
Sat, 19 Aug 2023 15:11:35 +0200

Michiel Broek <>
Sat, 19 Aug 2023 15:11:35 +0200
changeset 847
parent 680

De iSpindel plato berekening is in het webscript gezet omdat er dan met meer cijfers achter de komman gerekend wordt. De uitkomst verschilt 0.25 plato! De calibratie is nu dus extern.

 * @file ispindels.h

#ifndef _ISPINDEL_H
#define _ISPINDEL_H

void ispindel_dump(sys_ispindel_list *ispindel);

 * @brief Process received command from a websocket.
 * @param payload The received data in JSON format.
void ispindel_ws_receive(char *payload);

 * @brief Messages received from a iSpindel using the MQTT sender.
 *        A new node is created if this is the first message of the
 *        iSpindel, else the last seen time is updated. Then the last
 *        actual state is recorded. A log line is written when a beer
 *        is assigned.
 * @param topic The MQTT topic string, contains the ispindel type and name
 * @param payload The value for the selected keyword.
void ispindel_birth_data(char *topic, char *payload);

