fermentables($recipe)
	global	$db;
	global	$pCara;
	global	$pSugar;
	global	$batch_size;
	global	$efficiency;
	global	$colorw;
	global	$f_sugars;

	$fermentables = "[";
	$comma = FALSE;
	foreach ($recipe->FERMENTABLES->FERMENTABLE as $fermentable) {
		if ($comma)
			$fermentables .= ',';
		$comma = TRUE;
		$fermentables .= '{"f_name":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $fermentable->NAME) . '"';
		$fermentables .= ',"f_origin":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $fermentable->ORIGIN) . '"';
		$fermentables .= ',"f_supplier":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $fermentable->SUPPLIER) . '"';
		$famount = floatval($fermentable->AMOUNT);
		$fermentables .= ',"f_amount":' . $famount;
		$fermentables .= ',"f_cost":' . floatval($fermentable->COST);

		if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Grain')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_type":0';
		else if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Sugar')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_type":1';
		else if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Extract')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_type":2';
		else if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Dry extract')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_type":3';
		else if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Adjunct')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_type":4';
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $fermentable->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		$fyield = floatval($fermentable->YIELD);
		$fermentables .= ',"f_yield":' . $fyield;
		if ($fermentable->COLOR) {
			$srm = floatval($fermentable->COLOR);
			$ebc = srm_to_ebc($srm);
		} else {
			$srm = 0;
			$ebc = 0;
		$colorw += ($famount * $srm / $batch_size) * 8.34436;   /* Kleurwerking */
		$fermentables .= ',"f_color":' . $ebc;
		if ($fermentable->COARSE_FINE_DIFF)
			$fermentables .= ',"f_coarse_fine_diff":' . floatval($fermentable->COARSE_FINE_DIFF);
			$fermentables .= ',"f_coarse_fine_diff":0';
		if ($fermentable->MOISTURE)
			$fmoisture = floatval($fermentable->MOISTURE);
			$fmoisture = 0;
		$fermentables .= ',"f_moisture":' . $fmoisture;
		if ($fermentable->DIASTATIC_POWER)
			$fermentables .= ',"f_diastatic_power":' . floatval($fermentable->DIASTATIC_POWER);
			$fermentables .= ',"f_diastatic_power":0';
		if ($fermentable->PROTEIN)
			$fermentables .= ',"f_protein":' . floatval($fermentable->PROTEIN);
			$fermentables .= ',"f_protein":0';
		if ($fermentable->MAX_IN_BATCH)
			$fermentables .= ',"f_max_in_batch":' . floatval($fermentable->MAX_IN_BATCH);
			$fermentables .= ',"f_max_in_batch":100.0';

		if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Base')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_graintype":0';
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Roast')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_graintype":1';
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Crystal')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_graintype":2';
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Kilned')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_graintype":3';
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Sour malt')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_graintype":4';
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Special')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_graintype":5';
		else if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'No malt')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_graintype":6';
			echo "Unknown GRAINTYPE " . $fermentable->GRAINTYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Mash')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_added":0';
		else if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Boil')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_added":1';
		else if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Fermentation')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_added":2';
		else if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Lagering')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_added":3';
		else if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Bottle')
			$fermentables .= ',"f_added":4';
			echo "Unknown ADDED " . $fermentable->ADDED . PHP_EOL;

		($fermentable->ADD_AFTER_BOIL== "TRUE") ? $fermentables .= ',"f_add_after_boil":1' : $fermentables .= ',"f_add_after_boil":0';
		($fermentable->RECOMMEND_MASH== "TRUE") ? $fermentables .= ',"f_recommend_mash":1' : $fermentables .= ',"f_recommend_mash":0';
		if ($fermentable->DISSOLVED_PROTEIN)
			$fermentables .= ',"f_dissolved_protein":' . floatval($fermentable->DISSOLVED_PROTEIN);
			$fermentables .= ',"f_dissolved_protein":0';
		($fermentable->ADJUST_TO_TOTAL_100 == "TRUE") ? $fermentables .= ',"f_adjust_to_total_100":1' : $fermentables .= ',"f_adjust_to_total_100":0';
		$percent = floatval($fermentable->PERCENTAGE);
		$fermentables .= ',"f_percentage":' . round($percent * 10) / 10.0;
		if ($fermentable->DI_pH)
			$fermentables .= ',"f_di_ph":' . floatval($fermentable->DI_pH);
			$fermentables .= ',"f_di_ph":0.0';
		if ($fermentable->{'ACID_TO_pH_5.7'})
			$fermentables .= ',"f_acid_to_ph_57":' . floatval($fermentable->{'ACID_TO_pH_5.7'});
			$fermentables .= ',"f_acid_to_ph_57":0.0';
		$fermentables .= "}";
		/* Sugars */
		$d = $famount * ($fyield / 100) * (1 - $fmoisture / 100);
		if ($fermentable->ADDED == 'Mash')
			$d = floatval($efficiency) / 100 * $d;
		$f_sugars += $d;
		if ($fermentable->GRAINTYPE == 'Crystal')
			$pCara += $percent;
		if ($fermentable->TYPE == 'Sugar')
			$pSugar += $percent;
	$fermentables .= ']';
	return $fermentables;

function recipe_hops($recipe)
	global	$db;

	$hops = "[";
	$comma = FALSE;
	foreach ($recipe->HOPS->HOP as $hop) {
		if ($comma)
			$hops .= ',';
		$comma = TRUE;
		$hops .= '{"h_name":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $hop->NAME) . '"';
		$hops .= ',"h_amount":' . floatval($hop->AMOUNT);
		$hops .= ',"h_cost":' . floatval($hop->COST);

		if ($hop->TYPE == 'Bittering')
			$hops .= ',"h_type":0';
		else if ($hop->TYPE == 'Aroma')
			$hops .= ',"h_type":1';
		else if ($hop->TYPE == 'Both')
			$hops .= ',"h_type":2';
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $hop->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($hop->FORM == 'Pellet')
			$hops .= ',"h_form":0';
		else if ($hop->FORM == 'Plug')
			$hops .= ',"h_form":1';
		else if ($hop->FORM == 'Leaf')
			$hops .= ',"h_form":2';
			echo "Unknown FORM " . $hop->FORM . PHP_EOL;

		if ($hop->USE == 'Mash')
			$hops .= ',"h_useat":0';
		else if ($hop->USE == 'First wort')
			$hops .= ',"h_useat":1';
		else if ($hop->USE == 'Boil')
			$hops .= ',"h_useat":2';
		else if ($hop->USE == 'Aroma')
			$hops .= ',"h_useat":3';
		else if ($hop->USE == 'Whirlpool')
			$hops .= ',"h_useat":4';
		else if ($hop->USE == 'Dry hop')
			$hops .= ',"h_useat":5';
			echo "Unknown USE " . $hop->USE . PHP_EOL;
		if ($hop->TIME)
			$hops .= ',"h_time":' . floatval($hop->TIME);
			$hops .= ',"h_time":0';
		$hops .= ',"h_alpha":' . floatval($hop->ALPHA);
		$hops .= ',"h_beta":' . floatval($hop->BETA);
		$hops .= ',"h_hsi":' . floatval($hop->HSI);
		$hops .= ',"h_humulene":' . floatval($hop->HUMULENE);
		$hops .= ',"h_caryophyllene":' . floatval($hop->CAROPHYLLENE);
		$hops .= ',"h_cohumulone":' . floatval($hop->COHUMULONE);
		$hops .= ',"h_myrcene":' . floatval($hop->MYRCENE);
		if ($hop->TOTAL_OIL)
			$hops .= ',"h_total_oil":' . floatval($hop->TOTAL_OIL);
			$hops .= ',"h_total_oil":0';
		if ($hop->ORIGIN)
			$hops .= ',"h_origin":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $hop->ORIGIN) . '"';
			$hops .= ',"h_origin":""';
		$hops .= "}";
	$hops .= ']';
	return $hops;

function recipe_miscs($recipe)
	global	$db;

	$miscs = "[";
	$comma = FALSE;
	foreach ($recipe->MISCS->MISC as $misc) {
		if ($comma)
			$miscs .= ',';
		$comma = TRUE;
		$mname = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $misc->NAME);
		$miscs .= '{"m_name":"' . $mname . '"';
		$miscs .= ',"m_amount":' . floatval($misc->AMOUNT);
		if ($misc->COST) {
			$miscs .= ',"m_cost":' . floatval($misc->COST);
		} else {
			/* Brouwhulp bug, added water agents have no cost field. */
			if ($misc->TYPE == "Water agent") {
				$miscs .= ',"m_cost":'. get_miscs_cost($mname);
			} else {
				$miscs .= ',"m_cost":0';

		if ($misc->TYPE == 'Spice')
			$miscs .= ',"m_type":0';
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Herb')
			$miscs .= ',"m_type":1';
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Flavor')
			$miscs .= ',"m_type":2';
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Fining')
			$miscs .= ',"m_type":3';
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Water agent')
			$miscs .= ',"m_type":4';
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Yeast nutrient')
			$miscs .= ',"m_type":5';
		else if ($misc->TYPE == 'Other')
			$miscs .= ',"m_type":6';
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $misc->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($misc->USE == 'Starter')
			$miscs .= ',"m_use_use":0';
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Mash')
			$miscs .= ',"m_use_use":1';
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Boil')
			$miscs .= ',"m_use_use":2';
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Primary')
			$miscs .= ',"m_use_use":3';
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Secondary')
			$miscs .= ',"m_use_use":4';
		else if ($misc->USE == 'Bottling')
			$miscs .= ',"m_use_use":5';
			echo "Unknown USE " . $misc->USE . PHP_EOL;

		($misc->AMOUNT_IS_WEIGHT== "TRUE") ? $miscs .= ',"m_amount_is_weight":1' : $miscs.= ',"m_amount_is_weight":0';
		if ($misc->TIME) {
			$miscs .= ',"m_time":' . floatval($misc->TIME);
		} else
			$miscs .= ',"m_time":0';
		$miscs .= "}";
	$miscs .= ']';
	return $miscs;

function recipe_yeasts($recipe)
	global	$db;
	global	$svg;

	$yeasts = "[";
	$comma = FALSE;
	foreach ($recipe->YEASTS->YEAST as $yeast) {
		if ($comma)
			$yeasts .= ',';
		$comma = TRUE;
		$yeasts .= '{"y_name":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $yeast->NAME) . '"';
		if ($yeast->FORM == "Liquid") {
			$paks = floatval($yeast->AMOUNT) / 0.0588;
			$yeasts .= ',"y_amount":' . $paks;
			$yeasts .= ',"y_cost":' . floatval($yeast->COST);
		} else {
			$yeasts .= ',"y_amount":' . floatval($yeast->AMOUNT);
			$yeasts .= ',"y_cost":' . floatval($yeast->COST) * 1000;

		$yeasts .= ',"y_laboratory":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $yeast->LABORATORY) . '"';
		$yeasts .= ',"y_product_id":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $yeast->PRODUCT_ID) . '"';

		if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Lager')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_type":0';
		else if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Ale')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_type":1';
		else if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Wheat')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_type":2';
		else if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Wine')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_type":3';
		else if ($yeast->TYPE == 'Champagne')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_type":4';
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $yeast->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($yeast->FORM == 'Liquid') {
			if ($yeast->LABORATORY == 'Imperial Yeast')
				$yeasts .= ',"y_form":0,"y_cells":200000000000';
				$yeasts .= ',"y_form":0,"y_cells":100000000000';
		} else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Dry')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_form":1,"y_cells":15000000000';
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Slant')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_form":2,"y_cells":1700000000';
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Culture')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_form":3,"y_cells":1700000000';
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Frozen')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_form":4,"y_cells":1700000000';
		else if ($yeast->FORM == 'Bottle')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_form":5,"y_cells":1700000000';
			echo "Unknown FORM " . $yeast->FORM . PHP_EOL;

		if ($yeast->FLOCCULATION == 'Low')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_flocculation":0';
		else if ($yeast->FLOCCULATION == 'Medium')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_flocculation":1';
		else if ($yeast->FLOCCULATION == 'High')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_flocculation":2';
		else if ($yeast->FLOCCULATION == 'Very high')
			$yeasts .= ',"y_flocculation":3';
			echo "Unknown FLOCCULATION " . $yeast->FLOCCULATION . PHP_EOL;

		if ($yeast->PRODUCT_ID=="F2" || $yeast->PRODUCT_ID=="CBC-1") {
			$yeasts .= ',"y_use":3'; 	// Bottle
		} else if ($yeast->ADD_TO_SECONDARY=="TRUE") {
			$yeasts .= ',"y_use":1';	// Secondary
			$svg = floatval($yeast->ATTENUATION);
		} else {
			$yeasts .= ',"y_use":0';	// Primary
		$yeasts .= ',"y_min_temperature":' . floatval($yeast->MIN_TEMPERATURE);
		$yeasts .= ',"y_max_temperature":' . floatval($yeast->MAX_TEMPERATURE);
		$yeasts .= ',"y_attenuation":' . floatval($yeast->ATTENUATION);
		$yeasts .= "}";
	$yeasts .= ']';
	return $yeasts;

function recipe_waters($recipe, $db)
	$waters = "";
	$index = 0;
	foreach ($recipe->WATERS->WATER as $water) {
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $water->NAME);
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_amount='" . floatval($water->AMOUNT);
		if ($water->CALCIUM)
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_calcium='" . floatval($water->CALCIUM);
		if ($water->SULFATE)
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_sulfate='" . floatval($water->SULFATE);
		if ($water->CHLORIDE)
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_chloride='" . floatval($water->CHLORIDE);
		if ($water->SODIUM)
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_sodium='" . floatval($water->SODIUM);
		if ($water->MAGNESIUM)
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_magnesium='" . floatval($water->MAGNESIUM);
		if ($water->PH)
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_ph='" . floatval($water->PH);
		if ($water->TOTAL_ALKALINITY)
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_total_alkalinity='" . floatval($water->TOTAL_ALKALINITY);
		if ($water->COST)
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_cost='" . floatval($water->COST);
		$waters .= "', w" . $index . "_cost='0";
	return $waters;

function recipe_mash_steps($recipe)
	global	$db;

	$steps = '[';
	$comma = FALSE;
	foreach ($recipe->MASH->MASH_STEPS->MASH_STEP as $step) {
		if ($comma)
			$steps .= ',';
		$comma = TRUE;
		$steps .= '{"step_name":"' . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $step->NAME) . '"';

		if ($step->TYPE == 'Infusion')
			$steps .= ',"step_type":0';
		else if ($step->TYPE == 'Temperature')
			$steps .= ',"step_type":1';
		else if ($step->TYPE == 'Decoction')
			$steps .= ',"step_type":2';
			echo "Unknown step TYPE " . $step->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($step->INFUSE_AMOUNT)
			$steps .= ',"step_infuse_amount":' . floatval($step->INFUSE_AMOUNT);
			$steps .= ',"step_infuse_amount":0';
		if ($step->STEP_TEMP)
			$steps .= ',"step_temp":' . floatval($step->STEP_TEMP);
		if ($step->STEP_TIME)
			$steps .= ',"step_time":' . floatval($step->STEP_TIME);
		if ($step->RAMP_TIME)
			$steps .= ',"ramp_time":' . floatval($step->RAMP_TIME);
		if ($step->END_TEMP)
			$steps .= ',"end_temp":' . floatval($step->END_TEMP);
		$steps .= "}";
	$steps .= ']';
	return $steps;

function do_recipes()
	global $brouwhulp, $db, $efficiency, $batch_size, $pCara, $pSugar, $svg, $colorw, $f_sugars;
	$len_fermentables = 0;
	$len_hops = 0;
	$len_miscs = 0;
	$len_yeasts = 0;
	$len_mash = 0;

	echo "  Start adding recipes to the database\n";
	$sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE recipes;";
	if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
		printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

	$recipes = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/recipes.xml');

	foreach ($recipes->RECIPE as $recipe) {
		$f_sugars = 0;
		$efficiency = 75;
		$batch_size = 20;
		$boil_size = 22;
		$pCara = 0;
		$pSugar = 0;
		$svg = 77;
		$colorw = 0;
		$uuid = str_replace("\n", "", file_get_contents('/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid'));

		$sql  = "INSERT INTO recipes SET uuid='" . $uuid;
		$sql .= "', name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->NAME);
		$sql .= "', locked='0";
		if ($recipe->NOTES)
			$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->NOTES);
			$sql .= "', notes='";

		if ($recipe->TYPE == 'Extract')
			$sql .= "', type='0";
		else if ($recipe->TYPE == 'Partial Mash')
			$sql .= "', type='1";
		else if ($recipe->TYPE == 'All Grain')
			$sql .= "', type='2";
			echo "Unknown TYPE " . $recipe->TYPE . PHP_EOL;

		if ($recipe->BATCH_SIZE)
			$batch_size = floatval($recipe->BATCH_SIZE);
		$sql .= "', batch_size='" . $batch_size;
		if ($recipe->BOIL_SIZE)
			$boil_size = floatval($recipe->BOIL_SIZE);
		$sql .= "', boil_size='" . $boil_size;
		if ($recipe->BOIL_TIME)
			$sql .= "', boil_time='" . floatval($recipe->BOIL_TIME);
			$sql .= "', boil_time='90";
		if ($recipe->EFFICIENCY)
			$efficiency = floatval($recipe->EFFICIENCY);
		$sql .= "', efficiency='" . $efficiency;
		/* Don't use $recipe->EST_OG but recalculate it */
		/* Don't use $recipe->EST_FG but recalculate it */
		/* Don't use $recipe->EST_COLOR but recalculate it */
		$color_method = 0;
		if ($recipe->COLOR_METHOD == 'Morey') {
			$color_method = 0;
			$sql .= "', color_method='0";
		} else if ($recipe->COLOR_METHOD == 'Mosher') {
			$color_method = 1;
			$sql .= "', color_method='1";
		} else if ($recipe->COLOR_METHOD == 'Daniels') {
			$color_method = 2;
			$sql .= "', color_method='2";
		} else
			echo "Unknown COLOR_METHO " . $recipe->COLOR_METHOD . PHP_EOL;

		if ($recipe->IBU)
			$sql .= "', est_ibu='" . floatval($recipe->IBU);
		if ($recipe->IBU_METHOD == 'Tinseth')
			$sql .= "', ibu_method='0";
		else if ($recipe->IBU_METHOD == 'Rager')
			$sql .= "', ibu_method='1";
		else if ($recipe->IBU_METHOD == 'Daniels')
			$sql .= "', ibu_method='2";
			echo "Unknown IBU_METHOD " . $recipe->IBU_METHOD . PHP_EOL;

		if ($recipe->CARBONATION)
			$sql .= "', est_carb='" . floatval($recipe->CARBONATION);

		if ($recipe->STYLE) {
			$sql .= recipe_style($recipe);
		if ($recipe->CALC_ACID) {
			($recipe->CALC_ACID == "TRUE") ? $sql .= "', calc_acid='1" : $sql .= "', calc_acid='0";
		if ($recipe->TARGET_PH) {
			$sql .= "', mash_ph='" . floatval($recipe->TARGET_PH);
		if ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE && ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE == "Lactic")) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_type='0";
		} else if ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE && ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE == "Hydrochloric")) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_type='1";
		} else if ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE && ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE == "Phosphoric")) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_type='2";
		} else if ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE && ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE == "Sulfuric")) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_type='3";
		if ($recipe->ACID_SPARGE_PERC) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_perc='" . floatval($recipe->ACID_SPARGE_PERC);
		if ($recipe->LACTIC_SPARGE) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_amount='" . floatval($recipe->LACTIC_SPARGE);
		if ($recipe->VOLUME_HLT) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_volume='" . floatval($recipe->VOLUME_HLT);
		$sql .= "', sparge_source='0";

		 * Put the fermentables in a json array
		if ($recipe->FERMENTABLES) {
			$fermentables = recipe_fermentables($recipe);
			$sql .= "', json_fermentables='" . $fermentables;
			if (strlen($fermentables) > $len_fermentables)
				$len_fermentables = strlen($fermentables);

		 * Put the hops in a json array
		if ($recipe->HOPS) {
			$hops = recipe_hops($recipe);
			$sql .= "', json_hops='" . $hops;
			if (strlen($hops) > $len_hops)
				$len_hops = strlen($hops);

		 * Put the miscs in a json array
		if ($recipe->MISCS) {
			$miscs = recipe_miscs($recipe);
			$sql .= "', json_miscs='" . $miscs;
			if (strlen($miscs) > $len_miscs)
				$len_miscs = strlen($miscs);

		 * Put the yeasts in a json array
		if ($recipe->YEASTS) {
			$yeasts = recipe_yeasts($recipe);
			$sql .= "', json_yeasts='" . $yeasts;
			if (strlen($yeasts) > $len_yeasts)
				$len_yeasts = strlen($yeasts);

		 * Get the waters
		if ($recipe->WATERS) {
			$sql .= recipe_waters($recipe, $db);

		 * Put the mash in a json array
		if ($recipe->MASH) {
			$sql .= "',sparge_temp='" . floatval($recipe->MASH->SPARGE_TEMP);
			$sql .= "',sparge_ph='" . floatval($recipe->MASH->PH);
			if ($recipe->MASH->NAME)
				$sql .= "',mash_name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->MASH->NAME);

			if ($recipe->MASH->MASH_STEPS) {
				$steps = recipe_mash_steps($recipe);
				$sql .= "', json_mashs='" . $steps;
				if (strlen($steps) > $len_mash)
					$len_mash = strlen($steps);

		 * Added the calculated values
		 *  OG, FG, color, IBU
		$og = estimate_sg($f_sugars, $batch_size);
		$sql .= "', est_og='" . floatval($og);
		$fg = estimate_fg($pSugar, $pCara, 0, 0, 0, $svg, $og);
		$sql .= "', est_fg='" . floatval($fg);
		$abv = abvol($og, $fg);
		$sql .= "', est_abv='" . floatval($abv);
		$color = kw_to_ebc($color_method, $colorw);
		$sql .= "', est_color='" . floatval($color);
		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));
//	echo "Fermentables: " . $len_fermentables . PHP_EOL;
//	echo "Hops:         " . $len_hops . PHP_EOL;
//	echo "Miscs:        " . $len_miscs . PHP_EOL;
//	echo "Yeasts:       " . $len_yeasts . PHP_EOL;
//	echo "Mash:         " . $len_mash . PHP_EOL;

function do_brews()
        global $brouwhulp, $db, $efficiency, $batch_size, $pCara, $pSugar, $colorw, $f_sugars;
        $len_fermentables = 0;
        $len_hops = 0;
        $len_miscs = 0;
        $len_yeasts = 0;
	$len_mash = 0;

        echo "  Start adding brews to the database\n";
        $sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE products;";
        if (! $presult = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
                printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));

        $recipes = simplexml_load_file($brouwhulp . '/brews.xml');

        foreach ($recipes->RECIPE as $recipe) {
                $f_sugars = 0;
                $efficiency = 75;
                $batch_size = 20;
                $boil_size = 22;
                $pCara = 0;
                $pSugar = 0;
                $svg = 77;
		$colorw = 0;
		$stage = 0;
                $uuid = str_replace("\n", "", file_get_contents('/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid'));

		$sql  = "INSERT INTO products SET uuid='" . $uuid;
		$sql .= "', name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->NAME);

                if ($recipe->NOTES) {
			$sql .= "', notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->NOTES);
		} else {
			$sql .= "', notes='";

		if ($recipe->TYPE == 'Extract')
			$sql .= "', type='0";
		else if ($recipe->TYPE == 'Partial Mash')
			$sql .= "', type='1";
		else if ($recipe->TYPE == 'All Grain')
			$sql .= "', type='2";

                if ($recipe->BATCH_SIZE)
                        $batch_size = floatval($recipe->BATCH_SIZE);
                $sql .= "', batch_size='" . $batch_size;
                if ($recipe->BOIL_SIZE)
                        $boil_size = floatval($recipe->BOIL_SIZE);
                $sql .= "', boil_size='" . $boil_size;
                if ($recipe->BOIL_TIME)
                        $sql .= "', boil_time='" . floatval($recipe->BOIL_TIME);
                        $sql .= "', boil_time='90";
                if ($recipe->EFFICIENCY)
                        $efficiency = floatval($recipe->EFFICIENCY);
                $sql .= "', efficiency='" . $efficiency;
                /* Don't use $recipe->EST_OG but recalculate it */
                /* Don't use $recipe->EST_FG but recalculate it */
		/* Don't use $recipe->EST_COLOR but recalculate it */
		$color_method = 0;
		if ($recipe->COLOR_METHOD == 'Morey') {
			$color_method = 0;
			$sql .= "', color_method='0";
		} else if ($recipe->COLOR_METHOD == 'Mosher') {
			$color_method = 1;
			$sql .= "', color_method='1";
		} else if ($recipe->COLOR_METHOD == 'Daniels') {
			$color_method = 2;
			$sql .= "', color_method='2";
		} else
			echo "Unknown COLOR_METHO " . $recipe->COLOR_METHOD . PHP_EOL;

		if ($recipe->IBU)
			$sql .= "', est_ibu='" . floatval($recipe->IBU);
		if ($recipe->IBU_METHOD == 'Tinseth')
			$sql .= "', ibu_method='0";
		else if ($recipe->IBU_METHOD == 'Rager')
			$sql .= "', ibu_method='1";
		else if ($recipe->IBU_METHOD == 'Daniels')
			$sql .= "', ibu_method='2";
			echo "Unknown IBU_METHOD " . $recipe->IBU_METHOD . PHP_EOL;

                if ($recipe->CARBONATION)
                        $sql .= "', est_carb='" . floatval($recipe->CARBONATION);

                if ($recipe->STYLE) {
                        $sql .= recipe_style($recipe);

		if ($recipe->CALC_ACID) {
			($recipe->CALC_ACID == "TRUE") ? $sql .= "', calc_acid='1" : $sql .= "', calc_acid='0";
		if ($recipe->TARGET_PH) {
			 $sql .= "', mash_ph='" . floatval($recipe->TARGET_PH);
		if ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE && ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE == "Lactic")) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_type='0";
		} else if ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE && ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE == "Hydrochloric")) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_type='1";
		} else if ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE && ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE == "Phosphoric")) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_type='2";
		} else if ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE && ($recipe->SPARGE_ACID_TYPE == "Sulfuric")) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_type='3";
		if ($recipe->ACID_SPARGE_PERC) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_perc='" . floatval($recipe->ACID_SPARGE_PERC);
		if ($recipe->LACTIC_SPARGE) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_acid_amount='" . floatval($recipe->LACTIC_SPARGE);
		if ($recipe->VOLUME_HLT) {
			$sql .= "', sparge_volume='" . floatval($recipe->VOLUME_HLT);
		$sql .= "', sparge_source='0";

                 * Put the fermentables in a json array
                if ($recipe->FERMENTABLES) {
                        $fermentables = recipe_fermentables($recipe);
                        $sql .= "', json_fermentables='" . $fermentables;
                        if (strlen($fermentables) > $len_fermentables)
                                $len_fermentables = strlen($fermentables);

                 * Put the hops in a json array
                if ($recipe->HOPS) {
                        $hops = recipe_hops($recipe);
                        $sql .= "', json_hops='" . $hops;
                        if (strlen($hops) > $len_hops)
                                $len_hops = strlen($hops);

                 * Put the miscs in a json array
                if ($recipe->MISCS) {
                        $miscs = recipe_miscs($recipe);
                        $sql .= "', json_miscs='" . $miscs;
                        if (strlen($miscs) > $len_miscs)
                                $len_miscs = strlen($miscs);

                 * Put the yeasts in a json array
                if ($recipe->YEASTS) {
                        $yeasts = recipe_yeasts($recipe);
                        $sql .= "', json_yeasts='" . $yeasts;
                        if (strlen($yeasts) > $len_yeasts)
                                $len_yeasts = strlen($yeasts);

                 * Get the waters
                if ($recipe->WATERS) {
                        $sql .= recipe_waters($recipe, $db);

                 * Put the mash in a json array
                if ($recipe->MASH) {
                        $sql .= "',sparge_temp='" . floatval($recipe->MASH->SPARGE_TEMP);
                        $sql .= "',sparge_ph='" . floatval($recipe->MASH->PH);
                        if ($recipe->MASH->NAME)
                                $sql .= "',mash_name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->MASH->NAME);

                        if ($recipe->MASH->MASH_STEPS) {
                                $steps = recipe_mash_steps($recipe);
                                $sql .= "', json_mashs='" . $steps;
                                if (strlen($steps) > $len_mash)
                                        $len_mash = strlen($steps);

                 * Added the calculated values
                 *  OG, FG, color, IBU
                $og = estimate_sg($f_sugars, $batch_size);
                $sql .= "', est_og='" . floatval($og);
                $fg = estimate_fg($pSugar, $pCara, 0, 0, 0, $svg, $og);
                $sql .= "', est_fg='" . floatval($fg);
                $abv = abvol($og, $fg);
                $sql .= "', est_abv='" . floatval($abv);
                $color = kw_to_ebc($color_method, $colorw);
                $sql .= "', est_color='" . floatval($color);
		$sql .= "', code='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->NR_RECIPE);

		 * Update external logfiles
		$lsql  = "UPDATE log_brews SET product_uuid='".$uuid."', product_name='".mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->NAME);
		$lsql .= "' WHERE product_code='".mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->NR_RECIPE)."';";
		if (! $result = mysqli_query($db, $lsql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));
		$count = mysqli_affected_rows($db);
		if ($count > 0) {
			$sql .= "', log_brew='1";

		$filename = '../log/fermentation/'.$recipe->NR_RECIPE.' '.$recipe->NAME.'.log';
		if (file_exists($filename)) {
			$sql .= "', log_fermentation='1";
		} else {
			if ($recipe->FERM_MEASUREMENTS) {
				 * There is internal logdata in the xml, create a logfile
				$fp = fopen($filename, "w+");
				foreach ($recipe->FERM_MEASUREMENTS->FERM_MEASUREMENT as $measurement) {
					$dt = substr($measurement->DATE_TIME, 6, 4).substr($measurement->DATE_TIME,2,4).substr($measurement->DATE_TIME,0,2);
					$dt .= ' '.substr($measurement->DATE_TIME, 11,8);
					$line = $dt.',NONE,PRIMARY,';
					$line .= sprintf("%.1f",floatval($measurement->TEMP_SENSOR_1)) .',';
					$line .= sprintf("%.1f",floatval($measurement->TEMP_SENSOR_2)) .',';
					$line .= 'NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,' . PHP_EOL;
					fwrite($fp, $line);
				$sql .= "', log_fermentation='1";
			} else {
				$sql .= "', log_fermentation='0";

		if ($recipe->EQUIPMENT) {
			$sql .= "', eq_name='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->EQUIPMENT->NAME);
			$sql .= "', eq_notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->EQUIPMENT->NOTES);
			$sql .= "', eq_boil_size='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->BOIL_SIZE);
			$sql .= "', eq_batch_size='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->BATCH_SIZE);
			$sql .= "', eq_tun_volume='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TUN_VOLUME);
			$sql .= "', eq_tun_weight='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TUN_WEIGHT);
			$sql .= "', eq_tun_specific_heat='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TUN_SPECIFIC_HEAT);
			$sql .= "', eq_tun_material='" . $recipe->EQUIPMENT->TUN_MATERIAL;
			$sql .= "', eq_tun_height='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TUN_HEIGHT);
			if ($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TOP_UP_WATER)
				$sql .= "', eq_top_up_water='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TOP_UP_WATER);
			$sql .= "', eq_trub_chiller_loss='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TRUB_CHILLER_LOSS);
			 * Brouwhulp uses a percentage for the evaporation rate. This is wrong
			 * but was made so because the beerxml standard requires this. What we
			 * do is calculate the actual evaporation and store that.
			 * This is what we use. Brouwhulp calculates this on the fly.
			$sql .= "', eq_evap_rate='" . (floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->EVAP_RATE) * floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->BOIL_SIZE)) / 100;
			$sql .= "', eq_boil_time='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->BOIL_TIME);
			($recipe->EQUIPMENT->CALC_BOIL_VOLUME == 'TRUE') ? $sql .= "', eq_calc_boil_volume='1" : $sql .= "', eq_calc_boil_volume='0";
			if ($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TOP_UP_KETTLE)
				$sql .= "', eq_top_up_kettle='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TOP_UP_KETTLE);
			$sql .= "', eq_hop_utilization='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->HOP_UTILIZATION);
			$sql .= "', eq_lauter_volume='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->LAUTER_VOLUME);
			$sql .= "', eq_lauter_height='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->LAUTER_HEIGHT);
			$sql .= "', eq_lauter_deadspace='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->LAUTER_DEADSPACE);
			$sql .= "', eq_kettle_volume='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->KETTLE_VOLUME);
			$sql .= "', eq_kettle_height='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->KETTLE_HEIGHT);
			$sql .= "', eq_mash_volume='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->MASH_VOLUME);
			$sql .= "', eq_mash_max='" . round((floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->MASH_VOLUME) / 3) * 10) / 10;     // Not in beerxml/brouwhulp. For RIMS systems.
			$sql .= "', eq_efficiency='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->EFFICIENCY);

		if (($recipe->DATE) && (! $recipe->TIME_STARTED) && (! $recipe->TIME_ENDED)) {
			/* We have a plan date but haven't brewed yet, use current date */
			$sql .= "', birth='" . date("Y-m-d");
			$stage = 1;

		if (($recipe->DATE) && ($recipe->TIME_STARTED) && ($recipe->TIME_ENDED)) {
			/* We have brew data */
			$stage = 3;	// Need to think about during a brew...
			$brewdate = substr($recipe->DATE, 6, 4).substr($recipe->DATE,2,4).substr($recipe->DATE,0,2);
			$sql .= "', birth='" . $brewdate;
			$date_start = $brewdate.' '.$recipe->TIME_STARTED;
			$date_end   = $brewdate.' '.$recipe->TIME_ENDED;
			$sql .= "', brew_date_start='" . $date_start;

			if ($recipe->PH_ADJUSTED)
				$sql .= "', brew_mash_ph='" . floatval($recipe->PH_ADJUSTED);
			if (floatval($recipe->SG_END_MASH) != 1.0)
				$sql .= "', brew_mash_sg='" . floatval($recipe->SG_END_MASH);
			if ($recipe->MASH->SPARGE_TEMP)
				$sql .= "', brew_sparge_temperature='" . floatval($recipe->MASH->SPARGE_TEMP);
			if ($recipe->MASH->PH)
				$sql .= "', brew_sparge_ph='" . floatval($recipe->MASH->PH);
			if ($recipe->VOLUME_HLT)
				$sql .= "', brew_sparge_volume='" . floatval($recipe->VOLUME_HLT);
			if ($recipe->VOLUME_BEFORE_BOIL)
				$sql .= "', brew_preboil_volume='" . sprintf("%.5f",floatval($recipe->VOLUME_BEFORE_BOIL) * 1.04);
			if (floatval($recipe->OG_BEFORE_BOIL) != 1.0)
				$sql .= "', brew_preboil_sg='" . floatval($recipe->OG_BEFORE_BOIL);
			if ($recipe->PH_BEFORE_BOIL)
				$sql .= "', brew_preboil_ph='" . floatval($recipe->PH_BEFORE_BOIL);
			if ($recipe->VOLUME_AFTER_BOIL)
				$sql .= "', brew_aboil_volume='" . sprintf("%.5f",floatval($recipe->VOLUME_AFTER_BOIL) * 1.04);
			$sql .= "', brew_aboil_sg='" . floatval($recipe->OG);
			if ($recipe->PH_AFTER_BOIL)
				$sql .= "', brew_aboil_ph='" . floatval($recipe->PH_AFTER_BOIL);
			if ($recipe->ACTUAL_EFFICIENCY)
				$sql .= "', brew_aboil_efficiency='" . floatval($recipe->ACTUAL_EFFICIENCY);
			$sql .= "', brew_whirlpool2='" . floatval($recipe->WHIRLPOOL_TIME);

			if ($recipe->COOLING_METHOD == '-')
				$sql .= "', brew_cooling_method='0";
			else if ($recipe->COOLING_METHOD == 'Emersion chiller')
				$sql .= "', brew_cooling_method='1";
			else if ($recipe->COOLING_METHOD == 'Counterflow chiller')
				$sql .= "', brew_cooling_method='2";
			else if ($recipe->COOLING_METHOD == 'Au bain marie')
				$sql .= "', brew_cooling_method='3";
			else if ($recipe->COOLING_METHOD == 'Natural')
				$sql .= "', brew_cooling_method='4";
				echo "Unknown COOLING_METHOD " . $recipe->COOLING_METHOD . PHP_EOL;
			$sql .= "', brew_cooling_time='" . floatval($recipe->COOLING_TIME);
			$sql .= "', brew_cooling_to='" . floatval($recipe->COOLING_TO);
			if ($recipe->VOLUME_FERMENTER)
				$sql .= "', brew_fermenter_volume='" . floatval($recipe->VOLUME_FERMENTER);
				$sql .= "', brew_fermenter_extrawater='" . floatval($recipe->EQUIPMENT->TOP_UP_WATER_BREWDAY);
			$sql .= "', brew_fermenter_sg='" . floatval($recipe->OG_FERMENTER);
			$sql .= "', brew_fermenter_ibu='" . floatval($recipe->IBU);

			if ($recipe->AERATION_TYPE == 'None')
				$sql .= "', brew_aeration_type='0";
			else if ($recipe->AERATION_TYPE == 'Air') {
				$sql .= "', brew_aeration_type='1";
				$sql .= "', brew_aeration_speed='" . floatval($recipe->AERATION_SPEED);
				$sql .= "', brew_aeration_time='" . floatval($recipe->AERATION_TIME);
			} else if ($recipe->AERATION_TYPE == 'Oxygen') {
				$sql .= "', brew_aeration_type='2";
				$sql .= "', brew_aeration_speed='" . floatval($recipe->AERATION_SPEED);
				$sql .= "', brew_aeration_time='" . floatval($recipe->AERATION_TIME);
			} else
				echo "Unknown AERATION_TYPE " . $recipe->AERATION_TYPE . PHP_EOL;

			$sql .= "', brew_date_end='" . $date_end;

		$sql .= "', og='" . floatval($recipe->OG);
		$sql .= "', fg='" . floatval($recipe->FG);

		if ($recipe->PRIMARY_AGE && ($stage >= 3)) {
			$pdate = new DateTime($brewdate);
			$pdate->modify("+".floatval($recipe->PRIMARY_AGE)." days");
			$sql .= "', primary_start_temp='" . floatval($recipe->START_TEMP_PRIMARY);
			$sql .= "', primary_max_temp='" . floatval($recipe->MAX_TEMP_PRIMARY);
			$sql .= "', primary_end_temp='" . floatval($recipe->END_TEMP_PRIMARY);
			$sql .= "', primary_end_sg='" . floatval($recipe->SG_END_PRIMARY);
			$sql .= "', primary_end_date='" . $pdate->format("Y-m-d");
			$stage = 4;	// Secondary

			if ($recipe->SECONDARY_AGE && ($stage >= 4)) {
				$sdate = new DateTime($brewdate);
				$sdate->modify("+".floatval($recipe->SECONDARY_AGE)." days");
				$sql .= "', secondary_temp='" . floatval($recipe->SECONDARY_TEMP);
				$sql .= "', secondary_end_date='" . $sdate->format("Y-m-d");
				$stage = 5;	// Tertiary

				if ($recipe->TERTIARY_TEMP && ($stage >= 5)) {
					$sql .= "', tertiary_temp='" . floatval($recipe->TERTIARY_TEMP);

		if ($recipe->DATE_BOTTLING && ($recipe->AMOUNT_BOTTLING || $recipe->AMOUNT_KEGGED) &&
		    ($recipe->AMOUNT_PRIMING || $recipe->AMOUNT_PRIMING_KEGS) && ($stage >= 5)) {
			$bdate = substr($recipe->DATE_BOTTLING, 6, 4).substr($recipe->DATE_BOTTLING,2,4).substr($recipe->DATE_BOTTLING,0,2);
			$sql .= "', package_date='" . $bdate;
			$stage = 6;	// Package
			$dStart = new DateTime($bdate);
			$dEnd  = new DateTime('');
			$dDiff = $dStart->diff($dEnd);
			$age = floatval($dDiff->days);
			if ($age == 0) {		// Package day
				$stage = 6;
			} else if ($age < 14) {		// Carbonation period
				$stage = 7;
			} else if ($age < 42) {		// Mature, fixed 6 weeks
				$stage = 8;
			} else {			// Ready for tasting.
				$stage = 9;

			if ($recipe->AMOUNT_BOTTLING && $recipe->AMOUNT_PRIMING) {
				$sql .= "', bottle_amount='" . floatval($recipe->AMOUNT_BOTTLING);
				$sql .= "', bottle_carbonation='" . floatval($recipe->CARBONATION);

				if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "Saccharose")
					$sql .= "', bottle_priming_sugar='0";
				else if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "Glucose or dextrose")
					$sql .= "', bottle_priming_sugar='1";
				else if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "Honey")
					$sql .= "', bottle_priming_sugar='2";
				else if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "DME")
					$sql .= "', bottle_priming_sugar='3";
				else if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "Molassis")
					$sql .= "', bottle_priming_sugar='4";
				$sql .= "', bottle_priming_amount='" . floatval($recipe->AMOUNT_PRIMING);
				$sql .= "', bottle_carbonation_temp='" . floatval($recipe->CARBONATION_TEMP);
			if ($recipe->AMOUNT_KEGGED && $recipe->AMOUNT_PRIMING_KEGS) {
				$sql .= "', keg_amount='" . floatval($recipe->AMOUNT_KEGGED);
				$sql .= "', keg_carbonation='" . floatval($recipe->CARBONATION); // Lijkt wel hetzelfde als bottles
				if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "Saccharose")
					$sql .= "', keg_priming_sugar='0";
				else if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "Glucose or dextrose")
					$sql .= "', keg_priming_sugar='1";
				else if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "Honey")
					$sql .= "', keg_priming_sugar='2";
				else if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "DME")
					$sql .= "', keg_priming_sugar='3";
				else if ($recipe->PRIMING_SUGAR_BOTTLES == "Molassis")
					$sql .= "', keg_priming_sugar='4";
				$sql .= "', keg_priming_amount='" . floatval($recipe->AMOUNT_PRIMING_KEGS);
				$sql .= "', keg_carbonation_temp='" . floatval($recipe->KEG_CARB_TEMP);
				($recipe->FORCED_CARB_KEGS == 'TRUE') ? $sql .= "', keg_forced_carb='1" : $sql .= "', keg_forced_carb='0";
				$sql .= "', keg_pressure='" . floatval($recipe->KEG_PRESSURE);

		if ($recipe->TASTE_NOTES && $recipe->TASTING_RATE && $recipe->TASTE_DATE && ($stage >= 9)) {
			$stage = 10;	// Ready
			$sql .= "', taste_notes='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->TASTE_NOTES);
			$sql .= "', taste_rate='" . floatval($recipe->TASTING_RATE);
			$tdate = substr($recipe->TASTE_DATE, 6, 4).substr($recipe->TASTE_DATE,2,4).substr($recipe->TASTE_DATE,0,2);
			$sql .= "', taste_date='" . $tdate;
			$sql .= "', taste_color='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->TASTE_COLOR);
			$sql .= "', taste_transparency='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->TASTE_TRANSPARENCY);
			$sql .= "', taste_head='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->TASTE_HEAD);
			$sql .= "', taste_aroma='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->TASTE_AROMA);
			$sql .= "', taste_taste='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->TASTE_TASTE);
			$sql .= "', taste_mouthfeel='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->TASTE_MOUTHFEEL);
			$sql .= "', taste_aftertaste='" . mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $recipe->TASTE_AFTERTASTE);

		($recipe->INVENTORY_REDUCED == 'TRUE') ? $sql .= "', inventory_reduced='1" : $sql .= "', inventory_reduced='0";
		if (($recipe->LOCKED == 'TRUE') && ($stage == 10)) {
			$sql .= "', locked='1";
			$stage = 11;
		} else {
			$sql .= "', locked='0";

		$sql .= "', stage='" . $stage;
//		echo ' '.$brewdate.' '.$recipe->NR_RECIPE.' '.$stage . PHP_EOL;

		$sql .= "';";
		if (! $rresult = mysqli_query($db, $sql)) {
			printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($db));



echo "Finished adding data\n";

