
Sat, 02 Feb 2019 14:57:41 +0100

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 02 Feb 2019 14:57:41 +0100
changeset 232
parent 0
child 679

When adding yeast the flocculation and cells fields were not added. Possible fix for double water agents in the miscs grid. Better efforts to set the initial water infuse amount. The new recipe wizzard now uses indexed fields. In recipe print fixed the yeast amount and cost.

 * @file fermenters.h


void fermenter_dump(sys_fermenter_list *fermenter);

 * @brief Birth of a fermenter or data update. Create it in the database if 
 *        never seen before, else just update the database entry.
 * @param topic The MQTT topic string, contains the fermenter type and name.
 * @param payload The JSON formatted payload with the fermenter details.
void fermenter_birth_data(char *topic, char *payload);

 * @brief Death of a fermenter. Mark it offline in the database.
 * @param topic The MQTT topic string, contains the fermenter type and name.
void fermenter_death(char *topic);

 * @brief Data logging from fermenters.
 * @param topic The MQTT topic string, contains the fermenter type and name.
 * @param payload The JSON formatted payload with the fermenter details.
void fermenter_log(char *topic, char *payload);

