Code cleanup

Code cleanup

Updated design document.

Allow the same hops and yeasts to be added multiple times.

Fix yeast cost during import.

Fixed yeast amount editing using spinbuttons.

Adjust water volumes if mash infusion amount is changed.

Adjust water, hops, yeasts and miscs when the batch size or equipment changes.

Swapped icons

Backport changes from prod_edit in rec_edit

Disable some debug console log messages.

Ignore mash steps above 75 degrees for estimate_fg calculation. If multiple yeasts for primary fermentation, ise the highest attenuation because that yeast usually wins.

Fixed estimate_fg formula. Estimate neede sparge water displayed on the brewday tab. Moved calcSVG, calcFG and calcABV functions into calcFermentables. Calc FG now uses mash data if available. Show estimated fg on the fermentation tab. Cosmetic changes on the brewday tab.

Version 0.0.6. Added a crontask that adjusts the stage of packaged beer depending on the days passed packaging

Progress bars have color ranges. More var definitions for input fields.

Added IBU calculation in the fermenter on the brewday tab. More auto IBU updates.

Rework the volume to the fermenter and things that depend on that. New layout on the brewday tab. The calculation model is simpler then the brouwhulp version.

Fix for import with CBC-1 yeast

Make sure all boolean values are saved correctly in the database.

Adjusted the monitor fermentation spinner behaviour.

Don't overwrite the inventories water, equipment and profiles water, styles and mash.

Fix permissions in the web directories.

Version 0.0.5. Updated design document. More or less in production.

The checklist now shows the pre-boil gravity.

Tab brouwdag automatische berekening rendement voor en na het koken. Bij import worden de kook volumes omgerekend naar 100 graden.

Fixed the mousewheel, spinner buttons to use the full min/max ranges. The 1.002 SG block to be precise.

Added brewday pre calculated boil values.

In stage Plan the brewdate data is saved, but not the brewdate itself. Added kettle_cm() function. Fixed serveral kettle heights when creating a new product. Print product prints a almost complete checklist in stages plan and brew.

Product export to beerxml produces a clean recipe. No brewing information added.

Added soe extra debug logging in db_product.php. Automatic stage increment in the product editor. On the brewday tab added tooltips.

(0) -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 +300 tip
