
Sun, 05 Jan 2020 11:42:02 +0100

Michiel Broek <>
Sun, 05 Jan 2020 11:42:02 +0100
changeset 578
parent 567
child 579

Changed the interface from the iSpindels to be the same as other devices. A webpage converts each call to two standard MQTT messages. The nodes MQTT message extended with an interval parameter. iSpindels now have a generated uuid made up from the chipid.

 * @file mysql.h
#ifndef _MYSQL_H
#define _MYSQL_H

 * @brief Connect to the MySQL server and select the database. All parameters must be
 *        set in the $HOME/.bms/bms.conf file.
 * @return 0 if success, any other value if the connection failed.
int  bms_mysql_init(void);

 * @brief Close MySQL connection and free resources.
void bms_mysql_end(void);

 * @brief Send query to the MySQL server with one reconnect attempt.
 * @param query The SQL query to send.
 * @return Return 0 if no error, else the error code.
int bms_mysql_query(const char *query);

 * @brief Ping MySQL connection and try to reconnect if the connection is broken.
void bms_mysql_ping(void);

void node_mysql_insert(sys_node_list *node);
void node_mysql_update(sys_node_list *node);
void node_mysql_death(char *node);

void fermenter_mysql_insert(sys_fermenter_list *fermenter);
void fermenter_mysql_update(sys_fermenter_list *fermenter);
void fermenter_mysql_death(char *node, char *alias);

void co2meter_mysql_insert(sys_co2meter_list *co2meter);
void co2meter_mysql_update(sys_co2meter_list *co2meter);
void co2meter_mysql_death(char *node, char *alias);

void ispindel_mysql_insert(sys_ispindel_list *ispindel);
void ispindel_mysql_update(sys_ispindel_list *ispindel);
void ispindel_mysql_death(char *alias);

