code cleanup checked bu gjslint

Code check and cleanup using gjslint

gjslint fixes.

Code optimize and compress

Code optimize and compress.

Delayed databind

Code optimisation for compressed javascript in the product editor

Code optimisation for compressed javascript

Code optimisation for compressed javascript

Added make clean for compressed js and css files.

Global javascript code cleanup and optimisation

Fixed unused variables.

Switched to compressed javascript and css files using the yui-compressor

Code cleanup and compress.

Version 0.3.16

Implemented products.secondary_end_sg field. The missing values are updated by the crontask.

Stil more missing fields added...

Version 0.3.15. Implemented final pH during packaging. Updated prod_new, prod_duplicate, prod_edit, rec_toproduct for this new field and several other fields added in previous versions.

Version 0.3.14. Added yeast viability calculations for liquid yeast packs.

Added comments about pitchrate

Fixed mysterious disappeared function arguments. Or it was an old bug that is now detected by the upgraded jqwidgets.

Added yeast performance report.

Version 0.3.13 and updated Makefile.

Added total and efficiency reports

Upgraded jqwidgets from 7.2.0 to 8.1.4

Version 0.3.12

Added Cryo Hop support to the export scripts.


Moved Save button upwards

Added Cryo Hops type.

(0) -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 +300 tip
