Updated README

Updated dependencies

Year adjust

Replace TRUE and FALSE for lowercase version.

Can start the daemon as root, and it will drop privileges.

More and better error loging during daemon startup

Added installation for Slackware and separated the systemd.

Switched OS to Slackware again

Prevent oversized log message when there is no error.

Screwed the script

Upgrade mash steps when loading a product. Mash steps Brix input doesn't need wort correction. Added measure data input on the checklist for the first mash step.

Added measurement input fields to the product checklist.

Added mash SG and pH fields. Fixed default Yeast update. Added mash step SG and pH input datafields. Added a Brix input too. The print report shows the mash measurements too. Other brewing results now show expected and measured values and the difference.

Fixed missing priming pressure

Use mariadb JSON support for mash and fermentation profiles.

Added new dry-yeast parameters to the recipe editor.

Fixed copy recipe to product fail.

Upgraded jqwidgets from 9.0.0 to 12.0.1

Bump to version 0.3.37

Removed dry yeast hydratation procedure from the checklist.

Larger range allowed in gr/hl fields in the yeast inventory (again)

Larger range allowed in gr/hl fields in the yeast inventory

Removed websocket debug info from the mainmenu

Show or suppress the dry yeast specific data in the inventory editor.

Changed dry-yeast calculation.

Added pitch rate fields for gram/hl for dry yeast.

Lintner to Kolbach gives only positive results. Round Kolbach to Lintner to 3 decimals.

Prepared the edit fields for dynamic enable/disable during split batches.

Fix db error when splitting a batch. Removed the minimum 10% divide volume in the room calculation.

Better FG calculation from the refractometer reading. Now using the Petr Novotny formula.

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