Added stage changing from tertiary fermentation upto carbonation. Show, hide, readonly etc for the package tab. Make sure current sugar amounts are displayed. Added package date and buttons.

Added keg priming and forced carbonation.

Replace priming sugar implemented.

Added bottles priming calculations.

Added first part of the package tab.

Added fermentation stages data. The two graphs are for later.

Fixed wrong colors of the bars on the fermentation tab. Don't show 100% SVG if OG or FG data is missing. Changed prompts om the fermentation tab.

Vertalingen bijgewerkt.

Fixed set changed if brewdate is confirmed.

Fixed whirlpool and flameout hops bitterness calculations. Fixed toIBU parameters in the recipe part, missing whirlpool times.

(0) -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 tip
