PID old error was not set to the previous value but was always zero.

Updated to add support for lights in a fermenter unit and a Power Supply status.

Better tab switching with a cookie

Added cookies to remember tabs

Added PING/PONG command to the server. Bumped to version 0.2.7

Use confirm instead of enter key when stepping to a new beer or fridge temperature

Upgraded jqwidgets to version 3.6.0

The LIST LOG command now automatic adjusts the number of output lines and resolution by calculating a reasonable interval between 1 and 60 minutes. Bumped to version 0.2.6

Show heater/cooler usgae in percent on the web page. Bunped to version 0.2.5

Fixed logfile header

(0) -300 -100 -10 +10 +100 +300 tip
